Status List


The status of the storage system, volumes, RAID groups, External RAID Groups, Thin Provisioning Pools, components, an SED authentication key (hereinafter, referred to as "key"), and key servers that are displayed in the operation screens is described below.

Storage System General Status

The general status of the storage system is displayed as an icon with character strings.

A "Normal (green)" general status icon indicates normal status, while other color images indicate a failure.

The meaning of each general status icon is described below.

Status Description

The storage system is in the normal state.


The storage system is under maintenance.


The storage system is in the warning state.


The storage system is in the failed state.


"Not Ready" is a status where an abnormality is detected at a power-off, and I/O access from the host cannot be received.

Storage System General Status (Detail)

The general status of the storage system (detail) is displayed with an icon and character string, or only character string.

The meaning of each general status (detail) is described below.

Storage System General Status (Detail) Storage system general status Description
Normal (Green)

The storage system is in the normal state.

Maintenance (Orange)

Components that are undergoing maintenance exist in the storage system.

Rebuild or copyback is being performed.

Change Controlling CM (Orange)

Changing of the Controlling CM is required.

Pinned Data (Yellow)

Pinned data is detected.

Warning (Yellow)

A component requires preventive maintenance.

A bad sector is detected.

Error (Red)

A component has an error.

Not Ready (*1) (Red)

A failure is detected when starting or turning off the storage system. I/O from the host cannot be received normally.

*1  :  The number, which indicates the factor of being "Not Ready", is displayed.
Subsystem Down (Red)

The storage system is in the failed state. I/O from the host cannot be received normally.

Unknown (Red)

A status other than the ones listed above.

Volume Status

Volume status is displayed with an icon and the status name. The volume status is described below.

Status Description

The volume is operating normally.

Spare in Use

The RAID group to which the volume belongs maintains redundancy by using the hot spare.


The volume is not formatted.


Rebuilding from a failed data drive to the hot spare or to the replaced drive is being performed for the RAID group to which the volume belongs.


Copyback for the RAID group to which the volume belongs is being performed from the hot spare to the new data drive.

Redundant Copy

Redundant copy to the hot spare for the RAID group to which the volume belongs is being performed.

Partially Exposed Rebuild

Rebuilding from the first failed data drive to the hot spare or to the replaced drive is being performed for the RAID group to which the volume belongs.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level of the RAID group to which the volume belongs is "High Reliability (RAID6)" or "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".

Exposed Rebuild

Two of the data drives for the RAID group to which the volume belongs have failed. Rebuilding from the first failed data drive to the hot spare or to the replaced drive is being performed. In addition, all the hot spares have already been used. As a result, the second failed data drive is waiting for the hot spare to become available.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level of the RAID group to which the volume belongs is "High Reliability (RAID6)" or "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".


The RAID group to which the volume belongs has lost redundancy due to drive failure.

Partially Exposed

One of the drives that configures the RAID group to which the volume belongs has failed.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level of the RAID group to which the volume belongs is "High Reliability (RAID6)" or "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".

Not Available

The volume cannot be used.

Not Ready

The RAID group to which the volume belongs is blocked.


The volume is broken.

Data Lost

Data in the volume is lost. Reading or writing of data cannot be performed.


A status other than the ones listed above.

RAID Group Status

RAID group status is displayed with an icon and the status name. The RAID group status is described below.

Status Description

The RAID group is operating normally.

Spare in Use

Rebuilding to the hot spare is complete. The RAID group maintains redundancy by using the hot spare.

Spare in Use (Fast)

Rebuilding to the Fast Recovery hot spare is complete. The RAID group maintains redundancy by using the Fast Recovery hot spare.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".


The RAID group that is registered as an REC Disk Buffer is not formatted.

This status is displayed only for a RAID group that is registered as an REC Disk Buffer.


Rebuilding from a failed data drive to the hot spare or to the replaced drive is being performed for the RAID group.


Copyback from the hot spare to the new data drive for the RAID group is being performed.

Copyback (Fast)

Copyback from the Fast Recovery hot spare (*1) to the new data drive for the RAID group is being performed.

*1  :  "Fast Recovery hot spare" indicates hot spare areas that are distributed within the Fast Recovery RAID group.
Redundant Copy

Redundant copy to the hot spare is being performed in the RAID group.

Partially Exposed Rebuild

Rebuilding from the first failed data drive to the hot spare or to the replaced drive is being performed in the RAID group.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6)".

Partially Exposed Rebuild (Fast)

Rebuilding from the first failed data drive to the Fast Recovery hot spare is being performed in the RAID group.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".

Exposed Rebuild

Two of the data drives for the RAID group have failed. Rebuilding from the first failed data drive to the hot spare or to the replaced drive is being performed. In addition, all the hot spares have already been used. As a result, the second failed data drive is waiting for the hot spare to become available.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6)".

Exposed Rebuild (Fast)

Two of the data drives for the RAID group have failed. Rebuilding from the first failed data drive to the Fast Recovery hot spare is being performed. In addition, all the hot spares have already been used. As a result, the second failed data drive is waiting for the hot spare to become available.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".


The RAID group has lost redundancy due to drive failure.

Exposed (Fast)

The RAID group has lost redundancy due to drive failure. The RAID group uses the Fast Recovery hot spare.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".

Partially Exposed

One of the drives that configures the RAID group has failed.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6)".

Partially Exposed (Fast)

One of the drives that configures the RAID group has failed. The RAID group uses the Fast Recovery hot spare.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".

No Drive Path

The RAID group is blocked.

SED Locked

The RAID group is blocked.

If an SED authentication key cannot be obtained from the key server, "SED Locked" is displayed.


The RAID group is broken.

Broken (Fast)

The RAID group is broken. The RAID group uses the Fast Recovery hot spare.

This status is displayed only when the RAID level is "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)".


A status other than the ones listed above.

External RAID Group Status

External RAID Group status is displayed with an icon and the status name. The External RAID Group status is described below.

Status Description

The External RAID Group is operating normally.


The External RAID Group is broken.

Not Accessible

The External RAID Group cannot be accessed.


A status other than the ones listed above.

Thin Provisioning Pool Status

Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) status is displayed with an icon and the status name. The TPP status is described below.

Status Description

The TPP is operating normally.


Forcible recovery of the TPP is being performed.


All the physical allocation area in the TPP is not formatted.

Partially Readying

Some parts of the physical allocation area in the TPP is not formatted.


The TPP is available.

The "Exposed" state of the TPP is displayed not only when the RAID group that configures the TPP has lost redundancy and is in the "Exposed" state, but also when the RAID group maintains redundancy in the "Spare in Use" state. The "Exposed" state of the TPP indicates that the RAID group in the TPP is not in the normal state because of any causes such as the drive failure.


The TPP is blocked.


The TPP is broken.

Data Lost

Data in the TPP is lost. Reading or writing of data cannot be performed.


A status other than the ones listed above.

Component Status

This section explains the component status. The component status is described below.

Status Description

The component is operating normally.

The component is installed, but not used.

The component is under maintenance.

The component requires preventive maintenance.

An error has occurred in the component.

A status other than the ones listed above.

The status of the components is displayed with an icon for each storage system image in the view screen. The component status is described below.

Status Description

The component is operating normally.


A faulty component exists in the storage system.


The component is installed, but not used.

Undefined (Error)

The component, which is not being used, is in the error state.

Normal (Unused parts inside)

There is an unused component that is installed in the storage system.


The component is being rebooted.


The component is under maintenance.


The component requires preventive maintenance.


An error has occurred in the component.


A status other than the ones listed above.

Drive Status

Drive status is displayed with an icon and the status name. The drive status is described below.

Status Description

The drive is in the normal state.

The drive is used in the RAID group. Volumes are created in the RAID group.


The drive is an unused hot spare.


The drive is in the normal state.

The drive is used in the RAID group. No volumes are created in the RAID group.


The drive is not used (not registered as a RAID group or hot spare), or is waiting for rebuild/copyback.


The drive is starting up.


A rebuild or copyback is being performed in the drive.

Redundant Copy

A redundant copy is being performed in the drive.

Not Supported

The drive is not supported. [Example] Drive capacity is insufficient.

Not Exist

The drive cannot be recognized.

Failed Usable

An error involving RAID group failure has occurred in the drive.


An error has occurred in the drive.


A status other than the ones listed above.

External Drive Status

External Drive status is displayed with an icon and the status name. The External Drive status is described below.

Status Description

The External Drive is in the normal state.

The External Drive is used in the External RAID Group. External Volumes are created in the External RAID Group.


The External Drive is in the normal state.

The External Drive is used in the External RAID Group. No External Volumes are created in the External RAID Group.


The External Drive is unused (or not registered in the External RAID Group).


A mirror configuration is being established in the External Drive.

Not Exist

The External Drive cannot be recognized.

Failed Usable

An error involving External RAID Group failure has occurred in the External Drive.


A status other than the ones listed above.

Key Status

Key status is displayed with the status name. The key status is described below.

Status Description

A valid key is registered for the SEDs. The key is in the normal state.

Unregistered Server Certificate

The "SSL / KMIP Certificate" (key server certification) is not registered in the storage system. Communication between the storage system and the key server cannot be performed.

Expired Server Certificate

The "SSL / KMIP Certificate" (key server certification) has expired. Communication between the storage system and the key server cannot be performed.

No SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate (*1) for the storage system has not been created. Communication between the storage system and the key server cannot be performed.

*1  :  "Self-signed SSL certificate" or "SSL server certificate"
Network Error

The key cannot be obtained due to a network error between the storage system and the key server.

Not Acquired

The key is not obtained or in one of the following states.

  • The required key for starting key server management is not obtained

  • The allocations of the Master server and the Slave server to the key group have all been deleted


An expired key is registered in the SED.

The key has expired, but a new key can be obtained from the server.

Key Server Error

The network between the storage system and the key server is in the normal state, but no SED key is stored in the key server.


A RAID group in which the key is being modified exists in the key group.

"RAID group of which key is modifying" indicates the following conditions:

  • The key is being updated manually from Web GUI or CLI

  • The key is automatically being updated because it expired

  • Updating of the key stopped due to an error

  • SEDs are maintained while a network error occurs when the security level is "Low"

Key Server Status

Key server status is displayed with the status name. The key server status is described below.

Status Description

The communication between the storage system and the key server is normal. The key can be obtained successfully. The key server is in the normal state.


"Setting" indicates the following conditions:

  • The "SSL / KMIP Certificate" (key server certification) or SSL certificate (*1) is not registered.

    *1  :  "Self-signed SSL certificate" or "SSL server certificate"
  • The network between the storage system and the key server is normal, but connection to the key server is forbidden.

Network Error

The network between the storage system and the key server is not connected normally.

Key Acquisition Failure

The key that is requested from the storage system does not exist in the key server.

Key Server Error

An error due to a failure other than key acquisition failure is detected.

Internal Error

Communication to the key server could not be performed due to an internal failure of the storage system.