ONTAP 9.14.1 commands

statistics oncrpc show-rpc-calls

Display ONC RPC Call Statistics

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


This command is deprecated and will be removed in a future major release.

The statistics oncrpc show-rpc-calls command displays information about the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) calls performed by the nodes of a cluster.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls performed by the node you specify.

[-protocol {TCP|UDP|RDMA}] - Transport Protocol

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls performed using the network protocol you specify.

[-badproc <Counter with Delta>] - Bad Procedure Calls

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls that have the number of bad procedure calls you specify. Bad procedure calls are RPC requests that contain invalid procedure numbers and cannot be completed.

[-badlen <Counter with Delta>] - Bad Length Calls

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls that have the number of bad length calls you specify.

[-badhdr <Counter with Delta>] - Bad Header Calls

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls that have the number of bad header calls you specify.

[-badcalls <Counter with Delta>] - Bad Calls

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls that have the number of bad calls you specify.

[-badprogcalls <Counter with Delta>] - Bad Program Calls

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls that have the number of bad program calls you specify.

[-calls <Counter64 with Delta>] - Total Calls

Use this parameter to display information only about the RPC calls that have the total number of bad calls you specify.


cluster1::> statistics oncrpc show-rpc-calls

Node               Value              Delta
node1           ------------tcp-------------
Bad Proc:                    0             -
Bad Len:                     0             -
Bad Hdr:                     0             -
Bad Calls:                   0             -
Bad Prog Calls:              0             -
Total Calls:                 0             -

Node               Value              Delta
node1           ------------udp-------------
Bad Proc:                    0             -
Bad Len:                     0             -
Bad Hdr:                     0             -
Bad Calls:                   0             -
Bad Prog Calls:              0             -
Total Calls:                 0             -

Node               Value              Delta
node2           ------------tcp-------------
Bad Proc:                    0             -
Bad Len:                     0             -
Bad Hdr:                     0             -
Bad Calls:                   0             -
Bad Prog Calls:              0             -
Total Calls:                 0             -

Node               Value              Delta
node2           ------------udp-------------
Bad Proc:                    0             -
Bad Len:                     0             -
Bad Hdr:                     0             -
Bad Calls:                   0             -
Bad Prog Calls:              0             -
Total Calls:                 0             -
4 entries were displayed.
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