Assign Eco-mode Schedule (RAID Group)


This function assigns the Eco-mode schedule to the RAID groups and sets the Eco-mode action.

There are three Eco-mode actions; "Drive power off", "Drive motor off", and "Drive always on". To enable the Eco-mode, assign the Eco-mode schedule to a RAID group and select "Drive power off" or "Drive motor off" as the Eco-mode action. When Eco-mode is enabled, the drives are activated during the scheduled event period. In the time periods outside the scheduled event, the drive status is changed according to the specified Eco-mode actions. Refer to "Drive Status When Eco-mode Action Is Configured" for details.

If the RAID group is accessed from the host while the drives are turned off or the drive motors are stopped, the drives are activated and can be accessed within 1 - 5 minutes.

Drive Status When Eco-mode Action Is Configured

Eco-mode Schedule Setting Eco-mode General Settings
Enabled Disabled
Drive power Drive motor
Eco-mode Action Drive power off During scheduled event term Drive power is on Drive motor is activated

Drive power is on or the drive motor runs regardless of the schedule.

Times other than scheduled event term (*1) Drive power is off Drive motor is stopped
Drive motor off During scheduled event term Drive power is on Drive motor is activated
Times other than scheduled event term (*1) Drive power is on Drive motor is stopped
Drive always on Drive power is on Drive motor is always activated
Eco-mode schedule is not assigned Drive power is on Drive motor is always activated
Drives not registered in the RAID groups Drive power is on Drive motors are always stopped
*1  :  If the RAID group is accessed, the drives are activated and can be accessed within 1 - 5 minutes.
  • When using Eco-mode, make sure to set the date/time correctly. If the time/date of the storage system is wrong, processes used for stopping and starting the drive motor cannot be performed per the Eco-mode schedule.

  • When "External" (drive motor management by Fujitsu ETERNUS SF Storage Management Software) is selected, it can be changed to the Eco-mode schedule. But when the Eco-mode schedule is selected, it cannot be changed to "External".

  • If any of the following conditions occur during the Eco-mode scheduled time, the drive will be started even when the drive motor is inactive. The Eco-mode schedule is re-enabled when the conditions listed have finished. (*1)
    • The status of the RAID group is other than "Available"

    • Functions that change the RAID group or the volume configuration are being performed

    • Rebuild or copyback is being performed in the target RAID group

    • LDE is being performed in the target RAID group

    • Formatting is being performed in the volumes registered in the RAID group

    • RAID migration is being performed in the volumes registered in the RAID group

    • Advanced Copy is being performed in the volume registered in the RAID group (copy session status is not "Suspend" or the phase is not "Tracking")

    • Encryption is being performed in the volumes registered in the RAID group

    • During maintenance

    • A disk diagnosis or a RAID group diagnosis is being performed or G-List is being exported

    • A module error related to the access paths of the controller modules and drives is detected

  • Specify the same Eco-mode schedule for all of the RAID groups that configure a WSV. If a different Eco-mode schedule is specified, activation of a stopped drive is required to accept the host access, and the performance of the response may be reduced. RAID groups that configure a WSV can be checked in the [Volume Detail] screen ([Used RAID Group] tab). Refer to the [Volume] function for details.

  • If the server OS or software periodically accesses the storage system, the drive motor may not stop even when the Eco-mode is enabled. (*1)

    *1  :  This does not only affect the motor stoppage, but includes the cutting of the drives power as well.
  • Before applying Eco-mode for RAID groups, use the [Modify Eco-mode General Setting] function to enable the Eco-mode setting for the storage system.

  • Set the Eco-mode schedule using the [Create Eco-mode Schedule] function.

  • To use Eco-mode for RAID groups registered in TPPs, assign the Eco-mode schedule to the TPPs. Refer to the [Assign Eco-mode Schedule (Thin Provisioning Pool)] function for details.

  • Dedicated Hot Spares are operated according to the Eco-mode schedule of the assigned RAID groups even if they are not included in the relevant RAID group.

  • Global Hot Spares are operated according to the Eco-mode schedule of the assigned RAID groups only when they are included in the RAID groups.


In this screen, set Eco-mode for the RAID group.

Eco-mode Schedule Settings

Item Description Setting values

Eco-mode Schedule

Select the Eco-mode schedule that is to be assigned to the RAID group.

  • Do not change

    Do not change the current assignment.

  • Disable

    Disable the Eco-mode.

  • Eco-mode schedule name

    Assign the selected Eco-mode schedule.

  • Eco-mode is not available for the following RAID groups:
    • No volumes are created

    • Volumes other than Standard, WSV, SDV, or SDPV types are registered

    • A Storage Migration path is created in the volume

    • Configured with motorless drives (SSDs or NVMe SSDs)

    • Registered as an REC Disk Buffer

    • Registered in TPPs

    • Registered in Flexible Tier Sub Pools (FTSPs)

    • Registered as an Extreme Cache Pool

Do not change


Eco-mode schedule name

Eco-mode Action

Select the Eco-mode action.

The setting for this item becomes available if "Do not change" or "Eco-mode schedule name" is selected for "Eco-mode Schedule".

  • Do not change

    Does not change the Eco-mode action (only the Eco-mode schedule can be changed).

  • Drive power off

    Enables the Eco-mode action and turns off the drives power during time periods outside the specified schedule.

  • Drive motor off

    Enables the Eco-mode action and stops the drives motors during time periods outside the specified schedule.

  • Drive always on

    Disables the Eco-mode action and the drive operates continuously regardless of the specified schedule.

  • Eco-mode schedule can be assigned for the following RAID groups, but Eco-mode is not used.
    • A RAID group where SDPVs are registered

    • A RAID group where ODX Buffer volumes are registered

Do not change

Drive power off

Drive motor off

Drive always on

Display Contents

The detailed information of the selected RAID group is displayed.

Target RAID Groups

Item Description


The RAID group name is displayed.


The RAID group status is displayed.

Refer to RAID Group Status for details.

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

Refer to RAID Level for details.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

Current Eco-mode Schedule

The assignment status of the Eco-mode schedule for the RAID group is displayed.

  • When an Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, "Eco-mode schedule name" is displayed.

  • If the Eco-mode is controlled with Fujitsu ETERNUS SF Storage Management Software, "External" is displayed.

  • When no Eco-mode schedule is assigned, the field is blank.

Current Eco-mode Action

The Eco-mode action status for the RAID group is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Drive power off

    The power for the drive is turned off during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive motor off

    The drive motor is stopped during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive always on

    The Eco-mode is disabled and the drive is always on.

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the RAID group to assign the Eco-mode schedule (multiple selections can be made) to and click [Assign Eco-mode] in [Action].

    • When selecting multiple RAID groups as the target of the Eco-mode, the same Eco-mode schedule is assigned to all the selected RAID groups.

  2. Select the Eco-mode schedule that is to be assigned, select the Eco-mode action, and then click the [Assign] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Assigning of the Eco-mode schedule starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Eco-mode Schedule] screen.