Advanced Copy


Advanced Copy is a function to create copies at a fast rate using only the storage system instead of the CPU of the server.

Display Function List

Category Function Description
Advanced Copy Advanced Copy The number of Advanced Copy sessions and available copy capacity are displayed.
Local Copy Advanced Copy (All Sessions) The copy session information, which manages the Advanced Copy operation status, is displayed.
Remote Copy
Settings Settings (Advanced Copy) The operation environment of each Advanced Copy function is displayed.
  Snap Data Pool Snap Data Pool The usage status of the Snap Data Pool (SDP) is displayed.
Copy Path Copy Path The copy path status, which is used to perform REC, is displayed.
REC Buffer REC Buffer The REC Buffer status, which is used to perform REC Consistency, is displayed.
REC Disk Buffer REC Disk Buffer The REC Disk Buffer status, which is used to perform REC Consistency, is displayed.

Action List

Action Function Description
Advanced Copy
  Start SnapOPC+ Start SnapOPC+ Execute SnapOPC+.
Local Copy
  Stop Session Stop Copy Session Stop the selected copy session in progress.
  Register License Register Advanced Copy License Register an Advanced Copy license.
Delete License Delete Advanced Copy License Delete an Advanced Copy license.
Register Veeam License Register Veeam Storage Integration License Register the Veeam Storage Integration License.
Delete Veeam License Delete Veeam Storage Integration License Delete the Veeam Storage Integration License.
Modify EC/OPC Priority Modify EC/OPC Priority Change the EC/OPC priority.
Modify Copy Table Size Modify Copy Table Size Change the management table size which is required for the Advanced Copy operation.
Enable ODX Enable ODX Enable the ODX (*1) function.  
*1  :  Offloaded Data Transfer
Disable ODX Disable ODX Disable the ODX function.
Create ODX Buffer Volume Create ODX Buffer Volume Create a dedicated volume for the ODX function.
Snap Data Pool
  Modify Copy Parameters Modify Copy Parameters Change the Snap Data Pool management threshold.
Copy Path
  Set Copy Path Set Copy Path Configure the REC path.
Delete All Copy Path Delete All Copy Path Delete all the REC paths that are configured in the storage system.
Export All Copy Path Export All Copy Path Export all the REC path information that are configured in the storage system.
Export Storage Information Export Storage Information Export the REC device information in the storage system.
Get Round Trip Time Measure Round Trip Time Measure the round trip time of the copy path.
Modify REC Multiplicity Modify REC Multiplicity Change the REC Multiplicity setting of each copy path.
Set REC Bandwidth Limit Set REC Bandwidth Limit Set the REC Bandwidth Limit for the Remote Copy path.
Set REC Line Speed Set REC Line Speed Set the line speed when the local and remote storage systems are connected with a remote connection.
REC Buffer
  Modify REC Buffer Modify REC Buffer Specify the detailed information of the selected REC Buffer.
Assign REC Disk Buffer Assign REC Disk Buffer Assign an REC Disk Buffer to an REC Buffer.
REC Disk Buffer
  Create REC Disk Buffer Create REC Disk Buffer Create a new REC Disk Buffer.
Delete REC Disk Buffer Delete REC Disk Buffer Delete an REC Disk Buffer.
Format REC Disk Buffer Format REC Disk Buffer Format an REC Disk Buffer.