
This section provides the names of the components in the rear of a frontend enclosure.

Figure: Rear View of a Frontend Enclosure (ETERNUS DX900 S6 and ETERNUS DX8900 S6 [with Four Controller Enclosures or Less])
  1. Power supply units (FPSU#0, FPSU#1, FPSU#2, FPSU#3)

    (Refer to Power Supply Units.)

  2. Frontend routers (FRT#0, FRT#1, FRT#2, FRT#3)

    (Refer to Frontend Routers (FRT).)

Figure: Rear View of a Frontend Enclosure (ETERNUS DX8900 S6 [with Five Controller Enclosures or More])
  1. Power supply units (FPSU#0, FPSU#1, FPSU#2, FPSU#3)

    (Refer to Power Supply Units.)

  2. Frontend routers (FRT#0, FRT#1, FRT#2, FRT#3)

    (Refer to Frontend Routers (FRT).)