

This function displays the reservation status of the volumes that are specified by a host.

  • The reservation status for volumes where the usage is "Block", "Block/Dedupe&Comp", "Block/Dedupe", "Block/Comp", "Migration", "Veeam", "Dedupe&Comp/Veeam", "Dedupe/Veeam", or "Comp/Veeam" is displayed. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

  • In this manual, "volumes" include "External Volumes" if differentiation is not specifically required.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

Volume List

Item Description


The volume number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The volume name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).

LUN Group

When the host affinity setting is specified for a host that reserves the volume, the LUN group name is displayed. If the host, ports, and LUNs are directly allocated (mapped), the location information of the ports is displayed.

When the volume is not reserved, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

LUN group name

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number

Host LUN

The host LUN, which is allocated to the volume, is displayed.

When the volume is not reserved, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Registrant Count

The number of reservation keys registered in the volume is displayed.

Reservation Type

When the volume is in persistent reservation status, one of the following persistent reservation types is displayed. When the volume is in reservation status other than persistent reservation status, or when the volume is not reserved, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • WE (Write Exclusive)

  • EA (Exclusive Access)

  • WE_RO (Write Exclusive-Registrants Only)

  • EA_RO (Exclusive Access-Registrants Only)

  • WE_AR (Write Exclusive-All Registrants)

  • EA_AR (Exclusive Access-All Registrants)

Reservation Status

The volume reservation status is displayed.

  • Yes

    In persistent reservation status

  • No

    In reservation status, but not in persistent reservation status

  • "-" (hyphen)

    Not in reservation status.

APTPL (*1)

Whether or not persistent reservation information is kept after the storage system has been shutdown/rebooted is displayed. When the volume is in reservation status other than persistent reservation status, "No" is displayed. When the volume is not reserved, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

*1  :  Activate Persist Through Power Loss
  • Yes

    The persistent reservation information is kept.

  • No

    The persistent reservation information is not kept.

[Volume Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab)

Click the [Reservation] tab to display the detailed information.

[Reservation] Screen

When reservation keys are registered in volumes, up to 64 host information is displayed. When no reservation keys are registered in volumes, information for the host that reserves the volumes is displayed.

The volume number, volume name, and type are displayed.

Item Description

Host WWN/iSCSI Name

The WWN or the iSCSI name of the host that can access the volume is displayed.

CA Port

The location information of the CA port that connects to the host is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number

Reservation Key

The reservation key that is used for persistent reservation of the volume is displayed.

When no reservation keys exist, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Hold Reservation

Whether the target reservation key is used for persistent reservation is displayed.

When the volume is in reservation status other than persistent reservation status, "No" is displayed.

  • Yes

    In persistent reservation status

  • No

    Not in persistent reservation status

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the volumes meeting all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Input the volume name that is to be displayed.

When not using the volume name for filtering, leave this item blank.

Volume name


LUN Group

Input the LUN group name or the port location information for the volume that is to be displayed.

When not using the LUN group name or the port location information for filtering, leave this item blank.

LUN group name

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w

For the other models

CM#y CA#z Port#w

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: CA number

w: Port number


Minimum Registrant Count

Input the minimum number of registrants for the volume that is to be displayed.

When not using the minimum registrant count, leave this item blank.

Registrant count


Reservation Type

Select the reservation type of the volume that is to be displayed.








"-" (hyphen)

Reservation Status

Select the reservation status of the volume that is to be displayed.




"-" (hyphen)


Select the APTPL of the volume that is to be displayed.




"-" (hyphen)