Update Customer Information


This function updates the customer information that is registered for the REMCS center.

  • When the [Setup Remote Support] function has not been complete in advance, this function cannot be used.

  • When Remote Support is "Stopped", customer information cannot be updated.

  • Customer information saved in the storage system (*1) can be deleted after transmitting the information to the REMCS center. Select the "Delete any Customer Identity information from the storage system after the information is sent to the 'REMCS Center'." checkbox to delete the information. Note that selecting the checkbox requires entering customer information whenever updating the information.

    *1  :  Customer Identity information means "Administrator Name", "Administrator E-Mail Address ", "Phone Number", "FAX Number", and "Connection check operator E-Mail Address".
  • The Remote Support setting information file (customer information file) created by using REMCS Environment Setup Assist Tool (REMCS ESAT) can be imported to the storage system, to simplify the input operation required to be set for each storage system.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


Specify customer information.

Information File

Click the [Import] button to import the customer information file to the storage system.

Item Description Setting values

Customer Information File

Import the "Customer Information File", which was created using the REMCS ESAT, to the storage system.

Click the [Browse...] button to specify the "Customer Information File".

Customer information file

Customer Information

Customer information saved in the storage system is displayed. Update the customer information.

If the "Delete any Customer Identity information from the storage system after the information is sent to the 'REMCS Center'." checkbox is selected, information which identifies customers is not displayed. Input the necessary information again.

    Detailed Settings

Item Description Setting values


If the "Delete any Customer Identity information from the storage system after the information is sent to the 'REMCS Center'." checkbox is selected, customer information saved on the storage system (*1) is deleted after transmitting the information to the REMCS center.

  • Selected: Deletes the customer identify information

  • Cleared: Does not delete the customer identify information

*1  :  Customer identity information means "Administrator Name", "Administrator E-Mail Address ", "Phone Number", "FAX Number", and "Connection check operator E-Mail Address".



Company Name *

Input the company name that owns the storage system (required).

Up to 60 alphanumeric characters and symbols


Input the department or division that owns the storage system.

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters and symbols

Address *

Input the address of the company that owns the storage system (required).

Up to 60 alphanumeric characters and symbols

Building Name

Input the building name where the company that owns the storage system is located.

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters and symbols

Administrator Name *

Input the system administrator's name that manages the storage system (required).

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters and symbols

Administrator E-Mail Address *

Input the E-mail address of the system administrator who manages the storage system (required).

Up to 60 alphanumeric characters and symbols

(except space)

Postal Code (Zip Code)

Input the postal code for the company that owns storage system.

Up to 10 numeric characters and symbols

(except space)

Phone Number *

Input the phone number for the company that owns the storage system (required).

Up to 20 numeric characters and symbols

(except space)

FAX Number

Input the FAX number for the company that owns the storage system.

Up to 20 numeric characters and symbols

(except space)

Storage System Unique Name

Input the nickname for the storage system.

Up to 32 alphanumeric characters and symbols

(except space)

Country of Installation (ISO3166 A2) *

Example: JP, US, DE, etc.

Input the country code for the country where the storage system is located (required).

Capital letters or "99"

Two fixed letters

    Installation Location

Item Description Setting values


Input the address where the storage system is located.

Up to 60 alphanumeric characters and symbols

Building Name

Input the building name where the storage system is located.

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters and symbols

    Information filled by Field Engineers

Item Description Setting values

Installation Date

Input the date when the storage system is installed.


YYYY: Year (2001 - 2037)

MM: Month

Numeric characters

Field Engineer E-Mail Address

Input the E-mail address for the field engineer who installed the storage system.

Up to 60 alphanumeric characters and symbols

(except space)

Customer Code

Input the customer code.

Up to 8 alphanumeric characters and symbols

(except space)

Function Button

Button Description


Specifies the location of the Remote Support setting information file (customer information file) created by using REMCS ESAT.


Imports the customer information file to the storage system.

Operating Procedures

  1. Click [Update Customer Info] in [Action].

  2. Set the customer information again, and click the [Set] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The required items (items with "*") are not specified

      • Wrong values are entered

    • When importing customer information to the storage system all at once, click the [Browse...] button to specify the location where the settings file has been stored, and click the [Import] button. If the contents of the specified customer information file was set incorrectly, an error screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → The customer information is updated.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the screen when starting this function in Step 1.