Export All Copy Path


This function exports the copy path information registered in the storage system, and saves the information in a file.

The saved file can be used as path information when creating or changing a copy path, so that manual registration of the path information will not be required.

  • Registering the Advanced Copy function license or the Storage Cluster function license (*1) is required to use this function.

    *1  :  The Storage Cluster function license must be registered using ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.
  • The bandwidth limit value for a copy path cannot be exported.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to User Roles and Policies for details on the policies and roles.

Operating Procedures

  1. Click [Export All Copy Path] in [Action].

  2. Click the [Export] button.

    → The copy path information, which has been registered in the storage system, is exported.

        After the copy path information export has been finished, a screen to execute downloading the file is displayed.

  3. Click the [Download] button.

    → A dialog box to download the file appears.

    • The [Download] button cannot be clicked if the copy path information is not registered in the storage system.

  4. Save the copy path information file.

    The default file name is "RecPath_serial number for the storage system_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.bin".

    (YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss: the date and time when the download screen (Step 3) is displayed.)

  5. Click the [Close] button to return to the [Copy Path] screen.