Modify Port Mode


This function changes the port mode of each host interface port among Channel Adapter (CA), Remote Adapter (RA), CA/RA, and Initiator.

The port modes of the FC port and the iSCSI port can be changed.

Switchable Port Mode

Port Port Mode Usage

FC Port


CA is used for connecting to the host.


RA is used for performing REC.


CA/RA is used for connecting to the host and performing REC.


Initiator is used for performing Storage Migration.

iSCSI Port


CA is used for connecting to the host.


RA is used for performing REC.


CA/RA is used for connecting to the host and performing REC.

  • The mapping information or the Advanced Copy path information may be deleted from the currently used port. Refer to "Retained and Deleted Information When Changing the Port Mode" for details.

    • Before changing this parameter, stop access from the host that is allocated to the target port. Note that the operation can be continued via other normal paths when the multipath configuration is used.

    • If the Advanced Copy path information is to be deleted due to the change of the port mode, perform this function when no sessions exist in the target port.

  • When the Multiple VLAN setting is enabled and the port mode for the relevant iSCSI ports are changed from "CA" or "CA/RA" to "RA", all of the specified IP address information is deleted. If this occurs, only the IP address that is specified in the general information remains for the iSCSI port.

  • When the Advanced Copy license has been registered or the Storage Cluster function is "Enable", the port mode can be changed to "RA" or "CA/RA".

  • Whether the port mode can be changed varies depending on the status of the Storage Cluster function (used/unused). Refer to "The Storage Cluster Function and Port Mode Modification" for details.

  • The port mode cannot be changed in the following conditions:
    • When the port type is "iSCSI RA (for older storage system connection)"

    • When selecting an FC-Initiator port with a Storage Migration path

  • If the ETERNUS DX60 S5 is used with iSCSI or SAS host interfaces, this function is not displayed in [Action].

Retained and Deleted Information When Changing the Port Mode (-: N/A)

Port mode after modification
CA RA CA/RA Initiator

Port mode

before modification



Mapping information is deleted

Mapping information is retained

Mapping information is deleted


Advanced Copy path information is deleted


• Advanced Copy path information is retained

• REC Line No. is retained

• REC Transfer Mode is retained

Advanced Copy path information is deleted


• Mapping information is retained

• Advanced Copy path information is deleted

• Mapping information is deleted

• Advanced Copy path information is retained

• REC Line No. is retained

• REC Transfer Mode is retained


• Mapping information is deleted

• Advanced Copy path information is deleted

The Storage Cluster Function and Port Mode Modification (The port mode can be changed: )

Port mode

before modification

The Storage Cluster's usage of the port Port mode after modification
RA CA/RA Initiator
CA The Storage Cluster function is not used WWN is not changed
WWN is changed (*1)

The Storage Cluster function is used

*1  :  The port is being used for the Storage Cluster function, but the port is not used currently.
  • If the port mode is changed, the port parameter returns to the default setting. Note that the port parameters are retained if the port mode is changed from "CA" to "CA/RA" or changed from "CA/RA" to "CA".

  • When changing the port mode of an FC-Initiator port, delete the path group that is specified for the target port. Refer to the [Delete Storage Migration Path] function for details about how to delete the Storage Migration path.

  • To check whether or not the WWN for the target port has been changed, use the [FC Port] screen. Refer to the [Port] function for details.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


Port List

In this screen, change the port mode.

Item Description Setting values


The location of the target port is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number


The port type is displayed.



Port Mode(Now)

The current port mode is displayed.





Port Mode(After)

Select the port mode from "CA", "RA", "CA/RA" or "Initiator" to be changed over to.

  • "Initiator" is displayed only for FC ports.

  • "RA" and "CA/RA" are displayed as options only for the models that support REC.





Operating Procedures

In this screen, change the port mode.

  1. Click [Modify Port Mode] in [Action].

  2. Select the port mode to be changed over to, and click the [Set] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • If the specified FC-Initiator port is configured in Storage Migration path, an error screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Port mode changeover starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [CA Port] screen.