

This function displays the system information and a list of users who are currently logged in.

  • If the message "Currently Network Configuration is set to factory default." is displayed, the network environment settings for the MNT port must be performed. Use the [Setup Network Environment] function in the [Network] screen under the [System] navigation. Some functions are not available if the network environment settings are incomplete.

  • If the message "Configuration was applied to storage system." is displayed in the system message field, the storage system must be rebooted. Any setting processes cannot be performed until the applied configuration information is enabled by rebooting the storage system.

  • The "Login User" list is displayed only when a user account with the "User Management" policy is used to log in.

  • The following login users are displayed:
    • Users who logged in to the Master CM via Web GUI

    • Users who logged in to the Slave CM via Web GUI

    • Users who logged in to the Master CM via CLI or other software

      (Users who are logged in to the Slave CM from CLI or other software are not displayed.)

    • Users who logged in to the Master CM via RESTful API

  • If the system message "Unified storage license has been registered." is displayed, the unified upgrade must be performed. Use the [Apply Controller Firmware] function in the [Firmware Maintenance] screen under the [System] navigation and reboot the storage system. After changing the firmware for the active controller to the unified firmware (*1), apply the same unified firmware to the inactive controller. Refer to the [Apply Controller Firmware] function for details.

    *1  :  A controller firmware with built-in Unified Storage functions.
  • The storage system name is displayed at the top of the [System] navigation category.

    The "Storage System Name" is specified using the [Modify Storage System Name] function. Refer to the [Modify Storage System Name] function for details.

  • Click the "Storage System Name" in the category again to display the latest information in the screen.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

System Information

Item Description

Storage System Name

The name of the storage system is displayed.

Click the [Storage System Name] link to display the [Storage] screen in the [Component] navigation.

Model Name

The model name of the storage system is displayed.

Serial Number

The serial number of the storage system is displayed.


The WWN of the storage system is displayed.

Firmware Version

The current controller firmware version is displayed.


Vxx: Version

Lyy: Level

zzzz: Release number


The general status (detail) of the storage system is displayed.

Refer to "Storage System General Status (Detail)" for details.

Operation Mode

The operation mode is displayed.

  • Normal

    The storage system is in operation.

  • Maintenance Mode

    The storage system is under maintenance.

System Memory Capacity

The system memory capacity of each CE that can be used in the storage system is displayed.

Cache Mode

The current status and the factor of the cache are displayed. The normal status is "Write Back Mode".

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, click this item to display the [Controller Enclosure] screen. Refer to the [Controller Enclosure] function for details.

  • Write Back Mode

    When a Write request is issued from the host, "Write Complete" is displayed after writing to the cache area is complete.

  • Write Through Mode

    When a Write request is issued from the host, "Write Complete" is displayed after writing to the cache area and the drives is complete.

    In the Write Through Mode, "Write Through (factors)" is displayed. When there are multiple factors, all the factors are separated with a "/" (slash) and displayed.

    Factors of the Write Through Mode are displayed in the following formats.

    • Write Through (Pinned Data)

      A large amount of pinned data occurred in the storage system.

    • Write Through (Battery)

      The battery charge level is low.

    • Write Through (Maintenance)

      The following function is currently being used:

      • Upgrading the controller firmware in hot mode

      • Changing the Controlling CM of the RAID group

      • Adding the Controller Module (*1)

      • Setting the Deduplication/Compression mode (when enabling)

      • Setting the exclusive read cache size

    • Write Through (1CM)

      The storage system is operated with 1CM. (*2)

*1  :  When reassigning the Controlling CM for the RAID group using all normal CMs including the added CM, the cache mode is temporarily changed to "Write Through Mode" during a configuration.
*2  :  This mode is displayed when "1CM Write Through" is enabled by using the [Setup Subsystem Parameters] function and the storage system is operated with 1CM (only 1CM can be used due to an error such as a CM failure). The "1CM Write Through" setting for the [Setup Subsystem Parameters] function is displayed and can be changed when logged in using a user account with the "Maintenance Operation" policy. The default value is "Disable".

Connecting Module

The CM that is connected to Web GUI is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number

Extension Function Information

Item Description

Remote Support

The remote support status (REMCS or AIS Connect) is displayed.

  • Operating

    The remote support is operating.

  • Maintenance in Progress

    The ETERNUS DX is under maintenance and the remote support is temporarily stopped.

    After the maintenance is complete, remote support is automatically resumed.

  • Stopped

    The remote support is stopped.

  • "-" (hyphen)

    The remote support is not configured.

Unified Storage

Whether the Unified Storage function is enabled or disabled is displayed.

If the Unified Storage function is enabled, the storage system can be used as a Unified Storage system (a SAN and NAS system).

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, the ETERNUS DX900 S5, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S4/DX8900 S4, this item is not displayed.

For the ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3/AF650 S3, "Disable" is displayed.

  • When upgrading a SAN system to a Unified Storage system, after the unified firmware is applied to the active and inactive controllers, this item is changed to "Enable".


Whether Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled or disabled is displayed.

This function is supported in the ETERNUS DX200 S5, the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5, the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, and the ETERNUS AF250 S3/AF650 S3. The ETERNUS DX8900 S4 supports Compression only.

Storage Cluster

If a license for the Storage Cluster function has already been registered, "Enable" is displayed. If the license is not registered, "Disable" is displayed.

If this item is enabled, the total TFOV capacity per storage system (or the total capacity of volumes that are used for the Storage Cluster function in a storage system) is displayed in the "Enable (total TFOV capacity)" format.

Note that Web GUI cannot be used to register a Storage Cluster license or to change the total TFOV capacity. To register the license, use ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser. To change the total TFOV capacity, use CLI or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser (*1).

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

When the total TFOV capacity is expanded from the default capacity, the shared area in the cache memory is used. The default capacity of each model is as follows:

  • For the ETERNUS DX100 S5: 256 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX200 S5: 256 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX500 S5: 384 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX600 S5: 768 TB

  • For the ETERNUS DX900 S5: 1 PB

  • For the ETERNUS DX8900 S4: 1 PB

  • For the ETERNUS AF150 S3: 256 TB

  • For the ETERNUS AF250 S3: 256 TB

  • For the ETERNUS AF650 S3: 768 TB

*1  :  To change the total TFOV capacity with CLI, use the "max-tfo-capacity" parameter for the CLI command "set storage-cluster-license". To change the total TFOV capacity with ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser, refer to the manuals provided with ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.

Virtual Volume

Whether the Virtual Volume function is enabled or disabled is displayed.

The Virtual Volume function cannot be set with Web GUI. To set the Virtual Volume function, use ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.


Whether the RESTful API function is enabled or disabled is displayed.

License Information

Item Description

GS License

The registration status of the GS License is displayed.

This item is available when logged in to the ETERNUS DX8100 S4/DX8900 S4 using a user account with the "Maintenance Operation" policy.

RFCF License

The registration status of the RFCF License is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the "GS License" has been registered.

Non-disruptive Storage Migration License

The registration status of the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX8100 S4, this item is not displayed.

Login User

Up to 96 sessions of user information for users who are logged in to the storage system from Web GUI, CLI, RESTful API, or SOFT (other software) are displayed in a list. The following shows the maximum number of sessions for each interface.

  • Web GUI: Up to 16 sessions

  • CLI (including SOFT): Up to 16 sessions

  • Total number of sessions for RESTful API and Easy Administration View: Up to 64 sessions

For Web GUI, the users who are logged in to both the Master CM and Slave CM are displayed. For CLI, RESTful API, or SOFT (other software), the users who are logged in to the Master CM are displayed. Login user information is sorted according to interface (GUI → CLI → SOFT → REST), login date (ascending order), and session IDs (ascending order).

Item Description


The interface type for users who are logged in is displayed.

  • GUI

    The user logged in via Web GUI (Normal View).

    Otherwise, the user logged in via Web GUI (Normal View) from the AIS Connect server.

  • GUI2

    The user logged in via Web GUI (Easy Administration View).

    Otherwise, the user logged in via Web GUI (Easy Administration View) from the AIS Connect server.

  • CLI

    The user logged in via CLI.

    Otherwise, the user logged in via CLI from the AIS Connect server.

  • SOFT

    The user logged in via software.

    "SOFT" is displayed for users in the following conditions:

    • Logged in from software with the default "Software" role via CLI

    • Logged in using SMI-S via software

    • Logged in from software using Dynamic LUN Mirroring (DLM) via CLI

    • Logged in using RESTful API JOB Agent (RJA) via RESTful API

  • REST

    The user logged in via RESTful API.

Session ID

An identification number (0 to 1999999) for users who are logged in is displayed.

A session ID is obtained for each login and released with each logout. Because the session ID is obtained discretely, the same session ID is not used even if the same user logs in again.

The following shows the range of session IDs to be used.

  • Web GUI (Normal View): 1 - 999
  • CLI (including when the interface is "SOFT"): 10001 - 33999
  • RESTful API and Easy Administration View: 1000001 - 1999999

In a Unified Storage environment, Web GUI uses session IDs from 10001 onwards for internal processes in the same way as CLI. An "*" (asterisk) is added on top of the current user's (your) session ID.

User ID

The user name (user ID) for a user who is logged in is displayed. When the interface is "SOFT" (SMI-S/DLM/RJA [RESTful API JOB Agent]), the field is blank. The field is also blank for internal process sessions of Web GUI in a Unified Storage environment.


The user role for a user who is logged in is displayed. A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for internal process sessions of Web GUI in a Unified Storage environment.








Custom role

Login Date

The login date and time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) is displayed.


If a logged in user is updating data that is managed by the storage system, "Yes" is displayed. If a user is not updating data, "No" is displayed. When "Yes" is displayed for a user, other users with "No" displayed cannot update data.

Note that multiple users cannot update data that is managed by the storage system at the same time. The storage system is exclusively used by a user who is updating the data. The exclusion is released when the updating is complete.

IP Address

The IP address for a user who is logged in is displayed. If an AIS Connect server is used to log in, "AIS Connect Server" is displayed. When the interface is "SOFT" (SMI-S/DLM/RJA [RESTful API JOB Agent]), the field is blank. The field is also blank for internal process sessions of Web GUI in a Unified Storage environment.

For IPv4 address

xxx: 0 - 255 (decimal)

For IPv6 address


xxxx: 0 - ffff (hexadecimal, "a" - "f" are lowercase letters)

Refer to "IPv6 Address Notation" for details.