Register Non-disruptive Storage Migration License


This function registers the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License.

By registering this license, the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function can be used.

For the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function, the volume information of the external storage system is inherited by the local storage system and the data is migrated without stopping operations in the local storage system. This license is registered in the local storage system.

This function is displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has not been registered.

  • By registering this license, the shared area in the cache memory is assigned for controlling the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function.

    The shared area in the cache memory is not only used for the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function, but also used for copy tables, REC Buffers, the Thin Provisioning function (*1), the Storage Cluster function (*1), and the Extreme Cache function. Note that depending on the following, there are cases when this license may not be registrable.

    • Memory capacity in the storage system

    • Copy table size

    • REC Buffer size

    • Maximum pool capacity

    • Total TFOV capacity (*2)

    • Extreme Cache setting (enabled) and Extreme Cache capacity

    For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, a registration error for this license due to insufficient memory capacity does not occur because the ETERNUS DX60 S5 uses an area other than the shared area in the cache memory.

    *1  :  The shared area in the cache memory is used for the following conditions.
    • The maximum pool capacity is expanded to "1.5 PB" or larger
    • The total TFOV capacity (*2) has been expanded from the default capacity

      Refer to the descriptions about "Storage Cluster" in the [System] screen for the default capacity of the TFOV for each model.

    *2  :  The total TFOV capacity indicates the total capacity of the volumes that are used for the Storage Cluster function in a storage system.
  • Delete this license immediately after the data migration is completed successfully. Deleting this license releases the shared area in the cache memory that is acquired for controlling the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function. Refer to the [Delete Non-disruptive Storage Migration License] function for details.

  • The registration status of this license can be checked. Refer to the [System] function for details.

  • Because the RAID Migration function is used for migrating data, the maximum number of simultaneous processes is 32 and the total capacity of the simultaneous processes is 128 TB.

Data migration flow using the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function

The workflow sequence for Non-disruptive Storage Migration is described below.

  1. Register the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License. Refer to Operating Procedures for details.

  2. Change the mode of the FC port used for migration in the local storage system to "Initiator". Refer to the [Modify Port Mode] function for details.

  3. Set port parameters to the FC-Initiator port. Refer to the [Modify FC Port Parameters] function for details.

  4. Connect the external storage system and the local storage system with either of the following.

    • FC cable

    • Via a switch

  5. Create External Drives. Refer to the [Create External Drive] function for details.

    1. Confirm that the "Inherit" checkbox for "External LU Information" is selected.

    2. Select the external storage system (source storage system) for migrating the data.

    3. Select the migration target volume from the external storage system.

    4. Have the local storage system inherit the volume information of the migration target volume in the external storage system.

      The volume that inherits the volume information is called "External Drive" in the local storage system.

  6. Create External RAID Groups from External Drives. Refer to the [Create External RAID Group] function for details.

  7. Create a volume in the External RAID Group. Refer to the [Create Volume] function for details.

    1. Select "Standard" for "Type" and select the "Enable" checkbox for "Use External Drive".

    2. Select an External RAID Group to create the volume.

    3. Create a volume in the External RAID Group.

      The created volume is called "External Volume" in the local storage system (destination storage system).

  8. Set host affinity to allow the host to recognize the volume that is created in Step 7. Refer to the [Create Host Affinity] function for details.

    • If a LUN group is created, the host LUN to be allocated to the External Volume must be the same as the host LUN that is allocated to the relevant volume in the external storage system. Refer to the [Add LUN Group] function for details.

    • The host response setting for the host group must be the same as the host response setting of the external storage system. Refer to the [Add FC Host Group] function, the [Add iSCSI Host Group] function, or the [Add SAS Host Group] function for details.

  9. From the host, create a path between the host and the local storage system.

    Confirm that a multipath is configured from the host to the migration target volume.

  10. Disconnect the path between the host and the external storage system.

  11. Confirm that the multipath from the host to the migration target volume is disconnected.

  12. Migrate the data in the volume that is created in Step 7 to the destination volume. Refer to the [Start RAID Migration] function for details.

    When starting a RAID migration, select one of the following for "Data Sync after Migration".

    • Automatic Stop

      The procedure continues to the next step after all the RAID migrations are successfully completed.

    • Manual Stop

      Manually stop the data synchronization between the source and destination volumes after all the RAID migrations are successfully completed. Refer to the [Stop External Volume Data Synchronization] function for details.

    • Select one of the following depending on whether the data must be synchronized between the source and destination volumes until all data migrations of the Non-disruptive Storage Migration are completed.
      • If the data must be synchronized until all data migrations are completed

        Select "Manual Stop" for "Data Sync after Migration"

      • If the data synchronization can be stopped every time a data migration is completed

        Select "Automatic Stop" for "Data Sync after Migration"

    • Up to 32 RAID migration processes can be performed simultaneously. If "Manual Stop" is selected, the total number of External Volumes to be migrated must be 32 or less.

    Progress of migration can be checked on the [Volume] screen. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

  13. Delete the External RAID Group. Refer to the [Delete External RAID Group] function for details.

  14. Delete the External Drive that was used to create the External RAID Group. Refer to the [Delete External Drive] function for details.

    • The number of volumes that can be migrated using the single operation described in Step 5 to Step 14 is 512 per external storage system. Perform the operation again from Step 5 for the following conditions.
      • 513 or more volumes are migrated from a single external storage system

      • Volumes are migrated from multiple external storage systems (if the information can be obtained from the FC-Initiator port)

  15. Delete this license. Refer to the [Delete Non-disruptive Storage Migration License] function for details.

    Deleting this license releases the shared area in the cache memory that is acquired for controlling the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function.

  16. The External LU Information that is inherited by the volume is deleted only for Non-disruptive Storage Migration to this storage system from storage systems other than the ETERNUS storage system. Refer to the [Delete External LU Information] function for details.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


License Settings

Item Description Setting values

License Key

Input the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License key.

16 capital letters and numeric characters (0 - 9, A - Z)

Operating Procedures

  1. Click [Register Non-disruptive Storage Migration License] in [Action].

  2. Input the license key, and click the [Register] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The memory capacity required to operate the Non-disruptive Storage Migration function cannot be acquired

      • The license key is not entered

      • The entered license key does not satisfy the input conditions

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The Non-disruptive Storage Migration License registration starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [System] screen.
