Set SAS Port QoS


Configure the bandwidth limit (the maximum performance limit) of the SAS port.

  • This function is supported in the ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5.

  • This function can be used, irrespective of whether the QoS mode has been enabled or disabled. If the QoS mode has been disabled, the port starts the operation within the configured bandwidth limit after the QoS mode is enabled.

  • Configure the host bandwidth limit on each host. Refer to the [Set FC Host QoS] function, the [Set iSCSI Host QoS] function, or the [Set SAS Host QoS] function for details.

  • The host LUN bandwidth limit can be configured in the LU QoS group. Refer to the [Set Host-LU QoS] function for details.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to User Roles and Policies for details on the policies and roles.


SAS Port QoS Setting

In this screen, configure the bandwidth limit of the SAS port.

Item Description


The location information of the target port is displayed.

CM#x CA#y Port#z

x: CM number

y: CA number

z: Port number


The type of the target port is displayed.


Bandwidth Limit

Select the maximum performance in IOPS (throughput value). When not setting the performance limit, select "Unlimited".

Refer to the "Port QoS" column in "Bandwidth Limit" for the setting value and the default value.

  • The bandwidth limit can be changed using the [Set Port QoS Pattern] function or the "set qos-bandwidth-limit" CLI command. If the value is changed, that value is displayed as an option for this item.

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the SAS port to configure the bandwidth limit (multiple selections can be made), and click [Set SAS Port QoS] in [Action].

  2. Select the SAS port bandwidth limit, and click the [Set] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The SAS Port QoS setting starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [SAS Port QoS] screen.