Modify Host Response


This function modifies host response settings.

For more details on setting the host response parameters, refer to "Configuration Guide -Server Connection-" for each OS type.

  • The server may need to be rebooted after host response parameters are changed. Refer to Requirements for Changing Parameters for details.

  • If an appropriate host response is not configured to the host affinity, the path may not be switched correctly or the volume may not be recognized correctly.

  • When customizing the host response, make sure to understand the setting parameters and create the host response with careful attention.

  • The recommended pattern and the default setting of the host response cannot be modified.

  • When Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA) is set for the volume, ALUA is given priority over the "Asymmetric / Symmetric Logical Unit Access" setting that is specified in this function. Refer to "ALUA" in the [Performance (Host I/O)] function for details.

  • Assign a host response when adding or changing a host group. Refer to the [Add FC Host Group] function, the [Add iSCSI Host Group] function, or the [Modify Host Group] function for details.

  • Assign a host response when adding or changing a host. Refer to the [Add FC Host] function, the [Add iSCSI Host] function, the [Modify FC Host] function, or the [Modify iSCSI Host] function for details.

  • Assign a host response to the CA port when "All" is specified with host affinity for the host group or the host. Refer to the [Create Host Affinity] function or the [Modify Host Affinity] function for details.

  • To add a host response, use the [Add Host Response] function.

Requirements for Changing Parameters

Some parameters that allow online modification can be changed during operation. If parameters that do not allow online modifications are changed, the server may need to be rebooted after these parameters are changed.

Category Parameter Online modification is available Online modification is not available
Host Response Name Name
LUN Settings LUN Addressing -

LUN Expand Mode

(Peripheral Device Addressing)

ALUA Settings Asymmetric / Symmetric Logical Unit Access -
TPGS Mode -
TPG Referrals Mode -
Inquiry Command Settings

Peripheral Device Type

(Peripheral Device Addressing)


Peripheral Device Type

(Flat Space Addressing)

SCSI Version -
Device ID Type -
Product Revision -
Test Unit Ready Command Settings Reservation Conflict Response
Sense Settings Notify Change of Volume Mapping
Notify Change of Volume Expansion
Notify Vendor Unique Sense
Sense Data Conversion
Mode Sense Command Settings Reservation Conflict Response (Write Exclusive)
Other Settings Command Monitor Time
Load Balance Response Status
iSCSI Discovery Reply Mode
iSCSI Reservation Range -


Modify the host response settings.

Parameters Setting

In this screen, change host response parameters.

Host Response Name

Item Description Setting values


Renames a host response.

An existing host response name cannot be used.

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters,

symbols (except "," (comma) and "?"),

and spaces

LUN Settings

Item Description Setting values

LUN Addressing

Select the appropriate LUN addressing for each OS.

  • Peripheral device addressing (Default)

    This mode enables mapping to 256 LUNs.

  • Flat space addressing

    This mode enables mapping to 4096 LUNs.

  • If the host response whose "LUN Addressing" is "Flat space addressing" is used, the maximum number of connectible hosts per CA port is 32.

    Therefore, make sure to connect 32 or less hosts to the target CA port. If the number of connected hosts exceeds the limit, the volume may become inaccessible from any of the hosts assigned to the target CA port.

Peripheral device addressing (Default)

Flat space addressing

LUN Expand Mode

(Peripheral Device Addressing)

Select the LUN expand mode.

  • When expanding the maximum LUNs that can be mapped to 4096, select "Enable".

  • When the maximum LUNs that can be mapped are not expanded, select "Disable (Default)".

  • Some restrictions are applied for environments to use "LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing)". Refer to "Setting the Host Responses" in "Configuration Guide -Server Connection-" (*1) for details.

  • If the host response whose "LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing)" is "Enable" is used, the maximum number of connectible hosts per CA port is 32.

    Therefore, make sure to connect 32 or less hosts to the target CA port. If the number of connected hosts exceeds the limit, the volume may become inaccessible from any of the hosts assigned to the target CA port.

  • The number of LUNs that can be referenced from the host is determined by the "LUN Addressing" settings and the "LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing)" settings for the host response. When changing a host response that is already allocated to a host group with the host affinity setting or a host with the host affinity setting, check the LUN setting state. If LUNs that are LUN#256 onward are used, the referable LUN setting cannot be changed to "256 LUN" (*2). Refer to "Host Response and Referable Number of LUNs" for details.

*1  :  Configuration Guide -Server Connection- Fibre Channel/ ETERNUS AF series, ETERNUS DX200F All-Flash Arrays, ETERNUS DX S6/S5/S4/S3 series Hybrid Storage Systems Settings
*2  :  "Peripheral device addressing (Default)" is specified for LUN addressing and "Disable (Default)" is selected for the LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing).
  • This parameter is available only when the LUN addressing setting is "Peripheral device addressing (Default)".


Disable (Default)

ALUA Settings

Item Description Setting values

Asymmetric / Symmetric Logical Unit Access

Select the access type from the host to a volume.


    There are recommended paths and non-recommended paths for each volume. By using a CA port in the Controlling CM of a RAID group in which the volume belongs for the recommended paths (other ports are regarded as non-recommended paths), data migration between CMs (cross access) can be reduced.


    All of the paths to the volume are regarded as being recommended paths. The multipath driver determines which paths are used.

  • This parameter is only available when the TPGS mode is "Enable (Default)". Note that this parameter is enabled regardless of the TPGS mode setting when the ETERNUS Multipath Driver is used.

  • For the ETERNUS DX600 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8100 S6, when setting "ACTIVE / ACTIVE", a data migration occurs between CMs and there may be a reduction in performance.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S6



For the ETERNUS DX600 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8100 S6




Select "Enable (Default)" or "Disable" for the Target Port Group Support (TPGS) mode.

TPGS is a standard that is used to achieve Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA) for multipath control. By notifying the path status (recommend or non-recommend) of each volume, the selection conditions of paths for multipath control can be determined. If the TPGS mode is "Disable", the multipath driver determines which paths are used.

Enable (Default)


TPG Referrals Mode

Select "Enable" or "Disable (Default)" for the TPGS referrals setting.

The TPG Referrals function determines the priority path for each block when accessing volumes via the ETERNUS Multipath Driver in order to prevent cross access.

  • The TPG Referrals function is performed when "Enable" is selected and all of the following conditions apply:
    • The ETERNUS Multipath Driver supports the TPG Referrals function

    • "Enable (Default)" is selected for "TPGS Mode"

  • This parameter is available for Standard, WSV, TPV, FTV, and Standard (LUN Concatenation) type volumes.


Disable (Default)

Inquiry Command Settings

Item Description Setting values

Peripheral Device Type

(Peripheral Device Addressing)

If the LUN addressing setting is "Peripheral device addressing (Default)", select a Peripheral Device type for unconnected LUNs.

  • This parameter can only be specified when the LUN addressing setting is "Peripheral device addressing (Default)".

No Device Type (3Fh) (Default)

Not Supported (7Fh)

Not Connected (20h)

Peripheral Device Type

(Flat Space Addressing)

When the LUN addressing setting is "Flat space addressing", select the Peripheral Device type for LUN0.

  • This parameter can only be specified when the LUN addressing setting is "Flat space addressing".

No Device Type (3Fh) (Default)

Controller Device (0Ch)

SCSI Version

Select the version of the SCSI specification that is installed in the storage system.

Version 6 (Default)

Version 5

Version 4

Version 3


Select "Enable" or "Disable (Default)" for the Normal Auto Contingent Allegiance (NACA) bit.


Disable (Default)

Device ID Type

Select the format of the volume identification information.

Type3 (Default)


Type1 + Type3

Product Revision

Select whether to respond with the firmware version as the product revision. If "Not Respond (Default)" is selected, the fixed value (0000) is sent for this item.


Not Respond (Default)

Test Unit Ready Command Settings

Item Description Setting values

Reservation Conflict Response

Select the response status when a command to the volume is received while the relevant volume is reserved by another host.

GOOD (Default)


Sense Settings

Item Description Setting values

Notify Change of Volume Mapping

Select whether the host is notified ("Enable (Default)") or not notified ("Disable") when volumes are added to LUN groups set with host affinity.

Enable (Default)


Notify Change of Volume Expansion

Select the host is notified ("Enable (Default)") or not notified ("Disable") when the volume capacity is changed.

Enable (Default)


Notify Vendor Unique Sense

Select whether asynchronous sense reports module disconnection in the storage system to the host ("Enable") or does not report module disconnection in the storage system to the host ("Disable (Default)").

  • A vendor unique sense code is used for sense data that is to be notified. Do not select "Enable" for this item if status monitoring of the storage system is not performed from the host.


Disable (Default)

Sense Data Conversion

Select whether or not to send the unconverted sense data to the host.

  • No Conversion (Default)

    Sense data is sent to the host without any conversion.

  • Customize

    Customized sense data is sent to the host.

    Select "Customize" to display the sense data conversion setting field.

    • From SK/ASC/ASCQ

    • To SK/ASC/ASCQ

  • Click the [Add] button. Enter SK/ASC/ASCQ of the conversion target in the "From" field, and SK/ASC/ASCQ of the conversion destination in the "To" field.

    Specify "From SK/ASC/ASCQ" and "To SK/ASC/ASCQ" values in pairs. The sense data that matching the "From SK/ASC/ASCQ" value is changed to the specified "To SK/ASC/ASCQ" value.

    "*" indicates a wild-card, and targets all values.

    The maximum number of sense data conversions is eight patterns.

    Click each link to change the setting contents.

    • Sense Key (SK):

      SK indicates sense keys included in the sense information.

      0 - f or "*"

    • Additional Sense Code (ASC):

      ASC indicates sense codes included in the sense information.

      0 - ff or "*"

    • Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ):

      ASCQ indicates additional sense code qualifiers included in the sense information.

      0 - ff or "*"

    (Example 1) The sense information (4/f1/0) is converted to (4/f1/1) before responding to the host.

           • From SK/ASC/ASCQ: 4/f1/0

           • To SK/ASC/ASCQ: 4/f1/1

    (Example 2) The sense information (4/f1/0 - ff) is converted to (6/f1/0 - ff) before responding to the host.

            "*" indicates all patterns from "0" to "ff". The "*" part is not converted.

           • From SK/ASC/ASCQ: 4/f1/*

           • To SK/ASC/ASCQ: 6/f1/*

No Conversion (Default)


Mode Sense Command Settings

Item Description Setting values

Reservation Conflict Response (Write Exclusive)

Select the response status when the "Mode Sense" command to the volume is received while the relevant volume is reserved with "Write Exclusive" by the host.

"Write Exclusive" is a reservation type. Refer to the [Reservation] function for details.

  • GOOD


  • To use Veritas InfoScale (formerly known as Symantec Storage Foundation), select "GOOD" for this item.



Other Settings

Item Description Setting values

Command Monitor Time

Select one of the following options for command timeouts:

  • Default (25sec.)

    Specify 25 seconds.

  • Customize

    Input a value between 10 and 255 seconds.

Default (25sec.)

Customize (10 - 255 sec.)

Load Balance Response Status

Select the response status for the load balancing function.

  • This item is only available when "Enable" is selected for "Load Balance" in the subsystem parameter.




iSCSI Discovery Reply Mode

Select the response mode for iSCSI Discovery requests.

  • All - Reply All Ports (Default)

    Replies to the server with the information for all the iSCSI ports (iSCSI names and IP addresses).

  • Port - Reply Target Port Only

    Replies to the server with only the information for the specified iSCSI ports (iSCSI names and IP addresses).

All - Reply All Ports (Default)

Port - Reply Target Port Only

iSCSI Reservation Range

Select the reservation management unit of the iSCSI connection.

  • Storage System (Default)

    The reservation status of volumes is managed for each storage system.

  • CA Port

    The reservation status of volumes is managed for each CA port.

Storage System (Default)

CA Port

Function Button

Item Description


Adds sense data conversion patterns.

The [Add] button is displayed only when "Customize" has been selected in the "Sense Data Conversion" field.

If the maximum number of sense data conversion patterns has already been created, the [Add] button cannot be clicked.


Deletes the sense data conversion patterns in the corresponding field from the sense data conversion list.

The [Add] button is displayed only when "Customize" has been selected in the "Sense Data Conversion" field.

If no sense data conversion pattern has been added, the [Delete] button is not displayed.

Function Link

Item Description


Edits the corresponding sense data conversion patterns.


Operating Procedures

In this screen, change a host response settings.

  1. Select the host response to be modified, and click [Modify Host Response] in [Action].

  2. Modify the host response name or each item, and click the [Modify] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Name" overlaps with an existing host response name

      • Some LUNs cannot be referenced

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Modification of the host response starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Host Response] screen.