Modify Local User


This function changes the password and groups of the local user.

One local user can be modified at a time.

This function is used in a Unified Storage environment.

  • "Name" and "User ID" of the existing local users cannot be changed. To change "Name" or "User ID", delete the relevant local user and then create it again.

  • This function cannot be executed if the port for changing the local user authentication password is in the open state.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


Local User Settings

Item Description Setting values


The local user name is displayed.

User ID

The user ID of the local user is displayed.


500 - 999

Change Password

Only when changing the password, select the "Change Password" checkbox.

When the "Change Password" checkbox is selected, enter a new password in "Password" and "Confirm Password".

"Change Password" checkbox




Enter a password for the local user.

8 - 32 alphanumeric characters and symbols (0x20 - 0x7E in the US-ASCII format)

Confirm new Password

Input the same character string as the value entered in the "New Password" field for confirmation.

8 - 32 alphanumeric characters and symbols (0x20 - 0x7E in the US-ASCII format)

[Primary Group] Tab

A list of local groups registered in the storage system that can be used as primary groups is displayed. Select a primary group to which the added local user will belong.

Item Description

Radio buttons to select a primary group

The radio button for the primary group to which the specified local user currently belongs is selected.

To change the primary group, select the radio button for the primary group to which the local user will belong.

  • The same group as the secondary group cannot be selected.


The group ID for the primary group is displayed.

For details about group IDs for primary groups that are automatically created in the storage system, refer to "Special Group".



500 - 999


The group name for the primary group is displayed.

For details about group name for primary groups that are automatically created in the storage system, refer to "Special Group".

Local group name

User(s) who belongs to a Primary Group

The local user names that belong to the primary group are displayed.

If no local users belong to the primary group, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

[Secondary Group] Tab

A list of local groups registered in the storage system that can be used as secondary groups is displayed. Select secondary groups to which the added local user will belong. Multiple secondary groups can be selected.

Item Description

Checkbox to select a secondary group

The checkboxes for the secondary group to which the specified local user currently belongs are selected.

To change the secondary group, select the checkboxes for the secondary groups to which the local user will belong and clear checkboxes for the secondary groups to which the local user will not belong.

The local user can belong to a maximum of 16 groups or the local user may not belong to any secondary group.

  • The same group as the primary group cannot be selected.


The group ID for the secondary group is displayed.

For details about group IDs for secondary groups that are automatically created in the storage system, refer to "Special Group".



500 - 999





The group name for the secondary group is displayed.

For details about group name for secondary groups that are automatically created in the storage system, refer to "Special Group".




Local group name

User(s) who belongs to a Secondary Group

The local user names that belong to the secondary group are displayed.

If no local users belong to the secondary group, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Special Group (Affiliation possible: , Affiliation not possible: -)

Local group ID Local group name Description Available groups
Primary group Secondary group



One of the BUILTIN groups (*1). Users who belong to this group can execute all operations for all domain controllers within the domain.




One of the BUILTIN groups (*1). Users who belong to this group can execute most of the general operations.




One of the BUILTIN groups (*1). Users who belong to this group can perform file backups and file recoveries regardless of the access permissions for all the files of domain controllers within the domain.

*1  :  "BUILTIN groups" are groups that are included in the storage system as standard. If local users belong to these groups, the backup and restore function of Arcserve can be used.

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the local user that is to be modified, and click [Modify Local User] in [Action].

  2. Specify the parameters, and click the [Modify] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • Each parameter fails to satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Change Password" checkbox is selected and "Password" and/or "Confirm Password" is not entered

      • The "Change Password" checkbox is selected and "Password" does not match "Confirm Password"

      • The number of selected secondary groups exceeds the maximum number per local user

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Modification of the local user settings starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Environment Settings] screen.