Modify NAS Interface


This function changes the NAS interface settings.

This function is used in a Unified Storage environment.

  • If the NAS interface modification has not been completed successfully, wait for the storage system status to return to normal and then try again.

  • To use the Active-Active connection, specify different IP addresses on the same subnetwork for the ports of each CM that will be duplicated.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to User Roles and Policies for details on the policies and roles.


NAS Interface Settings

Change the NAS interface settings.

Item Description Setting values


The NAS interface number (0 to 159) is displayed.


The location information of the port is displayed.

If the port is not specified, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

CM#x CA#y Port#z

x: CM number

y: CA number

z: Port number

Redundant Port

Select which redundant port is used for the multipath configuration of the target port. If a multipath configuration is not used, select "None".

When a multipath configuration is not used for the target port, "single ports with NAS interface settings" and "None" are displayed as options. Ports in a different CM from the target port are displayed as redundant ports. Note that bonding ports (or member ports for Bonding) are not displayed.

If a multipath configuration is already used for the target port, a redundant port is displayed. This item is available when a port is specified.

CM#x CA#y Port#z

x: CM number

y: CA number

z: Port number


IP Address

Input the IPv4 address of the target port.

xxx: 1 - 255 for the top field (decimal)

xxx: 0 - 255 for other fields (decimal)

Class must be A, B, or C.

Subnet Mask

Input the subnet mask of the target port. -


Input the IPv4 gateway address of the target port.

xxx: 0 - 255 for all the fields (decimal)

Class must be A, B, or C.

IPv6 Link Local Address

Input the IPv6 link local address of the target port.


xxxx: 0 - ffff (FFFF) (hexadecimal, alphanumeric characters)

Refer to "IPv6 Address Notation" for details.

IPv6 Connect IP Address

Input the IPv6 connect IP address of the target port.


xxxx: 0 - ffff (FFFF) (hexadecimal, alphanumeric characters)

Refer to "IPv6 Address Notation" for details.

IPv6 Gateway

Input the IPv6 gateway address of the target port.


xxxx: 0 - ffff (FFFF) (hexadecimal, alphanumeric characters)

Refer to "IPv6 Address Notation" for details.

IPv6 Prefix length

Input the IPv6 prefix length of the target port.

3 - 128

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the NAS interface that is to be changed, and click [Modify] in [Action].

  2. Change the parameters, and click the [Modify] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • Each parameter fails to satisfy the input conditions

      • The IP address and the network address are the same

      • The IP address and the broadcast address are the same

      • The gateway is set and the gateway and the network address are the same

      • The gateway is set and the gateway and the broadcast address are the same

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Changing of NAS interface settings starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [NAS Interface] screen.