Flexible Tier Pool (Basic Information)


This function displays the Flexible Tier Pool (FTRP) list.

  • To use the Flexible Tier function (Automated Storage Tiering), the following operations are required:

    • Select "Enable" for the Thin Provisioning function. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

    • To use Automated Storage Tiering with multiple layers, register the Optimization option license for ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.

    • Use ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser to perform the following procedure.
      • Enable the Automated Storage Tiering feature.

      • Create FTRPs, FTSPs, and FTVs.

  • When "Attention" or "Warning" is displayed in the "Used Status" field for the FTRP list, the used capacity of the relevant FTRP has exceeded the threshold. Immediately add drives and use ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser to expand the capacity of the appropriate FTSP (for which expansion is determined to be necessary based upon the performance and used capacity).

  • If the target FTRP does not exist when displaying the details screen, a message, " Target is Not Found." is displayed.

  • To format a Flexible Tier Pool, use ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser. The "Maintenance Operation" policy is required to execute the process from Web GUI.

  • This function displays the basic FTRP information, the list of FTSPs which belong to the FTRP, the list of RAID groups which configure the FTSP, and the list of FTVs which have been registered to the FTRP.

  • To check whether the Thin Provisioning function is enabled or disabled, use the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function.

Display Contents


The list of FTRPs created in the storage system is displayed.

Item Description


The FTRP number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The FTRP name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The FTRP status is displayed.

Refer to Thin Provisioning Pool Status for details.

Used Status

The used status of the FTRP is displayed.

  • Normal

    FTRP usage does not exceed the "Attention" threshold.

  • Attention

    FTRP usage exceeds the "Attention" threshold but does not exceed the "Warning" threshold.

  • Warning

    FTRP usage exceeds the "Warning" threshold.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the FTRP is displayed.

Used Capacity

The used capacity of the FTRP is displayed.

"Used Capacity" indicates the total for the physically allocated capacities of the FTVs in the FTRP.

Provisioned Capacity

The total logical capacity of FTVs in the FTRP is displayed.

Provisioned Rate

The ratio of the total logical capacity (*1) of FTVs in the FTRP to the total capacity of the FTRP is displayed.

*1  :  The provisioned rate is calculated with the total logical capacity where the chunk size is taken into consideration.


The "Warning" threshold (5 to 99 %) of the FTRP is displayed.


The "Attention" threshold (5 to 80 %) of the FTRP is displayed.

When the attention threshold is omitted, "0 %" is displayed.


The FTRP encryption status is displayed.

  • CM

    The FTRP that is encrypted by CM

  • "-" (hyphen)

    The FTRP that is not encrypted

Chunk Size

The chunk size of the FTRP is displayed.

If the chunk size information cannot be obtained, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

21 MB

42 MB

84 MB

168 MB

336 MB

672 MB

1344 MB


The shrinking status is displayed.

Shrinking is a function that deletes specific RAID groups in the FTRP to reduce the physical capacity of the FTRP.

If the shrinking is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Executing

    The FTRP capacity is being reduced.

  • Error

    Reducing the FTRP capacity failed.

Balancing Level

The balancing level of the FTRP is displayed.

If multiple FTSPs exist in the FTRP, the lowest balancing level among the FTSPs is displayed. A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the balancing level cannot be obtained due to the FTRP status (*1) or when the physically allocated capacity cannot be checked due to the storage system status.

*1  :  The status of the FTRP is not "Available", "Partially Readying", or "Exposed"
  • High

    The physically allocated capacity among the RAID groups in the FTSP is equalized

  • Middle

    The physically allocated capacity among the RAID groups in the FTSP is slightly unequal

  • Low

    The physically allocated capacity among the RAID groups in the FTSP is significantly unequal

Balancing Process


The status of the FTRP balancing is displayed.

  • Active

    All of the FTVs in the FTRP are either reserved or operating normally

  • Error

    An FTV in error status exists in the FTRP

When FTRP balancing is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Error Code

The error code (hexadecimal) of FTRP balancing is displayed when an error occurs.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • When FTRP balancing is not being performed on the volumes

  • When no errors are occurring

[Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab)

Click the [No.] or [Name] link in the FTRP list to display the corresponding FTRP information. Click each tab to check the basic information, the list of FTSPs which configure the corresponding FTRP, and the list of volumes registered in the FTRP.

For details of the basic information, refer to Flexible Tier Pool Information. For details of the FTSP list, refer to the [Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Flexible Tier Sub Pool] Tab). For details of the volume list, refer to the [Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Volume] Tab).

Flexible Tier Pool Information

In this screen, the basic information of the relevant FTRP can be checked.

Item Description


The FTRP status is displayed.

Refer to Thin Provisioning Pool Status for details.

Used Status

The used status of the FTRP is displayed.




Total Capacity

The total capacity of the FTRP is displayed.

In addition, the total capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.

Used Capacity

The used capacity of the FTRP is displayed.

"Used Capacity" indicates the total for the physically allocated capacities of the FTVs in the FTRP.

In addition, the used capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.

Used Rate

The usage rate of the FTRP is displayed.

Used Rate = Used Capacity ÷ Total Capacity

Provisioned Capacity

The total logical capacity of FTVs in the FTRP is displayed.

In addition, the total logical capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.

Provisioned Rate

The ratio of the total logical capacity (*1) of FTVs in the FTRP to the total capacity of the FTRP is displayed.

*1  :  The provisioned rate is calculated with the total logical capacity where the chunk size is taken into consideration.


The FTRP physical capacity "xxx", which is converted based on the FTRP warning threshold, and the threshold (yy%) are displayed.


The FTRP physical capacity "xxx", which is converted based on the FTRP attention threshold, and the threshold (yy%) are displayed.

When the attention threshold is omitted, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The encryption status of the FTRP is displayed.


"-" (hyphen)

Chunk Size

The chunk size of the FTRP is displayed.

If the chunk size information cannot be obtained, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

21 MB

42 MB

84 MB

168 MB

336 MB

672 MB

1344 MB


The shrinking status is displayed.

Shrinking is a function that deletes specific RAID groups in the FTRP to reduce the physical capacity of the FTRP.

If the shrinking is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.




A process that is being performed for the FTRP is displayed. If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The progress of a process that is being performed is displayed with a bar and a rate (0 to 100 %). To display the latest progress, refresh the screen. If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Estimated Time Left

The estimated remaining time before formatting is complete is displayed. To display the latest estimated remaining time, refresh the screen. This item is not displayed when the process is other than "Formatting".

  • Calculating

    The storage system is calculating the estimated remaining time.

  • 30 days or more

    The estimated remaining time is 30 days or more.

  • x days y h z min.

    The estimated remaining time is more than one minute and less than 30 days. When the estimated remaining time is less than one day, the "days" value is omitted. When the estimated remaining time is less than one hour, the "days" and "h" values are omitted.

  • Less than 1 min.

    The estimated remaining time is less than one minute.

  • The estimated time that is left may increase or decrease depending on the I/O load when this parameter is used.

Remaining Size

The remaining size of the unformatted volume is displayed. To display the latest size, refresh the screen. This item is not displayed when the process is other than "Formatting".

Balancing Level

The balancing level of the FTRP is displayed.

If multiple FTSPs exist in the FTRP, the lowest balancing level among the FTSPs is displayed. A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the balancing level cannot be obtained due to the FTRP status (*1) or when the physically allocated capacity cannot be checked due to the storage system status.




*1  :  The status of the FTRP is not "Available", "Partially Readying", or "Exposed"

Balancing Process


The status of the FTRP balancing is displayed.

When FTRP balancing is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.




The lowest progress rate (0 to 100 %) among the FTV balancing sessions that are being performed in the FTRP is displayed.

When FTRP balancing is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Error Code

The error code (hexadecimal) of FTRP balancing is displayed when an error occurs.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • When FTRP balancing is not being performed on the volumes

  • When no errors are occurring

[Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Flexible Tier Sub Pool] Tab)

Flexible Tier Pool Information

The list of Flexible Tier Sub Pools (FTSPs) in the relevant FTRP is displayed.

Item Description


The FTSP number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The FTSP name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The FTSP status is displayed.

Refer to Thin Provisioning Pool Status for details.

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the FTSP is displayed.

Refer to Drive Type for details.

RAID Level

The level of RAID group that configures the FTSP is displayed.

Refer to RAID Level for details.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the FTSP is displayed.

Used Capacity

The used capacity of the FTSP is displayed.

"Used Capacity" indicates the total for the physically allocated capacities of the FTVs in the FTSP.

Balancing Level

The balancing level of the FTSP is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the balancing level cannot be obtained due to the FTRP status (*1) or when the physically allocated capacity cannot be checked due to the storage system status.

*1  :  The status of the FTRP is not "Available", "Partially Readying", or "Exposed"
  • High

    The physically allocated capacity among the RAID groups is equalized

  • Middle

    The physically allocated capacity among the RAID groups is slightly unequal

  • Low

    The physically allocated capacity among the RAID groups is significantly unequal


The shrinking status for FTSP is displayed.

Shrinking is a function that deletes specific RAID groups in the FTRP to reduce the physical capacity of the FTRP.

If the shrinking is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Executing

    The FTRP capacity is being reduced.

  • Error

    Reducing the FTRP capacity failed.

[Flexible Tier Pool Detail] Screen ([Volume] Tab)

Flexible Tier Pool Information

In this screen, volumes that are registered in the relevant FTRP can be checked. When no volumes are registered in the FTRP, only the item name is displayed.

Item Description


The volume number is displayed.


The volume name is displayed.


The volume status is displayed.

Refer to Volume Status for details.


The volume type is displayed.

This volume list displays only the volumes whose type is "FTV".


The usage of the volume is displayed.

Refer to Usage of Volumes for details.

FTSP Priority

The FTSP number to which a volume is assigned on a priority basis in the FTRP is displayed. When the setting is omitted, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The allocation method for the volume is displayed.

  • Thin

    Physical area is allocated to the target area of the volume when a write I/O is received.

  • Thick

    Physical area is allocated to the whole area of the volume when volumes are created.


The volume capacity is displayed.

Used Capacity

The used capacity (physically allocated capacity) of volume is displayed.

Used Rate

The volume utilization (0 to 100 %) is displayed.

Used Rate = Used Capacity ÷ Capacity


The threshold (0 to 100 %) for monitoring the volume utilization is displayed.

If the "Used Rate" value exceeds the "Threshold", a Host Sense Key Code Qualifier is notified.

[Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab)

Click the [No.] link or the [Name] link in the [Flexible Tier Pool Detail] ("Flexible Tier Sub Pool" tab) screen to display the detailed information for the relevant FTSP. Click each tab to display the basic information and the list of RAID groups that configure the corresponding FTSP.

For details of the basic information, refer to Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail. For details of the RAID group list, refer to [Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail] Screen ([RAID Group] Tab).

Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail

In this screen, the basic information of the relevant FTSP can be checked.

Item Description


The FTSP status is displayed.

Refer to Thin Provisioning Pool Status for details.

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the FTSP is displayed.

Refer to Drive Type for details.

RAID Level

The level of RAID group that configures the FTSP is displayed.

Refer to RAID Level for details.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the FTSP is displayed.

In addition, the total capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.

Used Capacity

The used capacity of the FTSP is displayed.

"Used Capacity" indicates the total for the physically allocated capacities of the FTVs in the FTSP.

In addition, the used capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.


The shrinking status for FTSP is displayed.

Shrinking is a function that deletes specific RAID groups in the FTRP to reduce the physical capacity of the FTRP.

If the shrinking is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.



[Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail] Screen ([RAID Group] Tab)

Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail

In this screen, a list of the RAID groups that configure the relevant FTSP is displayed.

Item Description


The group number of the RAID group that belongs to the FTSP is displayed.

Click this item to display the [RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The RAID group name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The RAID group status is displayed.

Refer to RAID Group Status for details.

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

Refer to RAID Level for details.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

Used Capacity

The used capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

"Used Capacity" indicates the total for the physically allocated capacities of the FTVs in the RAID group.


The RAID group deletion status is displayed.

If a RAID group deletion process is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Executing

    A RAID group deletion process is being performed or a data migration related to the deletion process is being performed.

  • Error

    Deletion of the RAID group failed.

[RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab)

Click the [No.] link or the [Name] link in the [Flexible Tier Sub Pool Detail] ("RAID Group" tab) screen to display the information for the relevant RAID group. Click each tab to display the basic information and the list of drives that configure the corresponding RAID group.

For details of the basic information, refer to RAID Group Detail. For the drive list, refer to [RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Drives] Tab).

RAID Group Detail

In this screen, the basic information of the relevant RAID group can be checked.

Item Description


The RAID group status is displayed.

Refer to RAID Group Status for details.

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

Refer to RAID Level for details.

Fast Recovery Configuration

The drive configuration in the Fast Recovery RAID group (*1) is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the RAID level is "RAID6-FR".





D: Data drives

P: Parity drives

HS: Hot Spares

*1  :  "RAID6-FR" groups that configure FTSPs are called "Fast Recovery RAID groups".

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

In addition, the total capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.

Used Capacity

The used capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

"Used Capacity" indicates the total for the physically allocated capacities of the FTVs in the RAID group.

In addition, the used capacity is displayed in units of MB enclosed with parentheses.

Controlling CM

The Controlling CM of the RAID group is displayed.

CE#n CM#n or CM#n

Eco-mode Schedule

The Eco-mode schedule name that is assigned to the RAID group is displayed.

If the Eco-mode is controlled with Fujitsu ETERNUS SF Storage Management Software, "External" is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, the field is blank.

Eco-mode Action

The Eco-mode schedule action status is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Drive power off

    The power for the drive is turned off during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive motor off

    The drive motor is stopped during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive always on

    The Eco-mode is disabled and the drive is always on.

Motor Status

The drive motor status is displayed.

  • Active

    The drive motors are activated.

  • In the Boot Process

    The drive motors are starting up.

  • Idle

    The drive motors are stopped.

  • In the Stop Process

    The drive motors are being stopped.

  • Power Off

    The drive power is being turned off.

Fast Recovery Drive

When the hot spare area in the Fast Recovery RAID group is used (*1), the location information for the data recovery source drive is displayed. If Fast Recovery (*2) is not used, the field is blank.

This item is displayed only when the RAID level is "RAID6-FR".

For the ETERNUS DX900 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S6

CE#n Slot#n

DE#n Slot#n

*1  :  Between when a high-speed rebuild is started and when copyback from a hot spare area to a replaced normal drive is completed.
*2  :  High-speed rebuilding when one drive fails in the Fast Recovery RAID group.


A process that is being performed for the FTRP is displayed. If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The progress of a process that is being performed is displayed with a bar and a rate (0 to 100 %). To display the latest progress, refresh the screen. If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Stripe Depth

The Stripe Depth (*1) of the RAID group is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the RAID level is "RAID1".

64 KB

128 KB

256 KB

512 KB

1024 KB

*1  :  This is the number of logical blocks assigned to one drive per stripe when a volume is striped to configuring drives of a RAID group. Normally, it is 64KB.


The RAID group deletion status is displayed.

If a RAID group deletion process is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.



Data Access Failed During Redundancy Loss

The state when access to the data in the RAID group has failed is displayed.

If data access fails when the RAID group redundancy is lost, "Yes" is displayed.

For states other than the above, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

[RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Drives] Tab)

In this screen, a list of the drives that configure the relevant RAID group is displayed.

Item Description


The number of the enclosure where the drive is installed is displayed.

   CE: Controller Enclosure

   DE: Drive Enclosure



Slot No.

The number of the slot where the drive is installed is displayed.


The drive status is displayed.

Refer to Drive Status for details.

Drive Type

Refer to Drive Type for details.


The capacity of the drive is displayed.


The drive speed is displayed.

For SSD, NVMe SSD, SSD SED, or NVMe SSD SED, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

10000 rpm

7200 rpm


The usage of the drive is displayed.


Global Hot Spare

Data Access Failed

The state when access to the data in the drive has failed is displayed.

If data access fails when the RAID group redundancy is lost, "Yes" is displayed.

For states other than the above, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.