Naming Conventions of External RAID Groups

The following naming conventions apply when creating External RAID Groups:

  • When creating multiple External RAID Groups at a time, a name is automatically added to an External RAID Group with the specified "Name" and a suffix number "x" (serial numbers starting with "0").

    [Example] When specifying "ExRAIDGroup_aa" (14 characters) as the External RIAD Group name

    Names such as "ExRAIDGroup_aa0" and "ExRAIDGroup_aa1" are applied to the External RAID Groups.

  • When an External RAID Group name including the suffix number "x" has more than 16 characters, the excess number of characters is deleted from the "Name", starting with the last character and a suffix number "~x" will be added.

    [Example] When specifying "ExRAIDGroup_abab" (16 characters) as the External RIAD Group name

    Names such as "ExRAIDGroup_ab~0" and "ExRAIDGroup_ab~1" are applied to the External RAID Groups.

  • When an External RAID Group name including the suffix number already exists, the suffix number is increased by one (+1). The suffix number is increased by one (+1) until no External RAID Group names overlap.