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Create LIFs

An SVM serves data to clients through one or more network logical interfaces (LIFs). You must create LIFs on the ports you want to use to access data.

Best practice

Switch ports connected to ONTAP should be configured as spanning-tree edge ports to reduce delays during LIF migration.

Before you begin

You must be a cluster administrator to perform this task.

About this task

ONTAP automatically chooses the home port of a LIF, as long as at least one LIF already exists in the same subnet in that IPspace. ONTAP chooses a home-port in the same broadcast domain as other LIFs in that subnet. You can still specify a home port, but it is no longer required (unless no LIFs yet exist in that subnet in the specified IPspace).

You should not configure LIFs that carry SMB traffic to automatically revert to their home nodes. This recommendation is mandatory if the SMB server is to host a solution for nondisruptive operations with Hyper-V or SQL Server over SMB.

  1. Determine which broadcast domain ports you want to use for the LIF.

    network port broadcast-domain show -ipspace ipspace1

    IPspace     Broadcast                       Update
    Name        Domain name   MTU   Port List   Status Details
                default       1500
                                    node1:e0d   complete
                                    node1:e0e   complete
                                    node2:e0d   complete
                                    node2:e0e   complete
  2. Verify that the subnet you want to use for the LIFs contains sufficient unused IP addresses.

    network subnet show -ipspace ipspace1

  3. Create one or more LIFs on the ports you want to use to access data.

    network interface create -vserver vs1 -lif lif1 -home-node node1 -home-port e0d -service-policy default-data-files -subnet-name ipspace1

  4. Verify that the LIF interface configuration is correct.

    network interface show -vserver vs1

              Logical    Status     Network         Current   Current Is
    Vserver   Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask    Node      Port    Home
    --------- ---------- ---------- --------------- --------- ------- ----
               lif1       up/up   node1     e0d     true
  5. Verify that the failover group configuration is as desired.

    network interface show -failover -vserver vs1

             Logical    Home       Failover        Failover
    Vserver  interface  Node:Port  Policy          Group
    -------- ---------- ---------  ---------       --------
             lif1       node1:e0d  system-defined  ipspace1
    Failover Targets: node1:e0d, node1:e0e, node2:e0d, node2:e0e
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