Thin Provisioning Management

This section describes the default parameters for the Thin Provisioning management functions.

Set Thin Provisioning

Screen Item Default
Thin Provisioning Settings Thin Provisioning
  • When the Unified Storage License is installed at the factory


  • When the Unified Storage License is not installed at the factory


Maximum Pool Capacity
  • For the ETERNUS DX60 S5

    64 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX100 S5

    128 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX200 S5

    256 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX500 S5

    384 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX600 S5

    512 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX900 S5

    512 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

    512 TB

  • For the ETERNUS AF150 S3

    128 TB

  • For the ETERNUS AF250 S3

    256 TB

  • For the ETERNUS AF650 S3

    512 TB

Create Thin Provisioning Pool

Screen Item Default
New Thin Provisioning Pool Create Mode Automatic
Automatic Setting Drive Type Online (*1)
RAID Level High Performance (RAID1+0)
Select Drives Minimize number of using drives
Encryption by CM Disable
  • Warning

    90 (%)

  • Attention

    75 (%)

Deduplication Disable
Compression Disable
Manual Setting Drive Type Online (*1)
RAID Level

The current RAID level (*2)

Fast Recovery Configuration
  • When the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)"


  • When the RAID level is not "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)"


Encryption by CM Disable
  • Warning

    90 (%)

  • Attention

    75 (%)

Deduplication Disable
Compression Disable
Add RAID Group Controlling CM Automatic
Checkbox to select a drive All cleared
Advanced Settings Stripe Depth 64 KB
Chunk Size
  • When Deduplication or Compression of the TPP is enabled

    21 MB

  • When Deduplication and Compression are disabled for the storage system or TPP

    336 MB

*1  :  The default value varies depending on the type of drives that are installed in the storage system and that can be used to create new TPPs.
*2  :  However, "High Performance (RAID1+0)" is displayed if the current RAID level is RAID1.

Rename Thin Provisioning Pool

Screen Item Default
Rename Setting Start of Suffix 0

Expand Thin Provisioning Pool

Screen Item Default
Setting Thin Provisioning Pool Expand Mode Automatic
Manual Setting (Add RAID Group) Controlling CM Automatic

Set Deduplication/Compression

Screen Item Default
Deduplication/Compression Settings Deduplication
  • If "Current Deduplication" is "Enable", "Error", or "-" (hyphen)


  • If "Current Deduplication" is all "Disable"


  • If "Current Compression" is "Enable", "Error", or "-" (hyphen)


  • If "Current Compression" is all "Disable"


Modify Threshold Thin Provisioning Pool

Screen Item Default
Threshold Setting Warning 90 (%)
Attention 75 (%)

Assign Eco-mode Schedule (Thin Provisioning Pool)

Screen Item Default
Eco-mode Schedule Settings Eco-mode Action
  • When no Eco-mode schedules are registered

    Drive always on

  • When Eco-mode schedules are registered

    Do not change