Host Response

The response from the ETERNUS DX can be optimized by switching the setup information of the host response for each connected server.

The server requirements of the supported functions, LUN addressing, and the method for command responses vary depending on the connection environments such as the server OS and the driver that will be used. A function that handles differences in server requirements is supported. This function can specify the appropriate operation mode for the connection environment and convert host responses that respond to the server in the ETERNUS DX.

In normal server connection, the recommended patterns prepared for each OS type in advance or the default settings are used.

The host response settings can be specified for the server or the port to which the server connects. For details on the settings, refer to "Configuration Guide -Server Connection-".

For details on modifying the host response settings, refer to "Web GUI User's Guide".

Figure: Host Response
  • If the host response setting is not appropriate, the volumes may not be referenceable or the expected performance may not be achieved. Make sure to select appropriate host response settings.

  • The number of LUNs that can be referenced from the host varies depending on "LUN Addressing" and "LUN Expand Mode (Peripheral Device Addressing)" of the host response settings.