iSCSI Port


This function displays a list of the iSCSI port parameters that are registered in the storage system.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

iSCSI Port List

Parameters of the iSCSI ports that are registered in the storage system are displayed.

Item Description


The location information of the target port is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number


The type of the target port is displayed.

  • 1G iSCSI

    1Gbit/s iSCSI. The port mode can be changed (CA, RA, or CA/RA).

  • 10G iSCSI

    10Gbit/s iSCSI. The port mode can be changed (CA, RA, or CA/RA).

  • 10G Base-T iSCSI

    10Gbit/s iSCSI. The port mode can be changed (CA, RA, or CA/RA).

    This port can be installed in the ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and the ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3.

  • iSCSI RA (for older storage system connection)

    1Gbit/s iSCSI-RA. This port is used for an REC between the older models (*1).

    *1  :  ETERNUS DX400 series, ETERNUS DX8000 series, ETERNUS4000, or ETERNUS8000


The status of the target port is displayed.

Refer to "Component Status" for details.

Port Mode

The mode of the target port is displayed.




Multiple VLAN

Whether the Multiple VLAN is enabled or disabled for the target port is displayed.

"Multiple VLAN" is a function that enables up to 16 pieces of VLAN information (IP address information) to be registered for each port.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "RA".

Number of IP Addresses

The number of IP addresses (1 to 16) that are used for the relevant port is displayed.

When "Multiple VLAN" is enabled, the number of IP addresses that are registered in the port is displayed. When "Multiple VLAN" is disabled or "-" is displayed in the "Multiple VLAN" field, "1" is displayed.

Transfer Rate

The transfer rate of the target port is displayed. All transfers are full-duplex.


1 Gbit/s

10 Gbit/s

100 Mbit/s

Reset Scope

The reset scope of the target port is displayed.

Reset scope is the range where the command reset request from the server is performed, when the target port is connected to multiple servers.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "RA".

  • I_T_L (I: Initiator, T: Target, L: LUN)

    Reset (cancel) the command request from the server that sent the command reset request.

  • T_L (T: Target, L: LUN)

    Reset (cancel) the command request from all of the servers that are connected to the port.

Release Reservation if Chip is Reset

Whether the function to release the reservation status of the volume when the target port (chip) is reset is enabled or disabled is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "RA".

iSCSI Name

The iSCSI name of the target port is displayed.

Alias Name

The Alias name of the target port is displayed.

If the Alias name is not specified, the field is blank.

Bandwidth Limit

The bandwidth limit (10 Mbit/s to 400 Mbit/s) of the target port is displayed.

This item is displayed when the WAN bandwidth that can be used for REC is designated.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the type is "1G iSCSI", "10G iSCSI", or "10G Base-T iSCSI".


The MTU size of the target port is displayed.

"Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)" is the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted at the one time over the communication network.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "CA".

When the port type is "1G iSCSI", "10G iSCSI", or "10G Base-T iSCSI":

576 - 9000

When the port type is "iSCSI RA":












When CHAP authentication for the target port is enabled, "ON" is displayed. When it is disabled, "OFF" is displayed.

When the port mode is "CA/RA", this status is displayed in the form of "x/y" as follows:

x: The CHAP authentication status of the CA port ("ON" or "OFF")

y: The CHAP authentication status of the RA port ("ON" or "OFF")

REC Line No.

The REC line number (0 to 127) of the target port is displayed.

The REC line number is used to switch the communication path when a line fails.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "CA".

This item is displayed only when the Advanced Copy license has been registered.

REC Transfer Mode

Whether the REC synchronous transfer mode, the REC asynchronous stack mode, the REC asynchronous consistency mode, or the REC asynchronous through mode is enabled or disabled for the target port is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "CA".

This item is displayed only when the Advanced Copy license has been registered.

  • Sync

    When the REC synchronous transfer mode is enabled, the target port can be used as an REC synchronous transfer mode path.

  • Async Stack

    When the REC asynchronous stack mode is enabled, the target port can be used as an REC asynchronous stack mode path.

  • Async Consistency

    When the REC asynchronous consistency mode is enabled, the target port can be used as an REC asynchronous consistency mode path.

  • Async Through

    When the REC asynchronous through mode is enabled, the target port can be used as an REC asynchronous through mode path.

TFO Transfer Mode

Whether the TFO transfer mode is enabled or disabled for the target port is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the port mode is "CA".

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Storage Cluster function.

TFO Port

When the target port is being used by the Storage Cluster function, "Used" is displayed, and "Unused" is displayed when the target port is not used.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Storage Cluster function.

Host Group

The name of the host group that has the host affinity setting with the target port is displayed.

If no host group with the host affinity setting exists, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Port Group

The name of the port group to which the target port belongs is displayed.

If the target port does not belong to a port group, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Host iSCSI Name

iSCSI names of all iSCSI hosts that have the host affinity setting with the target port are displayed.

If the host affinity setting is not configured, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the iSCSI ports meeting all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Select the location information of the port that is to be displayed.


For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number


Select the type of the port that is to be displayed.




10G Base-T iSCSI

iSCSI RA (for older storage system connection)


Select the status of the port that is to be displayed.


Refer to "Component Status".

Host Group

Input the name of the host group that has the host affinity setting with the port that is to be displayed.

Ports matching or partially matching the entered host group name are displayed.

When not using the host group name for filtering, leave this item blank.


Host group name

Port Group

Input the name of the port group to which the port that is to be displayed belongs.

Ports matching or partially matching the entered port group name are displayed.

When not using the port group name for filtering, leave this item blank.


Port group name

Host iSCSI Name

Input the host iSCSI name of the iSCSI host that has the host affinity setting with the port that is to be displayed.

Ports matching or partially matching the entered host iSCSI name are displayed.

When not using the host iSCSI name for filtering, leave this item blank.


Host iSCSI name