Eco-mode Schedule (RAID Group)


This function displays the set state of the Eco-mode that is applied for the RAID group.

  • To use the Eco-mode, it is required to create the common Eco-mode setup and Eco-mode schedule. Refer to the [Modify Eco-mode General Setting] function and the [Create Eco-mode Schedule] function for details.

  • To assign the Eco-mode schedule to RAID groups, use the [Assign Eco-mode Schedule (RAID Group)] function.

Display Contents

In this screen, the set state of the Eco-mode that is assigned to the RAID group is displayed.

RAID Group List

Item Description


The RAID group number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The RAID group name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The RAID group status is displayed.

Refer to RAID Group Status for details.


The usage of the RAID group is displayed.

Refer to Usage of RAID Group for details.

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

Refer to RAID Level for details.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

Eco-mode Schedule

The Eco-mode schedule name that is assigned to the RAID group is displayed.

If the Eco-mode is controlled with Fujitsu ETERNUS SF Storage Management Software, "External" is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, the field is blank.

Eco-mode Action

The Eco-mode schedule action status is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Drive power off

    The power for the drive is turned off during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive motor off

    The drive motor is stopped during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive always on

    The Eco-mode is disabled and the drive is always on.

Motor Status

The drive motor status is displayed.

  • Active

    The drive motors are activated.

  • In the Boot Process

    The drive motors are starting up.

  • Idle

    The drive motors are stopped.

  • In the Stop Process

    The drive motors are being stopped.

  • Power Off

    The drive power is being turned off.