Download Controller Firmware


This function downloads the controller firmware from the REMCS center or another storage system, and saves and registers the obtained controller firmware in the Bootup and Utility Device (BUD) of the CM. This function selects the download destination when downloading controller firmware, and the downloading method. Note that downloaded controller firmware can be registered automatically in the next storage system power-on.

  • Settings for downloading controller firmware from the REMCS center and the downloading process are not performed in the following conditions: However, settings for downloading controller firmware from another storage system and the downloading process can be performed.
    • The Remote Support is not configured

    • The Remote Support is stopped

    • The Remote Support is under maintenance

    • Remote Support is operating, and the "Connection Type" is "Internet Connection (Mail only)", "P-P Connection (Mail only)", or "P-P Connection (VPN Connection Mail only)"

  • The warning screen for downloading is displayed in the following conditions:
    • The controller firmware is already being downloaded

    • Downloading controller firmware is stopped

    • The controller firmware is being applied

  • The downloaded controller firmware is stored in the BUD of the CM. Only three generations of controller firmware can be stored in the BUD. If more than three generations of controller firmware have been downloaded, the oldest version will be overwritten, except the running firmware.

  • When downloading controller firmware from another storage system, perform "Setup Firmware Update from Peer Storage System" setting in advance to specify the storage system to obtain the controller firmware.

  • Controller firmware download may be stopped due to the line status, etc. The suspended controller firmware download will resume from where it was suspended, in the next download, which has been specified in the automatic download schedule. However, if the version of the controller firmware, which is stored in the download destination (the REMCS center or the source storage system), is newer than the version of controller firmware, which was restored after interruption, the newer version will be re-downloaded from the beginning.

  • If the download destination (REMCS Center or the source storage system) does not have the latest controller firmware to be received, the download process will not be executed.

  • When downloading controller firmware manually, and the download destination (REMCS center or the source storage system) has received connection requests, which exceed the number of simultaneous firmware distribution connections, the connecting destination status will become busy, and a message to that effect will be displayed. Wait a few minutes before resuming manually downloading controller firmware.

  • If the [Download Firmware] is selected again while the controller firmware is being downloaded, the [Stop] button can be clicked to stop the download. Note that downloading cannot be stopped under the following conditions:
    • The controller firmware download was suspended, after download had been started

    • The controller firmware is being applied

  • The unified firmware cannot be downloaded from the REMCS center.
  • Refer to the [Apply Controller Firmware] function for details about how to apply the controller firmware in the following conditions:
    • The downloaded controller firmware is not automatically applied to the storage system

    • Applying manually downloaded controller firmware to the storage system

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


In this screen, specify the parameters to download controller firmware.

Download Destination

Select the download source of controller firmware.

Item Description Setting values

Download Destination

Select the destination to download the controller firmware from "REMCS Center" or "Peer level Storage System as Firmware Source".

For "Peer level Storage System as Firmware Source", the IPv4 address of the destination storage system that is specified with the [Setup Firmware Update from Peer Storage System] function, and the LAN port of the local device (MNT/RMT) that is used are also displayed.

The default setting is "REMCS Center". Note that if the Remote Support (REMCS) connection method is "Mail only", "Peer level Storage System as Firmware Source" will be the default setting.

REMCS Center (Default)

Peer level Storage System as Firmware Source

Download Mode

When downloading controller firmware automatically, select the "Enable" checkbox in the "Automatic Download" field, and specify the following items:

Item Description Setting values

Automatic Download

Select the "Enable" checkbox.

When enabling the "Automatic Download", the storage system checks whether the latest controller firmware exists in the specified download source. If the latest controller firmware exists, it is downloaded automatically.

Selected: Enabled

Cleared: Disabled (Default)

Download Schedule

Select the automatic download schedule from the following:

  • Same as Connection Period

    The storage system checks whether the latest controller firmware exists in the download source, during the scheduled connection between REMCS center and the storage system. If the latest controller firmware exists, it is downloaded automatically.

    In the "Download Date" field, the term and the time, which were specified in the [Setup Remote Support] function, are displayed.

  • Once per Week

    In accordance with the specified once-per-week schedule, the storage system checks whether the latest controller firmware exists in the download destination. If the latest controller firmware exists, it is downloaded automatically.

    In the "Download Date" field, specify the day and time.

Same as Connection Period (Default)

Once per Week

Download Date

If "Same as Connection Period" is selected in the "Download Schedule" field, the date and time for downloading firmware is displayed.

When "Once per Week" is selected, specify the day and time.








Hour: 00 - 23

Minute: 00 - 59

Undefined: Any day from Monday to Friday (Default) (*1)

Automatic Controller Firmware Update

When "Firmware will be activated at the next power cycle after download completion", select the checkbox to enable the mode.

Use the [Apply Controller Firmware] function if the downloaded controller firmware is not applied automatically or when applying the downloaded controller firmware manually.

Enable: Apply at the next startup

Disable: Do not apply (Default)

*1  :  Different days and times are specified in the factory settings in order to disperse the load on the REMCS center.

Bandwidth Limit

In this field, specify the bandwidth to download controller firmware.

Item Description Setting values

Bandwidth Limit

This setting is only available when "REMCS Center" is selected as the "Download Destination". Select the "Enable" checkbox to specify the bandwidth limit.

Select whether to control the transmission speed within the specified value if the transmission speed for downloading controller firmware exceeds the specified value.

If the "Bandwidth Limit" is not enabled, the storage system downloads the controller firmware according to the download speed specified in the existing network environment settings.

Selected: Enabled

Cleared: Disabled (Default)

Download speed (Kbit/s)

If the bandwidth limit is enabled, enter the maximum speed to download controller firmware.

100 - 999

100 (Default)

Function Button

Button Description


Downloads the controller firmware manually.


Stops downloading controller firmware.

The [Stop] button is only available while controller firmware is being downloaded.

Operating Procedures

When automatically downloading controller firmware

In this screen, specify the parameters to download controller firmware automatically.

  1. Click [Download Firmware] in [Action].

  2. Specify the parameters, and click the [Set] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The parameters for automatic download of controller firmware is updated.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the screen when starting this function in Step 1.

    • When "Automatic Controller Firmware Update" is disabled (select "Disable" for "Automatic Controller Firmware Update"), refer to the [Apply Controller Firmware] function to apply the controller firmware.

When manually downloading controller firmware

In this screen, download the controller firmware manually.

  1. Click [Download Firmware] in [Action].

  2. Specify "Download Source" and "Bandwidth Limit", and click the [Download] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • If the settings have been changed, press the [Set] button, instead of the [Download] button. After the download parameters ("Download Destination" and "Bandwidth Limit") have been changed in the storage system, download controller firmware manually. If the [Download] button was clicked without updating the download parameters, the storage system will follow the old download parameters and commence the download process.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Manual download of controller firmware starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the screen when starting this function in Step 1.

    • Refer to the [Apply Controller Firmware] function for details about how to apply the controller firmware.

When stopping a controller firmware download

In this screen, stop downloading controller firmware.

  1. Click [Download Firmware] in [Action].

    → A message is displayed to inform that controller firmware is being downloaded.

  2. Click the [Stop] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The stop operation for downloading of controller firmware starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the screen when starting this function in Step 1.

    • It may take a few minutes before downloading of controller firmware is stopped, depending on the download status at the time of stop. Wait for a few minutes.