Required Storage System Settings After HBA Replacement (When Host Affinity Settings are Used)

In this section, the setting procedure for a storage system that uses host affinity settings is provided.

  • When management software such as ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser is used, use the management software for migrating the current access path settings instead of the procedure that is provided in this chapter (manual setting).

  • To set WWN zoning by using the switch, make sure to change the zoning settings in advance.

The procedure for storage system settings when the host affinity is used is as follows.

Change the WWN of the HBA that is to be replaced to the WWN of the new HBA.

  1. Input "User ID" and "Password" in the browser and log in to ETERNUS Web GUI.

  2. Change the WWN of the HBA that is to be replaced to the WWN of the new HBA.

    1. Click [Connectivity] in the navigation.

      → The [Connectivity] screen appears.

    2. Click [FC] in the category.

      → The [FC Host] screen appears in the main screen.

    3. Select the checkbox of the WWN for the HBA that is to be replaced (in this example, "1000000B5D6513FC" is selected).

    4. Click [Modify FC Host] in [Action].

      → The [Modify FC Host] screen appears.

    5. Change the WWN of the HBA that is to be replaced to the WWN of the new HBA, and click the [Modify] button.

      • Do not change the "Name".

    6. A confirmation screen appears. Click the [OK] button.

      → Changing of the FC host information starts.

    7. Click the [Done] button to return to the [FC Host] screen.

    8. Confirm that the WWN is successfully changed.

This ends the host affinity setting for replacing an HBA.

Recover the multipath configuration from the host.

After recovering the multipath configuration, confirm that the storage system can be accessed from the host.

  • If the WWN is changed by the [Modify FC Host] function, changing the host affinity setting is not required.