Add FC Host Group


This function creates a new FC host group and registers which hosts are members of this group.

A host group is a group of hosts (HBAs) that are allowed to access the volume (LUN group). The Host Affinity is specified for each host group.

The Number of Host Groups and Hosts That Can Be Registered


Number of host groups (*1)

(per storage system)

Number of hosts (HBAs) (*2)

(per storage system)

Number of hosts (HBAs)

(per CA port)

Number of hosts (HBAs)

(per host group)


512 4096 256 8





1536 8192 64
*1  :  Total of all host groups, regardless of the interface type.
*2  :  Total of all hosts, regardless of the interface type.
  • Registration of the host is necessary to create a host group. If this function is used to register a host to the storage system from Web GUI, a new host group is also created.

  • A host can be a member of multiple host groups. However, only one LUN group can be allocated to a combination of host and port when configuring host affinity.

  • Refer to "Configuration Guide -Server Connection-" for each OS type to assign an appropriate host response to the created host group. A host response has a recommended pattern which has been prepared for each OS type. Refer to Recommended Patterns of Host Responses for details. If an appropriate host response is not configured to the host group, the path may not be switched correctly or the volume may not be recognized correctly.

  • The host response that is specified for a host group is applied to all the member hosts in the target group. When a host belongs to multiple host groups, the same host response must be applied for all the groups to which the target host belongs. When a host that already belongs to an existing host group is added to a newly created host group, the host response of the new host group is applied to the host. The host response of the existing host group to which the target host belongs is also changed. Refer to Example of Changing the Host Response When Adding a Host for details.

  • When creating the host group that is used for the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function, allocate the same host response as the host group that accesses the migration source volume in the external storage system.

  • To perform the following operations, use the [Modify Host Group (FC)] function.

    • Changing the host group settings

    • Adding a host to an existing host group

  • To change the host name or WWN, use the [Modify FC Host] function.


Host Group Setting

Item Description Setting values

Host Group Name

Specify the host group name.

An existing host group name cannot be used. (Host group names cannot overlap with any other host group names, irrespective of the interface types.)

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters,

symbols (except "," (comma) and "?"),

and spaces

Host Response

Select a host response that is to be assigned to a host group.

A list of host responses that are created in the storage system is displayed.

  • The LUNs that can be referenced from the host are determined by the "LUN Addressing" settings and the "LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing)" settings for the host response. When a host that has the host affinity setting is added to a new host group, check the LUN set state. If a LUN that is LUN#256 onward is used for the host, the relevant host cannot be added to a host group with "256 LUN" for the host response. Refer to "Host Response and Referable Number of LUNs" for details.


Solaris MPxIO






Host responses registered in the storage system

Number of Hosts

The number of member hosts in the host group is displayed.

The number of member hosts is determined by the total number of hosts selected from the host list and the manually specified hosts.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S6

0 - 64

For the ETERNUS DX600 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8100 S6

0 - 8


Host Response and Referable Number of LUNs (Available: )

Item Recommended Patterns of Host Responses Example of host responses in the storage system
Default Solaris MPxIO HP-UX AIX AIX VxVM VS850/SVC BS2000 HR1 HR2 HR3

LUN Expand Mode

(Peripheral Device Addressing) (*2)



















Referable number of LUNs 256 LUNs 256 LUNs 4096 LUNs 4096 LUNs 4096 LUNs 256 LUNs 4096 LUNs 256 LUNs 4096 LUNs 4096 LUNs

LUN settings for LUN groups with host affinity settings

LUN#0 - LUN#255
LUN#0 - LUN#4095

*1  :  "PRHL" indicates "Peripheral device addressing (Default)" and "FLAT" indicates "Flat space addressing".
*2  :  Some restrictions are applied for environments to use "LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing)". Refer to "Setting the Host Responses" in "Configuration Guide -Server Connection-" (*3) for details.
*3  :  Configuration Guide -Server Connection- Fibre Channel/ ETERNUS AF series, ETERNUS DX200F All-Flash Arrays, ETERNUS DX S6/S5/S4/S3 series Hybrid Storage Systems Settings
  • If the referable number of LUN is "256 LUN", 256 LUNs (LUN#0 - LUN#255) can be referenced (LUN#256 - LUN#4095 cannot be referenced).

  • If the referable number of LUN is "4096 LUN", 4096 LUNs (LUN#0 - LUN#4095) can be referenced.

The following two methods are available to register a host.

Selecting the Registration Target Host from the List

This screen is displayed when the [Now Connected] tab is clicked.

Select an FC host to be registered in a host group from the host list. After registration, the FC host is named automatically. Refer to Naming Conventions for Adding Hosts for details.

Item Description

Checkbox to select a host

Select the FC host checkbox to be registered in a host group.

  • If the total for the number of hosts selected from the host list and the manually specified hosts exceeds the maximum number of hosts, FC hosts cannot be registered.

  • FC hosts whose port mode is "CA" or "CA/RA", and satisfy any of the following conditions are displayed in the host list.
    • FC hosts that are connected to the FC port, but not registered in any host group

    • FC hosts that are connected to the FC port and already registered in other host groups

    • FC hosts that are not connected to the FC port, but already registered in other host groups

  • FC hosts that are set for the host affinity of which the Virtual Volume function is enabled are not displayed.


The FC host WWN is displayed.


The CA port, which is connected to the FC host, is displayed.

CE#n CM#n CA#n Port#n or CM#n CA#n Port#n


If the FC host has already been registered in the storage system, the FC host name is displayed.

If a connected FC host is not registered in the storage system, the field is blank.

Host Group

The name of the host group to which the FC host belongs is displayed.

When an FC host is registered by a method other than Web GUI (e.g. CLI), a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

If a connected FC host is not registered in the storage system, the field is blank.

Host Response

For the FC host that has already been registered in the storage system, the currently assigned host response is displayed.

If a connected FC host is not registered in the storage system, the field is blank.


Solaris MPxIO






Host responses registered in the storage system

Manually Specifying the Registration Target Host

This screen is displayed when the [Manual Input] tab is clicked.

To register a new host that is not connected to the FC port, directly enter the WWN of the FC host. After registration, the host is named automatically. Refer to Naming Conventions for Adding Hosts for details.

Item Description Setting values


Input the WWN for the FC host.

Hexadecimal numbers (0 - 9, A - F, a - f)

16 digits (using "F (f)" or "0" in entire 16 digits is not allowed)

Function Button

Button Description


Reacquire the FC hosts that are connected to the FC port or the ones already registered in the storage system.

The [Rediscover] button is displayed in the [Now Connected] screen. Clicking the [Rediscover] button updates the FC host list.


Adds a FC host to a host group by manual entry.

The [Add] button is displayed in the [Manual Input] screen. If the maximum number of hosts has already been registered, the [Add] button cannot be clicked.


Deletes a FC host from the target host group.

The [Delete] button is displayed in the [Manual Input] screen. If no FC host has been added, the [Delete] button is not displayed.

Naming Conventions for Adding Hosts

  • A name is automatically added to a host with the "host group name" and a suffix number "_x" (serial numbers starting with "0").

    (Example) Host group: HOST_Group_001 (14 characters)→ Host name: HOST_Group_001_0, HOST_Group_001_1, etc.

  • When the host name including the suffix number "_x" has more than 16 characters, the excess number of characters is deleted from the "host group name", starting with the last character and a suffix number "~x" will be added. Then, the name will contain only 16 characters.

    (Example) Host group: HOST_Group_ABCDE (16 characters)→ Host name: HOST_Group_ABC~0, HOST_Group_ABC~1, etc.

  • When a host name including the suffix number already exists, the suffix number is increased by one (+1). The suffix number is increased by one (+1) until no host names overlap.

  • The hosts, which were selected on the [Now Connected] screen, are named, and then the hosts, which were specified on the [Manual Input] screen, are named next.

  • The name of the existing member host will not be changed.

Example of Changing the Host Response When Adding a Host

When a new host group "Host_G3" (host response: HR_1) is created and "Host-3" and "Host-4" are added

  • Configuration before the host is added

    Host group

    (Host response)

    Member host Host response that is allocated to the host



    Host-1 Default
    Host-2 Default



    Host-2 Default
    Host-3 Default
  • Configuration after the host is added

    The same host response is applied to Host_G1, Host_G2, and Host_G3.

    Host group

    (Host response)

    Member host Host response that is allocated to the host



    Host-1 HR_1
    Host-2 HR_1



    Host-2 HR_1
    Host-3 HR_1



    Host-3 HR_1
    Host-4 HR_1
  • Details

    The details on how the host response that is applied to the host is changed are as follows.

    1. The host response for Host-3 is changed from "Default" to "HR_1" (the host response for Host_G3).

    2. Since the host response for Host-3 is changed, the host response for Host_G2 to which Host-3 belongs is also changed from "Default" to "HR_1".

      (The host response for Host_2, which is the member host of Host_G2, is changed from "Default" to "HR_1".)

    3. Since the host response for Host-2 is changed, the host response for Host_G1 to which Host-2 belongs is also changed from "Default" to "HR_1".

      (The host response for Host_1, which is the member host of Host_G1, is changed from "Default" to "HR_1".)

Operating Procedures

In this screen, create a FC host group and registers the host to be a member.

  1. Click [Add FC Host Group] in [Action].

  2. Enter a host group name to be created, and select a host response to be assigned to the host group.

  3. Add a host in the host group in the following procedures.

    • Selecting the registration target host from the list
      1. Click the [Now Connected] tab.

      2. Select a host that is to be registered from the FC host list, and click the [Add] button.

        → A confirmation screen appears.

        • If the WWN is not displayed when clicking the [Rediscover] button, make sure that there is no error in the connection environment, such as the connection between the host and the switch, and the CA port settings of the storage system. If there is no error in the connection environment, contact the Support Department, or specify the WWN manually.

        • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
          • The "Host Group Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

          • The "Host Group Name" overlaps with an existing host group name

            (Host group names cannot overlap with any other host group names, irrespective of the interface types.)

          • No hosts are registered in the host group

          • The total number of host groups has exceeded the maximum number for the storage system

          • The total number of hosts has exceeded the maximum number for the storage system

          • A host that has a LUN that cannot be referenced is added

    • Manually specifying the registration target host
      1. Click the [Manual Input] tab.

      2. Click the [Add] button.

        → The [Add FC Host] screen appears.

      3. Manually specify the WWN of the host to be registered, and click the [OK] button.

        → Returns to the [Manual Input] screen.

        • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
          • The "WWN" does not satisfy the input conditions

      4. Repeat Step b and c when registering multiple WWNs.

      5. After registering the host is complete, click the [Add] button.

        → A confirmation screen appears.

        • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
          • The "Host Group Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

          • The "Host Group Name" overlaps with an existing host group name

            (Host group names cannot overlap with any other host group names, irrespective of the interface types.)

          • The multiple FC hosts with the same WWNs have been registered

          • No hosts are registered in the host group

          • The total number of host groups has exceeded the maximum number for the storage system

          • The total number of hosts has exceeded the maximum number for the storage system

          • A host that has a LUN that cannot be referenced is added

  4. Click the [OK] button.

    → Registration of the FC host group starts.

  5. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Host Group] screen.

    • Click the [Continue] button to continue registering FC host groups.