Settings (Advanced Copy)


This function displays the current Advanced Copy license registration status and the Advanced Copy set state.

  • When the trial license is registered, the registration date and the expiration date can be checked.

  • Registering an Advanced Copy license and setting a copy table size are not required when using ODX or XCOPY, or when using copy functions with Virtual Volumes (VVOLs).

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

This function displays the current Advanced Copy license (local copy and remote copy) registration status and the Advanced Copy set state.

License Information

Item Description


The registration status of the Advanced Copy license for the local copy and remote copy is displayed.

"Remote Copy" is displayed only for models that support REC.

  • Not Registered

    No license is registered.

  • Free

    The free license is registered.

    Up to eight local copy sessions can be created as an Advanced Copy.

    This item is displayed for the local copy functions of an ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and an ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3.

  • Trial Expiration

    The trial license is expired. The Advanced Copy function is not available.

  • Trial

    A trial license is registered. All of the Advanced Copy functions can be used for a limited time.

  • Full

    A paid license is registered. All of the Advanced Copy functions can be used.

  • If the trial license expires, the license registration status returns to the state prior to the registration of the trial license.

Registration Date

The date (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) when the trial license was registered is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • A trial license has never been registered

  • A full license or a free license is registered

Expiration Date

The expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) for the trial license is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • A trial license has never been registered

  • A full license or a free license is registered

Veeam Storage Integration

Item Description


The registration status of the Veeam Storage Integration License is displayed as "Not Registered" or "Registered".

This item is displayed only when all of the following conditions are satisfied.

  • An Advanced Copy License (Full) for the local copy is registered

  • The storage system model supports Veeam Storage Integration

    (other than the ETERNUS DX8100 S4)

Advanced Copy Settings

Item Description

Copy Table Size

A copy table size is displayed.

This item is displayed when the Advanced Copy function license has been registered or when the Unified Storage function is enabled.

EC/OPC Priority

The EC/OPC priority status is displayed.

This item is displayed when the Advanced Copy function license or the Storage Cluster function license (*1) has been registered.

*1  :  The Storage Cluster function license must be registered using ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.
  • Automatic Priority

    This mode changes the EC/OPC priority automatically in response to the operating load status.

  • High Priority

    This mode operates by making maximum use of internal resources.

  • Middle Priority

    This mode operates slightly slower than the High Priority mode.

  • Low Priority

    This mode reduces the effect on host access.

  • Very Low Priority

    This mode operates slower than the Low Priority mode.

Current EC/OPC Priority

The current EC/OPC priority is displayed.

This item is displayed when the Advanced Copy function license or the Storage Cluster function license has been registered.

Automatic Priority

High Priority

Middle Priority

Low Priority

Very Low Priority

ODX Buffer Volume

The registration status of the ODX Buffer volume is displayed.