External RAID Group


This function displays the External RAID Group list.

This function is displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

  • Creating an External RAID Group is required in advance. Refer to the [Create External RAID Group] function for details.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

The information of the External RAID Group is displayed.

External RAID Group List

Item Description


The External RAID Group number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [External RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The External RAID Group name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [External RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The External RAID group status is displayed.

Refer to "External RAID Group Status" for details.


The usage of the External RAID Group is displayed.

  • Migration

    An External RAID Group that is used for data migrations.

External LU Information

Whether the External RAID Group inherits the "External LU Information" is displayed.

If "External LU Information" is inherited, "Inherited" is displayed.

If "External LU Information" is not inherited, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Controlling CM

The Controlling CM of the External RAID Group is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the External RAID Group is displayed.

Total Free Space

The total free space in the External RAID Group is displayed.

If External Volumes are created in the External RAID Group, "0.00 MB" is displayed for this item.

If External Volumes are not created in the External RAID Group, the total capacity of the External RAID Group is displayed for this item.

For example, if the total capacity of the External RAID Group is "2.00 GB", either of the following values is displayed for this item.

  • If an External Volume is created, "0.00 MB" is displayed.

  • If no External Volume is created, "2.00 GB" is displayed.

[External RAID Group Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab)

A detailed information for the External RAID Group is displayed.

External RAID Group Information

Item Description


The External RAID group status is displayed.

Refer to "External RAID Group Status" for details.


The usage of the External RAID Group is displayed.

  • Migration

    An External Drive that is used for data migrations.

External LU Information

Whether the External RAID Group inherits the "External LU Information" is displayed.

If "External LU Information" is inherited, "Inherited" is displayed.

If "External LU Information" is not inherited, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Controlling CM

The Controlling CM of the External RAID Group is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the External RAID Group is displayed.

In addition, the capacity is displayed in "bytes" within parentheses.

Total Free Space

The total free space in the External RAID Group is displayed.

In addition, the capacity is displayed in "bytes" within parentheses.

If External Volumes are created in the External RAID Group, "0.00 MB" is displayed for this item.

If External Volumes are not created in the External RAID Group, the total capacity of the External RAID Group is displayed for this item.

[External RAID Group Detail] Screen ([External Drives] Tab)

The detailed information of the External Drives that are used in the External RAID Group is displayed.

External RAID Group Drives Information

Item Description


The External Drive number is displayed.


The External Drive status is displayed.

Refer to "External RAID Group Status" for details.


The usage of the External Drive is displayed.

External LU Information

Whether the External Drive inherits the "External LU Information" is displayed.

If "External LU Information" is inherited, "Inherited" is displayed.

If "External LU Information" is not inherited, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The capacity of the External Drive is displayed.

Serial No.

The serial number of the external storage system is displayed.


The identifier (storage system name) that identifies the External Drive from the host is displayed.

32-digit capital letters and numeric characters (hexadecimal)

Vendor ID

The manufacturer name of the external storage system is displayed.

Product ID

The product name of the external storage system is displayed.

LUN Addressing

The format type of the LUN Addressing that is set for the External Drive is displayed.

If LUN Addressing is not "PRHL (Peripheral device addressing)" or "FLAT (Flat space addressing)", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


The volume number (host LUN) of the External Drive is displayed.

If the LUN Addressing is "PRHL" or "FLAT"

0 - 4095 (decimal)

For the other conditions

Volume number (16-digit hexadecimal)

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the External RAID Groups meeting all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Input the External RAID Group name that is to be displayed.

External RAID Groups matching or partially matching the entered name are displayed.

When not using the External RAID Group name for filtering, leave this item blank.

External RAID Group name



Select the status of the External RAID group that is to be displayed.


Refer to "External RAID Group Status".

Minimum Total Free Space

Input the minimum capacity of total free space for the External RAID Groups that are to be displayed and select the units of capacity.

When the total free space of the External RAID Group is not used for filtering, leave this item blank or specify "0".

Total free space [TB/GB/MB]

0 MB