Advanced Copy (All Sessions)


The copy session status is displayed.

The following session types are available: EC, OPC, QuickOPC, SnapOPC, SnapOPC+, Monitor, REC, ODX, XCOPY, and Virtual Volume.

  • Local / Remote Copy Sessions Information is displayed only when the Advanced Copy function license has been registered. Remote copy session information is displayed only for models that support REC.

  • When a storage system is used in a Unified Storage environment, the SnapOPC+ session list and SnapOPC+ session details are displayed even if the Advanced Copy function license has not been registered.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

The copy session status is displayed.

Displayed content varies depending on the selected copy session type. Refer to the description of Local Copy , Remote Copy, ODX, XCOPY, or Virtual Volume.

Local Copy

The local copy (EC, OPC, QuickOPC, SnapOPC, SnapOPC+, Monitor) session status is displayed.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Session Property] (Local Copy) Screen.

Source Volume No.

The copy source volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination Volume No.

The copy destination volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved" or when the copy session type is "MON", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The copy session type is displayed using an abbreviation.

This item is displayed when [Local Copy] is clicked in the Category.

  • For Equivalent Copy sessions, EC is displayed

  • For One Point Copy sessions, OPC is displayed

  • For QuickOPC sessions, QOPC is displayed

  • For SnapOPC sessions, SOPC is displayed

  • For SnapOPC+ sessions, SOPC+ is displayed

  • For Monitor sessions, MON is displayed


The generation and total number of generations (up to 512 generations) of the copy session are displayed.

This item is displayed when [SnapOPC+] is clicked in the Category.


The copy session status is displayed.

  • Active

    Operating normally

  • Reserved

    Session ID reserved

  • Suspend

    Suspended by an instruction from the host

    The copy session type is "EC"

  • Error Suspend

    Copy canceled due to an error

  • Unknown

    A status other than the ones listed above


When the data merge process for a snapshot is being performed, "Yes" is displayed. If not, "No" is displayed.

The "merge process" targets deleted data of a specific generation (except the oldest generation) and copies the difference in data to the previous generation.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the copy session type is "SOPC+".


The copy session phase is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Copying

    For OPC, EC, SnapOPC, and SnapOPC+: Copying

    For QuickOPC: Copying the updated areas after recording of updated areas is stopped

    For Monitor: Recording the updated areas

  • Equivalent

    Maintaining of the equivalent status of the copy source and copy destination, that are duplicated after the copy, has been completed

  • Tracking

    Recording only the updated area after copy is complete

  • Tracking & Copying

    Recording the area updated during copy processing and after copy starts

  • Readying

    Preparing to start multiple copies by Concurrent OPC

Error Code

The error code is displayed when an error occurs.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Error Code" for details.

Time Stamp

The time when backup is complete and the time when an error occurred (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) are displayed.

The time stamp is updated in the following conditions:

  • For OPC, SnapOPC, and SnapOPC+

    The time stamp is updated when a copy starts and when an error occurs.

  • For QuickOPC

    The time stamp is updated when a copy starts, when a copy restarts, and when an error occurs.

  • For EC

    The time stamp is updated when suspend is performed and when an error occurs.

The following information is displayed for "Time Stamp".

Type Status Time Stamp
Any copy type Reserved A "-" (hyphen) is displayed.





Active The backup time when the copy started is displayed.
Error Suspend The time when an error occurred is displayed.
EC Active

If the copy session is not suspended yet, "0" is displayed for all of the display items.

When suspend is requested and "Status" is "Active", the backup time of the previous suspend that was requested is displayed.

Suspend The backup time when the copy was suspended is displayed.
Error Suspend The time when an error occurred is displayed.
Monitor Active "0" is displayed for all of the display items.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time after a session has started is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Display example of "Elapsed Time"" for details.

Copied Data Size

The data size of copy that has been completed is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

When the copy type is "SOPC" or "SOPC+", only the original data (or previous data) before update in the copy target area is copied.

When the copy type is "MON", the updated data in the area for monitoring updates is copied. This copy type performs a pseudo copy to measure the updated amount of data.

Total Data Size

The data size of the copy target area is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

When the copy type is "MON", the data size of the area for monitoring updates is displayed.

Modified Data Size

The differential data size when QuickOPC is executed is displayed.

This item is displayed when [QuickOPC] is clicked in the Category.

The modified data size is updated in the "Tracking & Copying" and "Tracking" phases.

When recopy starts, the modified data size is once changed to "0" and then the differential data size from the time when recopy started is displayed. When tracking stops, the modified data size is changed to "0".

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The SDP number, which is used when the copy destination SDV capacity is insufficient, is displayed.

This item is displayed when [SnapOPC] or [SnapOPC+] is clicked in the Category.

When the copy status is "Reserved" or when the copy destination is not an SDP, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

SDP Used Capacity

The used capacity of SDP area is displayed.

This item is displayed when [SnapOPC] or [SnapOPC+] is clicked in the Category.

When the copy status is "Reserved" or when the copy destination is not an SDP, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The copy session resolution is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.









The information of the client that started the copy session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • SCSI

    Copy session requested by the copy management software (via SCSI).

  • LAN

    Copy session requested by the copy management software (via LAN).

  • GUI

    Copy session requested by Web GUI.

  • CLI

    Copy session requested by the CLI command.

  • SMI-S

    Copy session requested by SMI-S.

  • LAN (Veeam)

    Copy session requested by the server that has the Veeam Storage Integration plug-in.

  • REST

    Copy session requested by RESTful API.

  • Unknown

    Other than the above clients.


The registration status of the Advanced Copy license, when the copy session has been started, is displayed.

  • Regular

    The copy session is started with a full license or a free license (for the ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and the ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3).

  • Trial License

    The copy session is started with a trial license. Copy sessions that use a trial license are deleted automatically after the expiration of the trial license.

Display example of "Elapsed Time"

One day or longer: 1 day 1 hour 32 min 35 sec

Less than a day: 1 hour 32 min 35 sec

Less than an hour: 32 min 35 sec

Less than a minute: 35 sec

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the copy sessions meeting all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Displayed content varies depending on the selected copy session type.

Item Description Setting values


Select the copy session status that is to be displayed.

When not using the status for filtering, select "All" (all copy sessions of the selected type).





Error Suspend




Select the copy session phase to be displayed.

When not using the phase for filtering, select "All" (all copy sessions of the selected type).





Tracking & Copying


"-" (hyphen)

Session ID

Input the session ID of the copy session that is to be displayed.

When not using the session ID for filtering, leave this item blank.

4-digit hexadecimal


Remote Copy

The details of the Remote Copy (REC) session are displayed.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Session Property] (Remote Copy) Screen.

Source Volume No.

The copy source volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination Volume No.

The copy destination volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Remote Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) for the remote storage system is displayed.


The copy session type is displayed using an abbreviation.



The copy session status is displayed.

  • Active

    Operating normally

  • Reserved

    Session ID reserved

  • Suspend

    Suspended by an instruction from the host

  • Halt

    Remote copy disabled due to an error

  • Error Suspend

    Copy canceled due to an error

  • Unknown

    A status other than the ones listed above


The copy session phase is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Copying


  • Equivalent

    Maintaining of the equivalent status of the copy source and copy destination, that are duplicated after the copy, has been completed

Error Code

The error code is displayed when an error occurs.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Error Code" for details.


The copy direction of the applicable session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • From Local/To Remote

    Session from the local storage system (copy source) to the remote storage system (copy destination)

  • From Remote/To Local

    Session from the remote storage system (copy source) to the local storage system (copy destination)

Time Stamp

The time when backup is complete and the time when an error occurred (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) are displayed.

The time stamp is updated for suspend processes, when an error occurs, and when the status is changed.

The following information is displayed for "Time Stamp".

Status Time Stamp
Reserved A "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

If the copy session is not suspended yet, "0" is displayed for all of the display items.

When suspend is requested and "Status" is "Active", the backup time of the previous suspend that was requested is displayed.

Suspend The backup time when the copy was suspended is displayed.
Error Suspend The time when an error occurred is displayed.

The time when an error occurred is displayed.

When the status is changed from "Halt" to "Active" or when the copy session is forcibly suspended, the time stamp information is cleared and "0" is displayed for all of the display items.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time after a session has started is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Display example of "Elapsed Time"" for details.

Copied Data Size

The size of a copy that has been completed is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Total Data Size

The total copy size is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The copy session resolution is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.









The information of the client that started the copy session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • SCSI

    Copy session requested by the copy management software (via SCSI).

  • LAN

    Copy session requested by the copy management software (via LAN).

  • SMI-S

    Copy session requested by SMI-S.

  • REST

    Copy session requested by RESTful API.

  • Unknown

    Other than the above clients.


The registration status of the Advanced Copy license, when the copy session has been started, is displayed.

If the license information for the connection target storage system cannot be obtained due to a copy path error, "Unknown" is displayed.

  • Regular

    The copy session is started with a full license.

  • Trial License

    The copy session is started with a trial license. Copy sessions that use a trial license are deleted automatically after the expiration of the trial license.

Remote Box ID

The remote Box ID is displayed.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of the copy sessions only which satisfy all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Select the copy session status that is to be displayed.

When not using the status for filtering, select "All" (all copy sessions of the selected type).





Error Suspend




Select the copy session phase to be displayed.

When not using the phase for filtering, select "All" (all copy sessions of the selected type).




"-" (hyphen)

Session ID

Input the session ID of the copy session that is to be displayed.

When not using the session ID for filtering, leave this item blank.

4-digit hexadecimal


Remote Box ID

Input the remote Box ID of the copy session that is to be displayed.

Copy sessions matching or partially matching the entered remote Box ID are displayed.

When not using the remote BOX ID for filtering, leave this item blank.


Up to 40 alphabetic characters (upper case), numerals, spaces, and "#" (hash key characters)


The ODX session status is displayed.

ODX sessions are created when the ODX function is used for a server with Windows Server 2012 or later.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Session Property] (ODX) Screen.

Source Volume No.

The copy source volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination Volume No.

The copy destination volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The copy session status is displayed.

  • Active

    Operating normally

  • Reserved

    Session ID reserved

  • Error Suspend

    Copy canceled due to an error

  • Unknown

    A status other than the ones listed above

Error Code

The error code is displayed when an error occurs.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Error Code" for details.

Time Stamp

The time when backup is complete and the time when an error occurred (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) are displayed.

The time stamp is updated when a copy starts and when an error occurs.

The following information is displayed for "Time Stamp".

Status Time Stamp
Reserved A "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Active The backup time when the copy started is displayed.
Error Suspend The time when an error occurred is displayed.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time after a session has started is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Display example of "Elapsed Time"" for details.

Copied Data Size

The size of a copy that has been completed is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Total Data Size

The total copy size is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of the copy sessions only which satisfy all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Select the copy session status that is to be displayed.

When not using the status for filtering, select "All" (all copy sessions of the selected type).





Error Suspend



Session ID

Input the session ID of the copy session that is to be displayed.

When not using the session ID for filtering, leave this item blank.

4-digit hexadecimal



The XCOPY session status is displayed.

An XCOPY (Extended Copy) session is created when the Full Copy function of vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VMware VAAI) is used.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Session Property] (XCOPY) Screen.

Source Volume No.

The copy source volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination Volume No.

The copy destination volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The copy session status is displayed.

  • Active

    Operating normally

  • Reserved

    Session ID reserved

  • Error Suspend

    Copy canceled due to an error

  • Unknown

    A status other than the ones listed above

Error Code

The error code is displayed when an error occurs.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Error Code" for details.

Time Stamp

The time when backup is complete and the time when an error occurred (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) are displayed.

The time stamp is updated when a copy starts and when an error occurs.

The following information is displayed for "Time Stamp".

Status Time Stamp
Reserved A "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Active The backup time when the copy started is displayed.
Error Suspend The time when an error occurred is displayed.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time after a session has started is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Display example of "Elapsed Time"" for details.

Copied Data Size

The size of a copy that has been completed is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Total Data Size

The total copy size is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of the copy sessions only which satisfy all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Select the copy session status that is to be displayed.

When not using the status for filtering, select "All" (all copy sessions of the selected type).





Error Suspend



Session ID

Input the session ID of the copy session that is to be displayed.

When not using the session ID for filtering, leave this item blank.

4-digit hexadecimal


Virtual Volume

The Virtual Volume (hereinafter referred to as "VVOL") session status is displayed.

VVOL sessions are created by VMware vSphere 6.

  • The ETERNUS DX60 S5 and the ETERNUS DX8100 S4 do not support the Virtual Volume function.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Session Property] (VVOL) Screen.

Source Volume No.

The copy source volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination Volume No.

The copy destination volume number is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The session type is displayed.

  • Snapshot

    VVOLs are being copied with the Copy-on-Write method (equivalent to SnapOPC+).

    Write I/O for the snapshot destination VVOL is not allowed.

  • Fastclone

    VVOLs are being copied with the Copy-on-Write method (equivalent to SnapOPC).

    Write I/O for the copy destination VVOL is allowed. Restoration is not allowed.

  • Clone

    VVOLs are being copied with the Background copy method (equivalent to OPC).

  • Revert

    Data is being restored from the snapshot destination VVOL to the snapshot source VVOL.

  • CopyDiffs

    Comparison result (the difference of a data) between two VVOLs during a snapshot session is being copied to the third VVOL.


The copy session status is displayed.

  • Active

    Operating normally

  • Reserved

    Session ID reserved

  • Error Suspend

    Copy canceled due to an error

  • Unknown

    A status other than the ones listed above


When the data merge process for a snapshot is being performed, "Yes" is displayed. If not, "No" is displayed.

The "merge process" targets deleted data of a specific generation (except the oldest generation) and copies the difference in data to the previous generation.

When the session type is not "Snapshot" or when the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The generation and total number of generations of the snapshot session are displayed.

When the session type is not "Snapshot" or when the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Error Code

The error code is displayed when an error occurs.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Error Code" for details.

Time Stamp

The time when backup is complete and the time when an error occurred (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) are displayed.

The time stamp is updated when a copy starts and when an error occurs.

The following information is displayed for "Time Stamp".

Status Time Stamp
Reserved A "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Active The backup time when the copy started is displayed.
Error Suspend The time when an error occurred is displayed.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time after a session has started is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Refer to "Display example of "Elapsed Time"" for details.

Copied Data Size

The size of a copy that has been completed is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Total Data Size

The total copy size is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination FTRP No.

The FTRP No. to which the copy destination FTV belongs is displayed.

When the session type is not "Snapshot" or "Fastclone", or when the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Used Session Capacity

The used capacity of FTRP area is displayed.

When the session type is not "Snapshot" or "Fastclone", or when the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of the copy sessions only which satisfy all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values

Session ID

Input the session ID of the copy session that is to be displayed.

When not using the session ID for filtering, leave this item blank.

4-digit hexadecimal



Select the type of the copy session that is to be displayed.

When not using the copy session type for filtering, select "All".








Select the copy session status that is to be displayed.

When not using the copy session status for filtering, select "All".





Error Suspend



[Session Property] (Local Copy) Screen

Displayed content varies depending on the selected copy session type.

[Property] Tab

Refer to the [Local Copy] Screen for the details of items other than the ones described below.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) selected in the [Local Copy] screen is displayed.

Source Volume Name

The copy source volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Copy destination volume name

The copy destination volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved" or when the copy session type is "MON", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Copy Range

The copy range of the copy session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Totally

    Whole volume

  • Extent

    Part of a volume

Secondary Access Permission

When the copy session status is "Active", accessibility from the host to the copy destination volume is displayed. This item is displayed in EC.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Read Only at Equivalency

    When the "Phase" is "Equivalent", read access to the copy destination volume is allowed

  • No Read/Write

    No read/write access to the copy destination volume is allowed

Concurrent Suspend Status

When an instruction to collectively and tentatively separate multiple pairs of a copy source volume and a copy destination volume (Concurrent Suspend request) is received in EC session, transition status for "Suspend" is displayed. This item is displayed in EC.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed. If the Concurrent Suspend Status cannot be obtained, "Unknown" is displayed.

  • Normal

    Transition to the "Suspend" state is complete or Concurrent Suspend cannot be performed.

  • Exec

    Transition to the "Suspend" state is in progress.

  • Error

    Transition to the "Suspend" state failed.

  • Unknown

    Other than above status.

[Extent Information] Tab

This item is displayed only when the "Copy Range" is "Extent".

Item Description


The array number of extent information is displayed.

Source LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy source of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Destination LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy destination of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Copy Extent Size

The data amount for copy within the specified range is displayed.

[Session Property] (Remote Copy) Screen

[Property] Tab

Refer to the [Remote Copy] Screen for the items other than the ones described below.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) selected in the [Remote Copy] screen is displayed.

Source Volume Name

The following information is displayed depending on the Direction.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • When the "Direction" is "From Local/To Remote"

    The copy source volume name is displayed.

  • When the "Direction" is "From Remote/To Local"

    "Remote Box ID/Copy source volume number" is displayed.

Destination Volume Name

The following information is displayed depending on the Direction.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • When the "Direction" is "From Local/To Remote"

    "Remote Box ID/Copy destination volume number" is displayed.

  • When the "Direction" is "From Remote/To Local"

    The copy destination volume name is displayed.

Copy Range

The copy range of the copy session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Totally

    Whole volume

  • Extent

    Part of a volume

Secondary Access Permission

When the copy session status is "Active", accessibility from the host to the copy destination volume is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Read Only at Equivalency

    When the "Phase" is "Equivalent", read access to the copy destination volume is allowed

  • No Read/Write

    No read/write access to the copy destination volume is allowed


The operation mode of the copy session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Sync (synchronous)

  • Async (asynchronous)

Transfer Mode

The transfer mode of the copy session is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the copy status is "Reserved" or the status of a Sync that is described above is "Sync".

  • Stack Mode (Asynchronous Stack mode)

  • Consistency Mode (Asynchronous Consistency mode)

  • Through Mode (Asynchronous Through mode)

Recovery Mode

The recovery mode of the copy session is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Automatic Recovery

    In this mode, copy automatically resumes when the copy path is recovered from the error state.

  • Manual Recovery

    In this mode, copy does not automatically resume when the copy path is recovered from the error state.

Split Mode

The split mode of the copy session is displayed. This item is available only for sessions in REC synchronous mode.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

When the transfer mode is "Stack Mode" or "Consistency Mode", the field is blank.

  • Automatic

    In this mode, Write I/O access to the copy source volume is accepted when the copy path is in the error state.

  • Manual

    In this mode, Write I/O access to the copy source volume is not accepted when the copy path is in the error state. Specific sense information is sent to the host.

Change Error

The result of changing REC mode ("Transfer Mode", "Recovery Mode", or "Split Mode") and the result of REC reverse operation is displayed.

When anything other than "Normal" is displayed, the operation mode may be different between the copy source storage system and the copy destination storage system, or REC reverse operation may disabled due to restriction in other functions.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Normal

    REC mode change and REC reverse operation are working normally

  • Mode Change Error

    An error was detected while changing the REC mode change

  • Reverse Error

    An error was detected while the REC reverse operation was being performed

Concurrent Suspend Status

When an instruction to collectively and tentatively separate multiple pairs of a copy source volume and a copy destination volume (Concurrent Suspend request) is received in REC session, transition status for "Suspend" is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed. If the Concurrent Suspend Status cannot be obtained, "Unknown" is displayed.

  • Normal

    Transition to the "Suspend" state is complete or Concurrent Suspend cannot be performed.

  • Exec

    Transition to the "Suspend" state is in progress.

  • Error

    Transition to the "Suspend" state failed.

  • Unknown

    Other than above status.

Remain Time

The expected time to complete transition to "Suspend" when a Concurrent Suspend request is received.

When the copy session status is "Reserved", or when the "Remain Time" cannot be obtained, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

The display format is the same as "Elapsed Time". Refer to "Display example of "Elapsed Time"" for details.

[Extent Information] Tab

This item is displayed only when the "Copy Range" is "Extent".

Item Description


The array number of extent information is displayed.

Source LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy source of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Destination LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy destination of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Copy Extent Size

The data amount for copy within the specified range is displayed.

[Session Property] (ODX) Screen

[Property] Tab

Refer to the [ODX] Screen for other displayed items described below.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) selected in the [ODX] screen is displayed.

Source Volume Name

The copy source volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Copy destination volume name

The copy destination volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

[Extent Information] Tab

Item Description


The array number of extent information is displayed.

Source LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy source of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Destination LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy destination of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Copy Extent Size

The data amount for copy within the specified range is displayed.

[Session Property] (XCOPY) Screen

[Property] Tab

Refer to the [XCOPY] Screen for the details of items other than the ones described below.

Item Description

Session ID

The session ID (hexadecimal) selected in the [XCOPY] screen is displayed.

Source Volume Name

The copy source volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Copy destination volume name

The copy destination volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

[Extent Information] Tab

Item Description


The array number of extent information is displayed.

Source LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy source of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Destination LBA

The first Logical Block Address (LBA) (16-digit hexadecimal) in the copy destination of the copy session within the specified range is displayed.

Copy Extent Size

The data amount for copy within the specified range is displayed.

[Session Property] (VVOL) Screen

[Property] Tab

Refer to the [Virtual Volume] Screen for the details of items other than the ones described below.

Item Description

Source Volume Name

The copy source volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Copy destination volume name

The copy destination volume name is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Destination FTRP Name

The FTRP name to which the copy destination FTV belongs is displayed.

When the copy status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

This item is not displayed when the copy session type is other than "Snapshot" or "Fastclone".

Error Code

The error codes for copy sessions are described below.

Error code Description

0x10 - 0x1F

An error that is caused by a copy source volume occurs.

Some copy source volumes cannot be accessed because a failure has occurred in a component (e.g. drives and drive enclosures).

0x20 - 0x2F

An error that is caused by a copy destination volume occurs.

Some copy destination volumes cannot be accessed because a failure has occurred in a component (e.g. drives and drive enclosures).

0x30 - 0x3F

An error that is caused by a copy path occurs.

The error location (Suspected Spot) is displayed in the "Detail Information" field on the [Copy Path] screen. Refer to the [Copy Path] function for details.


This copy session stopped due to an error that has occurred in the cascade source session while the cascade copy was being specified.


A bad sector is detected.


SDV/SDP capacity is insufficient.


Overload status is detected in a copy destination volume or a copy destination storage system.


A line has failed. Data is stored in the REC Buffer.

This error is displayed only when the "Type" is "REC".


A line has failed. Data is stored in the REC Disk Buffer.

This error is displayed only when the "Type" is "REC".

Other than above

An error other than the ones listed above occurs.