Create FC Port Group


This function creates a new FC port group, and registers the port to be a member.

A port group is a group of host interface ports that is allowed to access the volume (LUN group). The Host Affinity is specified for each port group.

  • Regardless of the CA type, the maximum number of port groups per storage system is 128 (384 for the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4).

  • The maximum number of ports per port group is 8.

  • A port can be a member of multiple port groups.

  • Registration of the port is necessary to create a port group. A port group cannot be created if the port that is to be a member has not been registered from Web GUI.

  • Only ports with "CA" or "CA/RA" as the port mode can be added to a port group. Ports with other port modes cannot be added to a port group.

  • Ports that are used for the Storage Cluster function cannot be registered in the port group.

  • A port in the affinity mode enabled (On) and a port in the affinity mode disabled (Off) cannot exist together in a port group.
    • The affinity mode (On/Off) of a port group is decided when the host affinity setting has been configured on the corresponding port group. All of the member ports in a port group have the same affinity mode.

    • The affinity mode (On/Off) of a port group is not changed until the host affinity setting has been released from the corresponding port group.

    • When one port is registered in multiple port groups, and the affinity setting has been configured on one of the port groups including the corresponding port, the affinity setting is configured on all the port groups, which include the corresponding port, and also on the member ports.

    • Ports without the host affinity setting can be members of a port group, regardless of whether the affinity mode for the group is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).

  • To perform the following operations, use the [Modify CA Port Group] function.
    • Changing the port group settings

    • Adding a port to an existing port group

  • To change the port mode from "RA" or "Initiator" to "CA" or "CA/RA", use the [Modify Port Mode] function.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to User Roles and Policies for details on the policies and roles.


CA Port Group Setting

In this screen, input the FC port group information, and register the port in the port group that is to be created.

Item Description Setting values


Specify the port group name.

An existing port group name cannot be used. (Port group names cannot overlap with any other port group names, irrespective of the CA types.)

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters,

symbols (except "," (comma) and "?"),

and spaces


The CA type of the port group is displayed.


Number of CA Port Group Members

The number of member ports (0 to 8) in the CA port group is displayed.

The number of member ports in the port list is updated every time the checkbox has been selected or cleared on the port list.

Select Ports

In this screen, select a FC port to be registered in a FC port group. The selectable FC ports are displayed on the port list.

Item Description

Checkbox to select a port

Select the checkbox of the FC port to be registered in a FC port group.

  • When a port in the affinity mode enabled (On) is selected, ports in the affinity mode disabled (Off) cannot be selected.

  • When a port in the affinity mode disable (Off) is selected, ports in the affinity mode enable (On) cannot be selected.

  • Up to eight ports can be selected.


The location information of the FC port is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number

  • FC ports that satisfy all of the following conditions are displayed.
    • Ports which port mode are "CA" or "CA/RA"

    • Not used for the Storage Cluster function


The affinity status of the FC port is displayed.

  • If the affinity mode is enabled (On) for the port and the host affinity setting is configured for the port, "On" is displayed.

  • If the affinity mode is disabled (Off) for the port and the host affinity setting is configured for the port, "Off" is displayed.

  • When a port is not registered in the port group or a port belongs to port groups without host affinity settings, the field is blank.

Operating Procedures

In this screen, create a FC port group, and register the port to be a member.

  1. Click [Create FC Port Group] in [Action].

  2. Specify the name of the port group that is to be created, select all the ports that are to be registered in the port group, and click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Name" overlaps with an existing port group name

      • The total number of port groups has exceeded the maximum number for the storage system

      • No ports are registered in the port group

      • Ports with the affinity mode enabled (On) and disabled (Off) exist together

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Registration of the FC port group starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [CA Port Group] screen.