

This function provides setting functions required for various hosts to recognize prepared volumes.

Display Function List

Category Function Description
Connectivity Connectivity The current host affinity settings are displayed.
Host Group Host Group The list of the host groups to be connected is displayed.


FC Host Information of the hosts that are connected to the storage system is displayed.


iSCSI Host Information of the hosts that are connected to the storage system is displayed.


SAS Host Information of the hosts that are connected to the storage system is displayed.
Port Group CA Port Group The list of the CA port groups used for the host interface is displayed.


FC Port The port parameter settings used for the host interface are displayed.


iSCSI Port The port parameter settings used for the host interface are displayed.


SAS Port The port parameter settings used for the host interface are displayed.
LUN Group LUN Group The list of LUN groups that comprise a unit to enable hosts to recognize volumes is displayed.
Host Response Host Response The host response setting to adjust host access operations is displayed.
CA Reset Group CA Reset Group The list of the registered CA reset groups is displayed.
Host-LU QoS Host-LU QoS The list of the Host-LU QoS is displayed.
  Host QoS




Host QoS The bandwidth limit of the host is displayed.
Port QoS




Port QoS The bandwidth limit of the port is displayed.
LU QoS Group LU QoS Group The list of the LU QoS groups is displayed.
NAS NAS The list of the NAS shared folders is displayed.
  NAS Interface NAS Interface The list of the NAS interfaces is displayed.
Environment Settings Environment Settings The setup information for the servers (NAS servers, DNS servers, and authentication servers) is displayed.
Quota Management Quota Management The list of quota setting information is displayed.
Meta Cache Distribution Meta Cache Distribution The setting state of the automatic meta cache distribution and the location of the meta cache are displayed.

Action List

Action Function Description
Create Host Affinity Create Host Affinity Create a host affinity to specify association between host groups, port groups, and LUN groups.
Delete Host Affinity Delete Host Affinity Delete a host affinity.
Modify Host Affinity Modify Host Affinity Change the host affinity settings.
Host Group
  Delete Host Group Delete Host Group Delete a host group.
Modify Host Group


Modify Host Group (FC)

Change the FC host group settings.

iSCSI Modify Host Group (iSCSI) Change the iSCSI host group settings.
SAS Modify Host Group (SAS) Change the SAS host group settings.


Add FC Host Group

Add FC Host Group

Add FC host groups.

Add FC Host

Add FC Host

Add FC hosts.

Delete FC Host

Delete FC Host

Delete the FC hosts.

Modify FC Host

Modify FC Host

Change the FC host information.

iSCSI Add iSCSI Host Group Add iSCSI Host Group Add iSCSI host groups.
Add iSCSI Host Add iSCSI Host Add iSCSI hosts.
Delete iSCSI Host Delete iSCSI Host Delete the iSCSI hosts.
Modify iSCSI Host Modify iSCSI Host Change the iSCSI host information.
SAS Add SAS Host Group Add SAS Host Group Add SAS host groups.
Add SAS Host Add SAS Host Add SAS hosts.
Delete SAS Host Delete SAS Host Delete the SAS hosts.
Modify SAS Host Modify SAS Host Change the SAS host information.
Port Group
  Create FC Port Group Create FC Port Group Create FC port groups.
Create iSCSI Port Group Create iSCSI Port Group Create iSCSI port groups.
Create SAS Port Group Create SAS Port Group Create SAS port groups.
Delete Port Group Delete CA Port Group Delete the CA port groups.
Modify Port Group Modify CA Port Group Change the CA port group settings.
FC Modify FC Port Parameters Modify FC Port Parameters Change the FC port parameters.
Modify Port Mode Modify Port Mode

Change the usage of the port (CA, RA, CA/RA, Initiator).

iSCSI Modify iSCSI Port Parameters Modify iSCSI Port Parameters Change the iSCSI port parameters.
Modify Port Mode Modify Port Mode Change the usage of the port (CA, RA, CA/RA).
SAS Modify SAS Port Parameters Modify SAS Port Parameters Change the SAS port parameters.
LUN Group
  Add LUN Group Add LUN Group Add LUN groups.
Delete LUN Group Delete LUN Group Delete the LUN groups.
Modify LUN Group Modify LUN Group Change the LUN group settings.
Host Response
  Add Host Response Add Host Response Add a host response.
Delete Host Response Delete Host Response Delete a host response.
Modify Host Response Modify Host Response Change the host response settings.
CA Reset Group
  Modify Reset Group Modify CA Reset Group Change a CA reset group.
Host-LU QoS
  Enable QoS Enable QoS/Disable QoS Enable or disable the QoS.
Disable QoS
Initialize QoS Initialize QoS Initialize all the QoS settings.
Set Host-LU QoS Set Host-LU QoS Assign an LU QoS groups to a "Host - CA Port - LUN Group" with host affinity settings.
Release Host-LU QoS Release Host-LU QoS Release the LU QoS groups that are assigned to a "Host - CA Port - LUN Group" with host affinity settings.
Start Perfmon Start Host-LU QoS Performance Monitoring Start performance monitoring of Host-LU QoS.
Stop Perfmon Stop Host-LU QoS Performance Monitoring Stop performance monitoring of Host-LU QoS.
Set Host QoS Pattern Set Host QoS Pattern Set the QoS patterns of the host.
Set Port QoS Pattern Set Port QoS Pattern Set the QoS patterns of the port.
Set LU QoS Pattern Set LU QoS Pattern Set the QoS patterns of the host LUN.
Host QoS
  FC Set FC Host QoS Set FC Host QoS Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the FC host.
iSCSI Set iSCSI Host QoS Set iSCSI Host QoS Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the iSCSI host.
SAS Set SAS Host QoS Set SAS Host QoS Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the SAS host.
Port QoS
  FC Set FC Port QoS Set FC Port QoS Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the FC port.
iSCSI Set iSCSI Port QoS Set iSCSI Port QoS Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the iSCSI port.
SAS Set SAS Port QoS Set SAS Port QoS Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the SAS port.
LU QoS Group
  Add LU QoS Group Add LU QoS Group Add LU QoS groups with the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) configured for each Host LUN.
Delete LU QoS Group Delete LU QoS Group Delete the LU QoS groups.
Modify LU QoS Group Modify LU QoS Group Change the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) for the Host LUN.
  Create Shared Folder Create Shared Folder Create NAS shared folders.
Delete Shared Folder Delete Shared Folder Delete NAS shared folders.
Modify Shared Folder Modify Shared Folder Change the NAS shared folder settings.
Clear NAS Data Clear NAS Data Delete all user data and directories in the NAS shared folder.
NAS Interface
  Create Create NAS Interface Create NAS interfaces.
Delete Delete NAS Interface Delete NAS interfaces.
Modify Modify NAS Interface Change the NAS interface settings.
Environment Settings
  Change NAS Server Name Change NAS Server Name

Change the NAS server name that is registered in the storage system.

Set DNS Server Set DNS Server Set the NAS Domain Name System (DNS) server.
Set Authentication Server Set Authentication Server Set the NAS Authentication server.
Add Local User Add Local User Add local users that are used for the local user authentication.
Delete Local User Delete Local User Delete the local user.
Modify Local User Modify Local User Change the password and groups of the local user.
Add Local Group Add Local Group Add local groups to which the local users belong.
Delete Local Group Delete Local Group Delete the local group.
Quota Management
  Add Quota Setting Add Quota Setting Add new quota setting information.
Delete Quota Setting Delete Quota Setting Delete the quota setting information.
Modify Quota Setting Modify Quota Setting Change the quota setting information.
Meta Cache Distribution
  Enable Automatic Meta Cache Distribution Enable Automatic Meta Cache Distribution Enable the automatic meta cache distribution.
Disable Automatic Meta Cache Distribution Disable Automatic Meta Cache Distribution Disable the automatic meta cache distribution.
Initialize Meta Cache Distribution Initialize Meta Cache Distribution Restore the meta cache to the initial location manually.