Create Thin Provisioning Pool


This function creates a Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP).

The Maximum Number of Pools, Maximum Pool Capacity, and Determined Chunk Size for Each Model

Model Maximum number of pools (*1) Maximum pool capacity (*2)


64 TB, 128 TB 2 PB
ETERNUS DX100 S5 72 128 TB, 256 TB 4 PB
ETERNUS DX200 S5 132 256 TB, 384 TB 6 PB
ETERNUS DX500 S5 256 384 TB, 512 TB, 1 PB 16 PB
ETERNUS DX600 S5 256 512 TB, 1 PB, 1.5 PB 24 PB
ETERNUS DX900 S5 256 512 TB, 1 PB, 2 PB, 4 PB, 8 PB 128 PB
ETERNUS AF150 S3 12 128 TB, 256 TB 4 PB
ETERNUS AF250 S3 132 256 TB, 384 TB 6 PB
ETERNUS AF650 S3 256 512 TB, 1 PB, 1.5 PB 24 PB
Determined chunk size (*3) 21 MB 336 MB
*1  :  Up to 256 pools can be created. When the maximum installation number of drives of a model is 512 or less, the maximum number of pools is half the maximum installation number of drives. The maximum pool number is the maximum total number of TPPs and FTSPs that can be created in the storage system.
*2  :  The maximum pool capacity is specified when "Enable" is selected for the Thin Provisioning function. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details. The maximum pool capacity is the maximum total capacity for TPPs and FTRPs that can be created in the storage system.
*3  :  Chunk size is a physical capacity that is assigned to virtual logical volumes created in TPPs and FTRPs when a write occurs from the host. The chunk size is determined according to the Maximum Pool Capacity of the storage system when a new TPP is created. The chunk size for the created TPP cannot be changed. The chunk size for each pool is displayed in the TPP list and the FTRP list.
  • When creating TPPs, enable the Thin Provisioning function. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

  • For the ETERNUS DX60 S5 and the ETERNUS AF150 S3, SEDs cannot be used to configure a TPP.

  • The ETERNUS DX60 S5 does not support the encryption function.

  • When the encryption mode is disabled, a TPP encrypted by CM cannot be created.

  • Once a TPP has been created, the encryption status cannot be changed.

  • If TPPs with different chunk sizes exist in the storage system, the maximum pool capacity might not be used to create TPPs. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

  • If the error message "The process was aborted because it exceeds executable format size." appears, TPPs cannot be created. Reduce the "Thin Provisioning Pool Total Capacity" and re-execute this function.

  • TPPs cannot be created in the following conditions:
    • The maximum number of pools is already registered in the storage system

    • The maximum capacity of the pools is already registered in the storage system

    • The resources for creating TPPs (such as the number of RAID groups and volumes) are insufficient

      (When the maximum number of RAID groups or volumes already exists in the storage system, TPPs cannot be created.)

  • After a TPP is created, the TPP is formatted automatically. Progress of formatting ("Progress", "Estimated Time Left", and "Remaining Size") can be checked in the [Thin Provisioning Pool (Basic Information)] function. Click the TPP name to display the basic information.

  • To expand the TPP capacity after a TPP has been created, use the [Expand Thin Provisioning Pool] function.

  • To rename a TPP after the TPP has been created, use the [Rename Thin Provisioning Pool] function.

  • To change the threshold to monitor the TPP usage ratio after the TPP has been created, use the [Modify Threshold Thin Provisioning Pool] function.

  • Deduplication, Compression, or both can be enabled for a TPP when it is created. Refer to "Deduplication/Compression setting for TPPs" for details. Note that the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 supports Compression only.

  • To check the current maximum pool capacity, use the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function.

  • The chunk size is determined according to the "Maximum Pool Capacity" of the storage system when a new TPP is created. The chunk size can be specified when "Manual" is selected for "Create Mode".

Deduplication/Compression setting for TPPs

The following two methods are available to set Deduplication/Compression for the TPPs.

  • Setting Deduplication/Compression during a TPP creation (recommended)

    If "Enable" is selected for Deduplication, Compression, or both when a new TPP is created, a "TPP creation" and "Deduplication/Compression setting" can be performed with a single operation. Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details about the required conditions.

    • When "Automatic" is selected for "Create Mode"

      A TPP with a chunk size of "21 MB" is created.

    • When "Manual" is selected for "Create Mode"

      The chunk size of a TPP is determined by the maximum pool capacity.

      • If a maximum pool capacity for each model is specified, the chunk size can be selected when a new TPP is created. Refer to "Advanced Setting" for details. The default chunk size is "21 MB".

      • In other cases, create a TPP of which the chunk size is "21 MB".

  • Setting Deduplication/Compression after a TPP creation

    Set Deduplication, Compression, or both for the created TPPs. With this method, users can create TPPs according to the customer environment. (For example, a user can specify RAID groups that configure the target TPP.)

    Deduplication/Compression can also be enabled when the chunk size of the TPP is not "21 MB". Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details.

To set Deduplication/Compression for a TPP, the method described in "Setting Deduplication/Compression during a TPP creation" is recommended because a "TPP creation" and the "Deduplication/Compression setting of the TPP" can be performed with a single operation.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


In this screen, create a TPP. There are two methods to create a TPP: automatic drive selection and manual drive selection.

New Thin Provisioning Pool

Input a name of the TPP to be newly created and select the RAID group selection mode.

Item Description Setting values


Input a TPP name.

An existing TPP name cannot be specified.

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters,

symbols (except "," (comma) and "?"),

and spaces

Create Mode

Select a create mode of a TPP.

  • Automatic

    Select a drive to create a RAID group automatically.

  • Manual

    Select a drive to create a RAID group manually.



Automatic Setting

To create a new TPP automatically, select drive type, RAID level, and input total capacity of TPP. The Controlling CM for the RAID group that configures the TPP is allocated with the "Automatic" setting.

Item Description Setting values

Drive Type

Select the type of drive that configures the TPP from the list box.

Only the drives that are installed in the storage system are displayed.

  • If drives that satisfy all of the following conditions are installed in the storage system, select the drives manually.

    • The drive types are the same

    • The drive capacities are the same

    • The sector format (AF-compliant/non-AF-compliant) is different

  • When using SSDs, the SSD types (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) cannot be specified. SSDs that are the same type and have the necessary capacity in a RAID group to create TPPs are selected. If the number of SSDs with the same type is insufficient for configuring a RAID group, a TPP is not created. In this case, reduce the total capacity of the TPP. If multiple RAID groups are created in a TPP, different SSD types may be used for the RAID groups. SSD types have no order of priority.

    When using SSD SEDs, the SSD types (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) cannot be specified. If "SSD SED" is selected for the drive type, drives are operated in the same way as SSDs.




Online SED

Nearline SED


RAID Level

Select the level of RAID group that configures the TPP from the list box.

  • High Performance (RAID1+0)

    RAID1+0 (2D+2M, 4D+4M, 8D+8M, 12D+12M) configuration is available.

  • High Capacity (RAID5)

    RAID5 (3D+1P, 4D+1P, 6D+1P, 7D+1P, 8D+1P, 12D+1P) configuration is available.

  • High Reliability (RAID6)

    RAID6 (4D+2P, 6D+2P, 7D+2P, 8D+2P) configuration is available.

  • High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

    RAID6-FR ((4D+2P)x2+1HS, (6D+2P)x2+1HS, (8D+2P)x3+1HS, (4D+2P)x5+1HS) configuration is available. (*1)

  • Mirroring (RAID1)

    RAID1 (1D+1M) configuration

  • Striping (RAID0)

    RAID0 (4D) configuration

D: Data drives, M: Mirror drives, P: Parity drives

*1  :  "RAID6-FR" groups that configure TPPs are called "Fast Recovery RAID groups".
  • If "RAID1+0" or "RAID5" is selected for the RAID level, RAID groups cannot be created with drives that are 6 TB or larger (except SSDs and SSD SEDs).

  • RAID0 has no data redundancy. Select "RAID1+0", "RAID5", "RAID6", "RAID6-FR", or "RAID1" for the RAID level.

  • The number of RAID groups that configure a TPP is automatically determined by the selected drive type, the RAID level, the selected drives (only for RAID6-FR), the specified total capacity of the Thin Provisioning Pool, and the drives that are installed in the storage system.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Select Drives

Select the requirements that are given priority when creating Fast Recovery RAID groups in the TPP with automatic drive configuration.

This item is available only when the RAID level is "RAID6-FR".

Minimize number of using drives

Prioritize rebuild rate

Thin Provisioning Pool Total Capacity

Input a TPP capacity. Select the capacity unit from "PB", "TB", "GB", or "MB".

A TPP is automatically created with a capacity of the input value or higher. For the maximum capacity, refer to "The Maximum Number of Pools, Maximum Pool Capacity, and Determined Chunk Size for Each Model".

Numeric characters


The maximum capacity that can be used to create new TPPs is displayed to the right of the setting field for "Thin Provisioning Pool Total Capacity". The maximum capacity of each pool is equivalent to the maximum pool capacity of each chunk size. Refer to "The Maximum Number of Pools, Maximum Pool Capacity, and Determined Chunk Size for Each Model" for details.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, the maximum capacity of a single pool is "48 PB" (when the chunk size is 336 MB).

(Max: xx.xx yy)

xx.xx: The maximum capacity that can be used to create new TPPs

yy: Unit [PB/TB/GB/MB]

Encryption by CM

Select the TPP encryption status.

When the encryption mode is disabled or "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED" is selected for the drive type, "On" cannot be selected.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

  • When creating TPP that is encrypted by CM, select "On"

  • When creating TPP that is not encrypted by CM, select "Off"




Specify the threshold (%) for monitoring the TPP used capacity.

There are two types of threshold: "Warning" and "Attention". Specify the threshold so that "Warning" is larger than "Attention". The "Attention" threshold can be omitted. When omitting the "Attention" threshold, clear the checkbox.

Warning threshold

5 - 99 %

90 % (Default)

Attention threshold

5 - 80 %

75 % (Default)

Chunk Size

The chunk size that is determined according to the maximum pool capacity (*1) is displayed.

If the chunk size information cannot be obtained, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

If Deduplication, Compression, or both have been enabled, "21 MB" is displayed.

21 MB

336 MB

"-" (hyphen)

*1  :  The maximum pool capacity that is specified by using the [Set Thin Provisioning] function. The current value can be checked in the [Settings] screen. Refer to the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function for details.


Select whether to "Enable" or "Disable" Deduplication or Compression for the TPP.

This item is only displayed when the Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled.

The following TPPs are created depending on the selected items.
Deduplication Compression TPPs that are to be created
Enable Enable TPPs where both Deduplication and Compression are enabled
Enable Disable TPPs where only Deduplication is enabled
Disable Enable TPPs where only Compression is enabled
Disable Disable TPPs where both Deduplication and Compression are disabled
  • To change the Deduplication/Compression setting for the existing TPP, after disabling both the Deduplication and Compression settings for the TPP, reconfigure the parameters. Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details.

  • When Deduplication or Compression for the TPP is enabled, the Data Container Volume is automatically created in the relevant TPP. Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details.




Manual Setting

Select the drive type, the RAID level, and the drives that will configure the TPP to create a new TPP.

Item Description Setting values

Drive Type

Select the type of drive that configures the TPP from the list box.

Only the drives that are installed in the storage system are displayed.

Refer to "Requirements for selecting drives" for details.




Online SED

Nearline SED


RAID Level

Select the level of RAID group that configures the TPP from the list box.

The installed drives determine the selectable RAID levels that are displayed as options.

  • High Performance (RAID1+0)

    RAID1+0 (2D+2M, 4D+4M, 8D+8M, 12D+12M) configuration is available.

  • High Capacity (RAID5)

    RAID5 (3D+1P, 4D+1P, 6D+1P, 7D+1P, 8D+1P, 12D+1P) configuration is available.

  • High Reliability (RAID6)

    RAID6 (4D+2P, 6D+2P, 7D+2P, 8D+2P) configuration is available.

  • High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

    RAID6-FR ((4D+2P)x2+1HS, (6D+2P)x2+1HS, (8D+2P)x3+1HS, (4D+2P)x5+1HS) configuration is available. (*1)

  • Mirroring (RAID1)

    RAID1 (1D+1M) configuration

  • Striping (RAID0)

    RAID0 (4D) configuration

D: Data drives, M: Mirror drives, P: Parity drives

*1  :  "RAID6-FR" groups that configure TPPs are called "Fast Recovery RAID groups".

The number of member drives in each RAID level is as follows:

RAID level Number of member drives

High Performance (RAID1+0)

4, 8, 16, 24

High Capacity (RAID5)

4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13

High Reliability (RAID6)

6, 8, 9, 10

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

13, 17, 31

Mirroring (RAID1)


Striping (RAID0)

  • RAID0 has no data redundancy. Select "RAID1+0", "RAID5", "RAID6", "RAID6-FR", or "RAID1" for the RAID level.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Fast Recovery Configuration

Select the drive configuration for Fast Recovery RAID groups in the TPP.

Select the drive configuration from "No. of drives in the configuration", "capacity efficiency", and "rebuilding speed" according to your environment. Refer to "Drive Configuration for Fast Recovery RAID Groups" for details. The more redundant sets there are, the faster the rebuilding becomes.

This item is blank when the RAID level is not "RAID6-FR".

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5




For the other models






D: Data drives

P: Parity drives

HS: Hot Spares

Thin Provisioning Pool Total Capacity

Total capacity of the TPP created with the selected RAID level and drive type is displayed.

For the maximum capacity, refer to "The Maximum Number of Pools, Maximum Pool Capacity, and Determined Chunk Size for Each Model".


The maximum capacity that can be used to create new TPPs is displayed to the right of the setting field for "Thin Provisioning Pool Total Capacity". The maximum capacity of each pool is equivalent to the maximum pool capacity of each chunk size. Refer to "The Maximum Number of Pools, Maximum Pool Capacity, and Determined Chunk Size for Each Model" for details.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, the maximum capacity of a single pool is "48 PB" (when the chunk size is 336 MB).

Encryption by CM

Select the TPP encryption status.

When the encryption mode is disabled or "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED" is selected for the drive type, "On" cannot be selected.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

  • When creating TPP that is encrypted by CM, select "On"

  • When creating TPP that is not encrypted by CM, select "Off"




Specify the threshold (%) for monitoring the TPP used capacity.

There are two types of threshold: "Warning" and "Attention". Specify the threshold so that "Warning" is larger than "Attention". The "Attention" threshold can be omitted. When omitting the "Attention" threshold, clear the checkbox.

Warning threshold

5 - 99 %

90 % (Default)

Attention threshold

5 - 80 %

75 % (Default)

Chunk Size

The chunk size of the TPP is displayed.

If the chunk size information cannot be obtained, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

The display contents vary depending on the maximum pool capacity (*1) and the "Deduplication/Compression" settings. Refer to "Displayed Chunk Size for Manual Settings" for details.

21 MB

42 MB

84 MB

168 MB

336 MB

*1  :  The maximum pool capacity that is specified by using the [Set Thin Provisioning] function. The current value can be checked in the [Settings] screen. Refer to the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function for details.


Select whether to "Enable" or "Disable" Deduplication or Compression for the TPP.

This item is only displayed when the Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled.

The following TPPs are created depending on the selected items.
Deduplication Compression TPPs that are to be created
Enable Enable TPPs where both Deduplication and Compression are enabled
Enable Disable TPPs where only Deduplication is enabled
Disable Enable TPPs where only Compression is enabled
Disable Disable TPPs where both Deduplication and Compression are disabled
  • To change the Deduplication/Compression setting for the existing TPP, after disabling both the Deduplication and Compression settings for the TPP, reconfigure the parameters. Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details.

  • When Deduplication or Compression for the TPP is enabled, the Data Container Volume is automatically created in the relevant TPP. Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details.




Drive Configuration for Fast Recovery RAID Groups

The drive layout in the storage system is the same as "RAID6". When using automatic configuration, the drive configuration that satisfies the specified capacity is determined according to the following order.

No. of drives in the configuration

(per RAID group)

Redundant sets + HS (*1)

Capacity efficiency (*2)


Rebuilding speed (*3)


Number of data drives Selection order when configuring automatically
"Minimize number of using drives" is selected "Prioritize rebuild rate" is selected
13 (4D+2P)x2+1HS 61.5 2.17 8 1 3
17 (6D+2P)x2+1HS 70.6 2.13 12 2 4
31 (8D+2P)x3+1HS 77.4 3.10 24 3 2
31 (4D+2P)x5+1HS 64.5 5.17 20 Not selected 1
*1  :  Fast Recovery RAID groups are described as "Redundant sets + HS".

     RAID6 ((Number of data drives (D) + Number of parity drives (P)) × Number of redundant sets + Number of hot spares (HS))


                         Redundant sets

     (Example) "RAID6 ((4D+2P)x2+1HS)" is described as "(4D+2P)x2+1HS".

*2  :  The ratio of the user capacity to physical drive capacity.
*3  :  Rate when the rebuilding speed for the basic "RAID6 (D+P)" configuration is "1". The rate varies depending on the workload of the storage system and system environment.

Displayed Chunk Size for Manual Settings

Maximum pool capacity Deduplication Compression Chunk size (default) Displayed content for "Chunk Size"
Maximum pool capacity for each model Enable Enable 21 MB The default value is normally displayed. If "Advanced Setting" is used, the selected chunk size (21 MB, 42 MB, 84 MB, 168 MB, 336 MB) is displayed.
Enable Disable
Disable Enable
Disable Disable 336 MB
Not displayed Not displayed
Capacity values other than the maximum pool capacity for each model Enable Enable 21 MB 21 MB
Enable Disable
Disable Enable
Disable Disable
Not displayed Not displayed

Advanced Setting

Perform the advanced settings for TPPs.

Item Description Setting values

Stripe Depth

Stripe Depth should be selected only when advanced tuning needs to be performed for each RAID group configuring the TPP. It is not necessary to change the default value for normal use.

The setting is not available when the RAID level is "RAID1". When the "RAID Level" is "High Reliability (RAID6)", the value is fixed to "64KB". Available Stripe Depth value varies depending on the RAID level. Refer to "Available Stripe Depth Value" for details.

  • Specifying a larger value for the Stripe Depth can reduce the number of drives to access. For RAID1+0, reducing the number of commands issued to drives improves the performance of access to the specified RAID group. For RAID5, however, specifying a larger value for the Stripe Depth might decrease the sequential write performance. In addition, several restrictions apply to a RAID group whose stripe depth has been changed. Refer to "Restrictions for Stripe Depth Modification" for details.

64 KB (Default)

128 KB

256 KB

512 KB

1024 KB

Chunk Size

Select the chunk size of the TPP that is to be created. It is not necessary to change the default value for normal use.

Refer to "The Maximum Pool Capacity of the Target TPP When the Chunk Size Is Changed" for the maximum pool capacity of the target TPP.

Change the chunk size of the TPP for the following cases.

  • Exceeding the maximum pool capacity when the chunk size has been set to "21 MB"

  • Performing an effective release of unnecessary physical TPP areas by setting the same chunk size for TPPs to which the copy source and copy destination TPVs belong when an REC is performed with an older model

This item is displayed when the maximum pool capacity is set for each model with the [Set Thin Provisioning] function.

21 MB (Default) (*1)

42 MB

84 MB

168 MB

336 MB (Default) (*2)

*1  :  When Deduplication/Compression of the TPP is enabled.
*2  :  For the following cases:

     When Deduplication/Compression of the TPP is disabled.

     When Deduplication/Compression of the storage system is disabled.

Available Stripe Depth Value

The Stripe Depth values available for each RAID level are as follows:

RAID level Available Stripe Depth value
RAID1+0, RAID0 64 KB, 128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB, 1024 KB
RAID5 (3+1) 64 KB, 128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB
RAID5 (4+1), RAID5 (6+1), RAID5 (7+1) 64 KB, 128 KB, 256 KB
RAID5 (8+1), RAID5 (12+1) 64 KB, 128 KB

Restrictions for Stripe Depth Modification

The following restrictions are applied for RAID groups for which the Stripe Depth value is changed.

  • Stripe Depth for RAID groups that configure the existing TPPs cannot be changed.

  • When selecting drives automatically to create a TPP, the Stripe Depth cannot be changed.

The Maximum Pool Capacity of the Target TPP When the Chunk Size Is Changed

Chunk Size Maximum Pool Capacity
21 MB 128 TB 256 TB 384 TB 1 PB 1.5 PB 8 PB 8 PB 256 TB 384 TB 1.5 PB
42 MB 256 TB 512 TB 768 TB 2 PB 3 PB 16 PB 16 PB 512 TB 768 TB 3 PB
84 MB 512 TB 1 PB 1.5 PB 4 PB 6 PB 32 PB 32 PB 1 PB 1.5 PB 6 PB
168 MB 1 PB 2 PB 3 PB 8 PB 12 PB 64 PB 64 PB 2 PB 3 PB 12 PB
336 MB 2 PB 4 PB 6 PB 16 PB 24 PB 128 PB 128 PB 4 PB 6 PB 24 PB

RAID Group List

The list of RAID groups added to the TPP is displayed. Nothing is displayed in the initial list.

Click the [Add] button to display the screen to add RAID groups.

Item Description

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

Click the [RAID Level] link to display the screen to edit the target RAID group.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the RAID group is displayed.

If multiple drive types are used in the RAID group, the drive type is displayed as described below.

  • If "Online" is selected for the drive type and the RAID group is configured with both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives, "Online" is displayed.

  • If "Online SED" is selected for the drive type and the RAID group is configured with both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives, "Online SED" is displayed.

  • If "SSD" is selected for the drive type and the RAID group is configured with "SSD-H", "SSD-M", or "SSD-L" type drive, "SSD" is displayed.

  • If "SSD SED" is selected for the drive type and the RAID group is configured with "SSD-H SED", "SSD-M SED", or "SSD-L SED" type drives, "SSD SED" is displayed.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

[Add RAID Group] Screen

When adding RAID groups, the following settings are also required:

RAID Group

Item Description Setting values

RAID Level

The RAID level that is selected in the previous screen is displayed.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)


Fast Recovery Configuration

The drive configuration in the Fast Recovery RAID group that is selected in the previous screen is displayed.

This item is blank when the RAID level is not "RAID6-FR".






D: Data drives

P: Parity drives

HS: Hot Spares


Controlling CM

Select the Controlling CM of the RAID group that is to be created.

"Automatic" and the normal CM number ("CE#x CM#y") that is installed are displayed as options.

Select "Automatic" for normal operations. When "Automatic" is selected, the Controlling CM that is to be allocated is determined by the RAID group number. Refer to "Automatic Controlling CM Setting" for details.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4


CE#x CM#y

For the other models



x: CE number

y: CM number

RAID Group Total Capacity

Total capacity of the RAID group created with the selected RAID level and drives is displayed.


Drive Selection

Drives can be selected from the list or the installation image. To switch between the list and the installation image, click the tab.

Requirements for selecting drives
  • The conditions for RAID groups in the TPP are as follows:
    • The RAID level (RAID1+0/RAID5/RAID6/RAID6-FR/RAID1/RAID0) must be the same

    • The number of member drives in the RAID group must be the same

    • The drive type (Online/Nearline/SSD/Online SED/Nearline SED/SSD SED) must be the same

      (If "Online" is selected for the drive type, "Online" type drives and "Nearline" type drives can be used in the same RAID group. However, using only "Online" type drives is recommended. If "Online SED" is selected for the drive type, "Online SED" type drives and "Nearline SED" type drives can be used in the same RAID group. However, using only "Online SED" type drives is recommended. This is because the available capacity and the access performance may be reduced when these drives are used in the same RAID group.)

    • When the RAID level is "RAID1+0" or "RAID5", the drive must be smaller than 6 TB (except SSDs and SSD SEDs)

  • The recommended drive configuration of the RAID group is shown as follows:
    • Select drives that are the same size and the same speed. If drives of different capacities exist in a RAID group, the smallest capacity becomes the standard, and all other drives are regarded as having the same capacity as the smallest drive. In this case, the remaining drive space is not used. In addition, if drives of different speeds exist in a RAID group, the access performance of the RAID group is reduced by the slower drives.

    • Select the same SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L/SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED). If different types of SSDs exist in a RAID group, the access performance for all SSDs in the RAID group is adjusted to the SSD of the lowest interface speed.

    • Select the same sector format of drives (AF-compliant/non-AF-compliant).

    • If the host connection environment does not support Advanced Format (AF), select non-AF-compliant drives (*1). If AF-compliant drives (*2) are selected, a data format conversion occurs and the drive access performance is reduced. When the host to be connected supports AF, both AF-compliant and non-AF-compliant drives can be selected.

      *1  :  Drives (such as 2.5" Online and 2.5" Nearline) where "AF" is not displayed for the type.
      *2  :  Drives (such as 2.5" Online AF and 2.5" Nearline AF) where "AF" is displayed for the type.
    • When "RAID1+0" or "RAID1" is selected for the RAID level, allocate the drives (mirroring pair drives) by dividing them into two or more connection lines (for the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5 and the ETERNUS AF650 S3).

    • When "RAID5", "RAID6", or "RAID6-FR" is selected for the RAID level, allocate the drives (multiple drives configuring a striping) by dividing them into two or more connection lines (for the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5 and the ETERNUS AF650 S3).

    • If "RAID1" is selected for the RAID level, using drives other than SSD is recommended.

  • There are conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 drive layout. Refer to "Conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 Drive Layout" for details. Note that these conditions are not applied to other models.

[Tabular] Tab

Click the [Tabular] tab to select drives from the list. Only unused drives are displayed on the list.

There are conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 drive layout. Refer to "Conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 Drive Layout" for details. Note that these conditions are not applied to other models.

Item Description

Checkbox to select drives

Select the checkbox for the drive that is to be used.

When selecting drives, refer to "Requirements for selecting drives".


The enclosure where the drive is installed is displayed.

   CE: Controller Enclosure (2.5" and 3.5")

   DE: Drive Enclosure (2.5", 3.5", and 3.5" high density DEs)



x: CE number

yy: DE number

Slot No.

The slot number of the enclosure, where the drive is installed, is displayed.

2.5" CE/DE: 0 - 23

3.5" CE/DE: 0 - 11

3.5" high density DE: 0 - 59


The drive type displayed for this item is a combination of the following.

  • Drive size
    • For 2.5-inch drives: 2.5"

    • For 3.5-inch drives: 3.5"

  • Drive type
    • For SAS disks: Online

    • For Nearline SAS disks: Nearline

    • For SSDs, the following items are displayed depending on the SSD type.
      • For SSD-Hs (12 Gbit/s): SSD-H (*1)

      • For SSD-Ms (12 Gbit/s): SSD-M (*1)

      • For SSD-Ls (12 Gbit/s): SSD-L (*1)

Note that "SED" is also displayed for self encrypting drives and "AF" is also displayed for Advanced Format compliant drives.

*1  :  The displayed item varies depending on the interface speed (bandwidth) or the capacity of the reserved space. Unless otherwise specified, "SSD-H", "SSD-M", and "SSD-L" are collectively referred to as "SSD". In addition, there may be cases when "SSD SED" is used as the collective term for self encrypting SSD-Hs, SSD-Ms, and SSD-Ls.


The capacity of the drive is displayed.

  • The displayed drive capacity may differ from the product's actual capacity. For example, the drive capacity of a "1.92 TB SSD" is displayed as "2.00 TB" and the capacity of an "18 TB Nearline SAS disk" is displayed as "17.9 TB".


The drive speed is displayed.

For SSD or SSD SED, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

15000 rpm

10000 rpm

7200 rpm

[Graphic] Tab

Click the [Graphic] tab to select drives from the drive installation image. The installation images of all the drives installed in the storage system are displayed. Checkboxes are displayed for unused drives.

There are conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 drive layout. Refer to "Conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 Drive Layout" for details. Note that these conditions are not applied to other models.

Item Description Setting values

DE selection list box

Select the DE group.

Options are displayed in the list box when at least one CE or DE in the DE group is installed in the storage system.

Refer to "DE selection list box" for details on the options and DE groups for each model.


















Only the CEs or the DEs in the selected DE group that are installed in the storage system are displayed.



x: CE number

yy: DE number


Checkbox to select drives

Select the checkbox for the drive that is to be used.

Checkboxes are displayed for unused drives. For 2.5" CEs or 2.5" DEs, drives are displayed from left to right in ascending order of the slot number. For 3.5" CEs, 3.5" DEs, or 3.5" high density DEs, drives are displayed from bottom left to top right in ascending order of the slot number.

Placing the mouse pointer on the icon displays the detailed information of the drive.

When selecting drives, refer to "Requirements for selecting drives".


Conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 Drive Layout

The drive layout to configure RAID groups in the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 must satisfy the conditions described below.

RAID groups cannot be created if the required conditions are not satisfied.

RAID level Drive layout conditions
RAID1 Required Allocate mirroring pair drives to different DEs.

Allocate mirroring pair drives to DEs (*1) under different CEs when possible.

Allocate mirroring pair drives to different SAS cascades (*2) when possible.

RAID1+0 Required Allocate mirroring pair drives to different DEs.

Allocate striping drives to DEs under as many CEs as possible.

Allocate striping drives to as many SAS cascades (*2) as possible.

RAID5 Required Allocate member drives to different DEs.

Distribute member drives to DEs under as many CEs as possible.

Distribute member drives to as many SAS cascades (*2) as possible.



Required Allocate two or less member drives to the same DE.

Distribute member drives to DEs under as many CEs as possible.

Distribute member drives to as many SAS cascades (*2) as possible.

*1  :  DEs under different CEs have different numbers as the first digit of the DE number.
*2  :  "SAS cascade" for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 refers to DEs that are attached to one drive interface port. The DEs that are allocated to the same SAS cascade configuration are as follows:

     DE#x1, DE#x2, and DE#x3 that are connected to CE#x/DI Port#0 (x: 0 - B)

     DE#x4, DE#x5, DE#x6, and DE#x7 that are connected to CE#x/DI Port#1 (x: 0 - B)

     DE#x8, DE#x9, DE#xA, and DE#xB that are connected to CE#x/DI Port#2 (x: 0 - B)

     DE#xC, DE#xD, DE#xE, and DE#xF that are connected to CE#x/DI Port#3 (x: 0 - B)

     (Example) DE#01, DE#02, and DE#03 that are connected to CE#0/DI Port#0 are on the same SAS cascade.

Function Button

Button Description


Adds a RAID group to the TPP.

If the maximum pool capacity for each model is exceeded, the [Add] button cannot be clicked.


Deletes a RAID group from the TPP.

If no RAID group has been added, the [Delete] button is not displayed.

Function Link

Link Description

[RAID Level]

Displays the screen to edit the selected RAID group.

This screen is used to change the Controlling CM of the RAID group or select the drive that configures the RAID group again.

The checkbox for the drive selected for the RAID group is selected.

Operating Procedures

Automatically Selecting Drives to Create TPPs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Automatic" for "Create Mode", specify the other parameters, and click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Name" already exists

      • The "Thin Provisioning Pool Total Capacity" field is not entered

      • The total value of TPP capacity to be created and existing pool capacity exceeds the maximum pool capacity for each model

      • A TPP that meets the specified conditions (drive type, RAID level, and capacity that is equal to or larger than the specified value) cannot be created with the installed drives in the storage system

    • Specify the threshold so that "Warning" is larger than "Attention".

    • The "Attention" threshold can be omitted. When setting the "Attention" threshold, select the checkbox and then specify a threshold.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Create Thin Provisioning Pool starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Thin Provisioning Pool] screen.

Manually Selecting Drives to Create TPPs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Manual" for "Create Mode" and specify the other parameters.

  3. Click the [Add] button.

    → The [Add RAID Group] screen is displayed.

  4. Select the Controlling CM of the RAID group, select all the drives to be registered in the RAID group from the list or from the installation image, and then click the [OK] button.

    → The screen returns to the previous screen. The created RAID group is displayed in the RAID group list.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The number of selected drives and the number of member drives of the specified RAID level do not match

      • The number of selected drives and the number of member drives of the existing RAID group do not match

    • Click the [RAID Level] link in the RAID group list for the existing RAID group to perform the following operations.
      • The number of member drives can be checked. The drives with the checkbox selected in the displayed screen are the member of the RAID group.

      • The Controlling CM and configuration drives of the RAID group can be changed.

    • Click the [Delete] button of the target RAID group area in the RAID group list to delete the newly added RAID group.

  5. When creating multiple RAID groups that configure a TPP, repeat Step 3 and Step 4.

  6. After creating a RAID group that configures the TPP, click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Name" already exists

      • The total value of TPP capacity to be created and existing pool capacity exceeds the maximum pool capacity for each model

      • The drive layout does not satisfy the required conditions

        (Refer to "Conditions for the ETERNUS DX8900 S4 Drive Layout" for details.)

      • The "Stripe Depth" exceeds the allowable range specified for each RAID level

    • Specify the threshold so that "Warning" is larger than "Attention".

    • The "Attention" threshold can be omitted. When setting the "Attention" threshold, select the checkbox and then specify a threshold.

  7. Click the [OK] button.

    → Create Thin Provisioning Pool starts.

  8. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Thin Provisioning Pool] screen.