Setup Log Sending Parameters


This function transfers the internal log of the storage system to the REMCS center.

There are two log sending methods: "Automatic" and "Manual".

  • Configure Automatic Log Transmission

    The storage system sends log periodically or when an event occurs.

  • Immediately Send Log Manually

    The log is sent manually.

  • This function cannot be used in the following conditions:
    • The [Setup Remote Support] function is not performed

    • A problem is detected in the Remote Support settings

    • The "Receiver E-Mail Address" (REMCS center) is not specified for the Remote Support

    • The Remote Support is stopped

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


In this screen, specify parameters for automatic log transmission, or send logs immediately.

The [Configure Automatic Log Transmission] Screen is displayed when clicking the [Setup Log Sending Parameters] in [Action]. Click the [Immediately Send Log Manually] tab to display the [Immediately Send Log Manually] Screen.

[Configure Automatic Log Transmission] Screen

In this screen, specify the parameters of the automatic log transmission.

Send Log based on Events

Specify the parameters of the automatic log transmission when an event occurs.

Item Description Setting values

Send Log when Errors Occur

To send logs automatically in the case of a failure, select the "Send" checkbox.

The default state of "Send Log when Errors Occur" setting will be changed to "Send" if the Remote Support setting using the [Setup Remote Support] function has been completed.

Selected: Send

Cleared (Default)

Send Log Periodically

Specify the parameters to send logs periodically.

To send log periodically, select the "Enable" checkbox in the "Periodical Transmission of Log" field, and specify the time, period, and the day of the week.

Item Description Setting values

Periodical Transmission of Log

To send log periodically, select the "Enable" checkbox.

The default state of "Periodical Transmission of Log" will be changed to "Enable" if the Remote Support setting using the [Setup Remote Support] function has been completed.

Selected: Enable

Cleared (Default)


Specify the time when sending logs periodically.

00:00 - 23:59

Undefined: 10:00 - 15:00 (Default) (*1)


Specify the period when sending logs periodically.

Once per Week (Default)


Day of the Week

Specify the day of the week when sending logs periodically.

The day of the week can be specified only when "Once per Week" has been specified as the period when sending logs periodically.








Undefined: Any day from Monday to Friday (Default) (*1)

*1  :  Different days and times are specified in the factory settings in order to disperse the load on the REMCS center.

[Immediately Send Log Manually] Screen

In this screen, specify parameters to send logs immediately.

Manual Transmission

Item Description Setting values

Incident Number

Input the incident number that is to be added to the log to be sent.

Up to 15 alphanumeric characters and symbols

No blanks

Include I/O Module log

Specify whether to collect the I/O Module log.

To collect the I/O Module log, select the "Yes" radio button.

Yes (Default)


Time Range Specified

Select whether to specify the time range to collect logs.

To specify the time to send log, select the "Specify" checkbox, and specify the start and end time.

If the time range has been specified, some of the logs just before and after the specified time range may also be collected.

Selected: Specify


Start Time

When "Specify" has been selected for "Time Range Specified", specify the start time for collecting logs.

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

YYYY: Year (AD)

MM: Month (01 - 12)

DD: Date (01 - 31)

hh: Hour (00 - 23)

mm: Minute (00 - 59)

ss: Second (00 - 59)

End Time

When "Specify" has been selected for "Time Range Specified", specify the end time for collecting logs.

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

YYYY: Year (AD)

MM: Month (01 - 12)

DD: Date (01 - 31)

hh: Hour (00 - 23)

mm: Minute (00 - 59)

ss: Second (00 - 59)

Operating Procedures

Configure Automatic Log Transmission

The storage system sends log periodically or when an event occurs.

  1. Click [Setup Log Sending Parameters] in [Action].

  2. Specify the parameters, and click the [Set] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The parameter settings of log transmission (Automatic Log Transmission) are updated in the storage system.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the screen when starting this function in Step 1.

Immediately Send Log Manually

The storage system manually sends the logs immediately.

  1. Click [Setup Log Sending Parameters] in [Action].

  2. Click the [Immediately Send Log Manually] tab to display the setting screen.

  3. Specify the parameters, and click the [Run] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The incident number has not been entered or is incorrect

      • When "Specify" has been selected for "Time Range Specified", but the start time or the end time has not been entered

      • When "Specify" has been selected for "Time Range Specified", and the date specified for start time is earlier than the specified end time

  4. Click the [OK] button.

    → Log transmission (Immediately Send Log Manually) is executed.

  5. Click the [Done] button to return to the screen when starting this function in Step 1.