Delete Advanced Copy License
This function deletes all of the Advanced Copy licenses registered in the storage system.
Do not delete the Advanced Copy license when the Storage Cluster function is being used.
- An Advanced Copy license cannot be deleted in the following conditions:
The CM status is not normal
A port with the RA mode or CA/RA mode exists
A volume with Advanced Copy protected exists
An Advanced Copy session (except for an ODX session, an XCOPY session, or a Virtual Volume session) exists
An Advanced Copy table size has been configured
An Advanced Copy path has been configured
An REC Buffer has been configured
An REC Disk Buffer has been created
The Veeam Storage Integration License has been registered
- If the Storage Cluster function is enabled but is not being used, the Advanced Copy license can be deleted under the following conditions.
An Advanced Copy path has been configured
A port with the RA mode or CA/RA mode exists
Rebooting the storage system is required after deleting an Advanced Copy license.
To check whether the Storage Cluster function is enabled or disabled, use the [System] screen. Refer to the [System] function for details.
Operating Procedures
Click [Delete License] in [Action].
→ A confirmation screen appears.
Click the [OK] button.
→ Deletion of an Advanced Copy license is executed.
Click the [Done] button to return to the [Settings] screen.
CautionRebooting the storage system is required after deleting an Advanced Copy license.