Modify LUN Group


This function modifies LUN groups.

  • When changing or deleting the volume allocation in a running LUN group, stop access from the associated host.

  • When adding LUNs or volume allocation to a running LUN group, stopping access from the associated host is not necessary.

  • Only the volumes with "Standard", "WSV", "TPV", "FTV", or "SDV" volume types can be registered in the LUN group.

  • To change a LUN group with the host affinity setting, the number of LUNs that can be referenced by the host depends on the host response setting that is allocated to the host group or the host. Refer to "Host Response and Referable Number of LUNs" for details. When adding LUNs to a LUN group, check the host response.

  • The following volumes cannot be registered in the LUN group. These volumes are not displayed as selectable volumes.
  • If the specified volumes are changed to one of the following conditions before the [Modify] button is clicked, LUN groups cannot be changed.

    • Volumes specified for the RAID Migration function

    • Volumes with the mirroring reservation attribute (*1)

    • ODX Buffer Volumes

    • Volumes where a capacity optimization is being performed

    *1  :  An attribute to be set to a volume being created as the REC copy destination by the Dynamic LUN Mirroring function. The volumes with this attribute may have been left in the storage system due to unsuccessful creation. Volumes that have the mirroring reservation attribute can be checked in the "Forbid Advanced Copy" field on the [Volume] screen. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.


LUN Group Setting

In this screen, modify a LUN group.

Item Description Setting values


Modify the LUN group name.

An existing LUN group name cannot be specified.

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters,

symbols (except "," (comma) and "?"),

and spaces

Number of LUNs

The number of host LUNs (0 to 4096) to which the volumes are allocated is displayed.

LUN Overlap

If volumes in the LUN group satisfy one or both of the following conditions, "Yes" is displayed. For any other conditions, the field is blank.

  • The volumes are allocated to different LUN groups

  • The volumes are included in the mapping information, which is directly allocated to the port without specifying the host group or the CA port group

Veeam Storage Integration

If the LUN group is used for Veeam Storage Integration, select the "Yes" checkbox.

If the LUN group is not used for Veeam Storage Integration, clear the checkbox.

This item is displayed only when the Veeam Storage Integration License has been registered.




Define LUN Group

The LUN and volume allocation information in the corresponding LUN group is displayed. Click the [Add] button to display the [Add LUN] Screen. Click the [Delete] button to delete the specified LUN and the volume allocation information from the LUN group.

Item Description

Checkbox to select a volume

Select checkboxes for host LUNs and volume allocation information that are to be deleted from the LUN group.

Host LUN

The host LUN (0 to 4095) is displayed.

Volume No.

The volume number allocated to the host LUN is displayed.


The volume name allocated to the host LUN is displayed.


The volume type allocated to the host LUN is displayed.







The volume capacity allocated to the host LUN is displayed.

When the "Type" is "SDV", the logical capacity, which can be accessed from the host, is displayed.

LUN Group

If the volume is allocated to different LUN groups, the LUN group name is displayed. If the host, ports, and LUNs are allocated without specifying a host group or port group by an application other than Web GUI, the location information of the ports is displayed. When a volume is not allocated to different LUN groups, the field is blank.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S6

LUN group name

CE#n CM#n CA#n Port#n


For the ETERNUS DX600 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8100 S6

LUN group name

CM#n CA#n Port#n



The volume UID allocated to the host LUN is displayed.

The UID is an identifier (storage system name) to specify a volume from the open system server.

32-digit capital letters and numeric characters (hexadecimal)

Function Button

Button Description


Adds the host LUN and volume allocation information to the LUN group.

If the allocation information has exceeded the maximum number, the [Add] button cannot be clicked.


Deletes the specified host LUN and the volume allocation information from the LUN group.

If no host LUNs or volume allocation information exists, the [Delete] button cannot be clicked.

[Add LUN] Screen

In this screen, allocate volumes to host LUNs.

LUN Setting

Use the radio button in the "Start Host LUNs" field, to specify the starting volume number, which will be allocated to a host LUN. By clicking the [OK] button, the selected volume numbers are allocated to the number of LUNs to be created, starting from the first LUN.

Item Description Setting values

Start Host LUNs

Specify the host LUN from which volume allocation is to be started.

  • If the allocation of the host LUN is started from an "External Volume", specify the host LUN that is allocated to the relevant volume in the external storage system. The host LUN for the External Volume is displayed in the [External Drives] screen. Refer to the [External Drives] function for details.

  • For LUN groups whose the "Yes" checkbox of "Veeam Storage Integration" is selected, volumes cannot be allocated to Host LUN#511.

0 - 4095


The smallest number among the available host LUNs (Default)

Number of LUNs

The number of host LUNs to which the volumes are allocated is displayed.

1 (Default) - 4096


Select Volume

Item Description

Radio buttons to select a volume

Select the radio button of the volume number that allocation is to be started from.

  • If any volumes that cannot be used for allocation exist within the range specified by the LUN number, these volumes are skipped and the next volume is allocated.

  • Volumes that have already been registered in relevant LUN groups (volumes displayed in the "Define LUN Group" field on the [Modify LUN Group] screen) are not displayed.


The volume number is displayed.


The volume name is displayed.


The volume type is displayed.







The volume capacity is displayed.

When the "Type" is "SDV", the logical capacity, which can be accessed from the host, is displayed.

LUN Group

If the volume is allocated to different LUN groups, the LUN group name is displayed. If the host, ports, and LUNs are allocated without specifying a host group or port group by an application other than Web GUI, the location information of the ports is displayed. When a volume is not allocated to different LUN groups, the field is blank.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S6

LUN group name

CE#n CM#n CA#n Port#n

For the ETERNUS DX600 S6 or the ETERNUS DX8100 S6

LUN group name

CM#n CA#n Port#n


The volume UID is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Data Container Volume.

32-digit capital letters and numeric characters (hexadecimal)

  • For External Volumes that inherit the External LU Information, the UID of the External Volumes is displayed. If External Volumes do not inherit the information, the UID that is assigned by the storage system is displayed.

  • If the External LU Information is deleted, the UID that is assigned by the storage system is displayed. Refer to the [Delete External LU Information] function for details.

Operating Procedures

In this screen, modify a LUN group.

  1. Select the LUN group that is to be modified and click [Modify LUN Group] in [Action].

  2. Modify the LUN group name (if required).

  3. Click the [Add] button.

    → The [Add LUN] screen is displayed.

    • To delete the allocation information between LUNs and volumes from the LUN group, select the checkbox for allocation information to delete and click the [Delete] button.

    • To change the LUN and the volume allocation information, delete the allocation information to be changed. Restart this function to add a new allocation of LUNs and volumes in the LUN group.

  4. Specify the LUN and the number of LUNs for volume allocation, select the volume numbers to start the allocation to the corresponding LUNs from, and then click the [OK] button.

    → Returns to the [Modify LUN Group] screen.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The LUN volume, which is specified in "Start Host LUNs", has already been allocated to a different LUN

      • The necessary number of LUNs, which have been specified in "Number of LUNs", cannot be allocated to the LUN volumes

  5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 to set multiple allocation information between the LUNs and the volumes.

  6. Check the LUN and the volume allocation information to be registered in the LUN group, click the [Modify] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Name" overlaps with an existing LUN group name

      • Some LUNs cannot be referenced from the host

      • The data merge process of a SnapOPC+ session is being performed for the specified volume

      • The "Yes" checkbox of "Veeam Storage Integration" is selected for a LUN group whose host affinity is configured with any host

  7. Click the [OK] button.

    → Modifying LUN group starts.

  8. Click the [Done] button to return to the [LUN Group] screen.