Enterprise Application Manuals ( CA08871-660 )
Deploy Hyper-V Live Migration outside a clustered environment
This section describes the deployment of Hyper-V live migration outside a clustered environment.
Standalone Hyper-V servers with independent storage or shared SMB storage.
The Hyper-V role installed on both the source and destination servers.
Both Hyper-V servers belong to the same domain or to domains that trust each other.
To perform live migration in a non-clustered environment, configure source and destination Hyper-V servers so that they can send and receive live migration operations. On both Hyper-V servers, complete the following steps:
Open Hyper-V Manager from the Tools section of Server Manager.
In Actions, click Hyper-V Settings.
Click Live Migrations and select Enable Incoming and Outgoing Live Migrations.
Choose whether to allow live migration traffic on any available network or only on specific networks.
Optionally, you can configure the authentication protocol and performance options from the Advanced section of Live Migrations.
If CredSSP is used as the authentication protocol, then make sure to log in to the source Hyper-V server from the destination Hyper-V server before moving the VM.
If Kerberos is used as the authentication protocol, then configure the constrained delegation. Doing so requires Active Directory domain controller access. To configure the delegation, complete the following steps:
Log in to the Active Directory domain controller as the administrator.
Start Server Manager.
In the Tools section, click Active Directory Users and Computers.
Expand the domain and click Computers.
Select the source Hyper-V server from the list, right-click it, and click Properties.
In the Delegation tab, select Trust This Computer for Delegation to Specified Services Only.
Select Use Kerberos Only.
Click Add, which opens the Add Services wizard.
In Add Services, click Users and Computers, which opens Select Users or Computers.
Provide the destination Hyper-V server name and click OK.
To move VM storage, select CIFS.
To move VMs, select the Microsoft Virtual System Migration service.
In the Delegation tab, click OK.
From the Computers folder, select the destination Hyper-V server from the list and repeat the process. In Select Users or Computers, provide the source Hyper-V server name.
Move the VM.
Open Hyper-V Manager.
Right-click a VM and click Move.
Choose Move the Virtual Machine.
Specify the destination Hyper-V server for the VM.
Choose the move options. For Shared Live Migration, choose Move Only the Virtual Machine. For Shared Nothing Live Migration, choose any of the other two options based on your preferences.
Provide the location for the VM on the destination Hyper-V server based on your preferences.
Review the summary and click OK to move the VM.