Backup Configuration


This function backs up the configuration definition data to the Bootup and Utility Device (BUD) in the CM. Up to four generations of configuration definition data can be stored.

  • This function cannot be used in the following conditions;
    • When no configuration file is selected

    • When no data exists in the configuration file

    • When an error exists with the configuration file size

    • When an error exists in the configuration file


This function specifies the configuration definition data to be backed up, and its backup destination.

Select Configuration Definition

Item Description Setting values

Configuration Definition Data

Select configuration definition data to be backed up from "Configuration (Latest)", "Configuration (1 time before)", or "Configuration (2 times before)".

If "Configuration (1 time before)", or "Configuration (2 times before)" do not exist, the radio button for the corresponding configuration definition data cannot be specified.

If "Configuration (Latest)" is specified, the information when a backup of the configuration definition data is requested in this screen is displayed.

Configuration (Latest) (Default)

Configuration (1 time before)

Configuration (2 times before)


The date and time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), on which the configuration definition data has been applied to the device, are displayed.

If the relevant configuration definition data does not exist, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The remarks which have been added to the selected configuration definition data are displayed. If no remarks exist, this field is blank.


(text box)

In the "Note" field, remarks which have been added to the selected configuration definition data to be backed up are displayed. If no remarks exist, this field is blank. The "Note" field can be edited (input).

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters

and symbols (except "," (comma) and "?")

Select Backup Slot

Item Description Setting values

Configuration Definition Data

Select backup destination of the configuration definition data from "Backup #1", "Backup #2", "Backup #3", or "Backup #4".

If a backup destination, on which configuration definition data has already been stored, is selected, the old configuration definition data will be overwritten.

Backup #1 (Default)

Backup #2

Backup #3

Backup #4


Date and time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), when the configuration definition data was stored on the backup destination, are displayed.


Remarks about the configuration definition data, which has been stored on the backup destination, are displayed. If no remarks exist, this field is blank.

Operating Procedures

  1. Click [Backup Configuration] in [Action].

  2. Specify the parameters, and click the [Backup] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The configuration definition data is backed up.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Utility] screen.