Eco-mode Schedule (Thin Provisioning Pool)


This function displays the set state of the Eco-mode that is applied for the Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP).

  • When using the Thin Provisioning function, "Enable" the Thin Provisioning. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

  • TPPs with either or both of Deduplication and Compression enabled are not displayed in the TPP list.

  • To check whether the Thin Provisioning function is enabled or disabled, use the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function.

  • To use the Eco-mode, it is required to create the common Eco-mode setup and Eco-mode schedule. Refer to the [Modify Eco-mode General Setting] function and the [Create Eco-mode Schedule] function for details.

  • To assign the Eco-mode schedule to TPPs, use the [Eco-mode Schedule (Thin Provisioning Pool)] function.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

In this screen, the set state of the Eco-mode that is applied for the TPP is displayed in a list.

TPP List

Item Description


The TPP number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Thin Provisioning Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The TPP name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Thin Provisioning Pool Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the TPP is displayed.




Online SED

Nearline SED


RAID Level

The level of RAID group that configures the TPP is displayed.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)


The TPP status is displayed.

Refer to "Thin Provisioning Pool Status" for details.

Used Status

The used status of the TPP or the Data Container Volume is displayed.

  • Normal

    TPP usage does not exceed the "Attention" threshold.

  • Attention

    TPP usage exceeds the "Attention" threshold but does not exceed the "Warning" threshold.

    Or the Data Container Volume usage is 80 % or larger.

  • Warning

    TPP usage exceeds the "Warning" threshold.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of TPP is displayed.

Eco-mode Schedule

The Eco-mode schedule name that is assigned to the TPP is displayed.

If the Eco-mode is controlled with FUJITSU ETERNUS SF Storage Management Software, "External" is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, the field is blank.

Eco-mode Action

The Eco-mode schedule action status is displayed.

When no Eco-mode schedule has been assigned, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Drive power off

    The power for the drive is turned off during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive motor off

    The drive motor is stopped during Eco-mode operation.

  • Drive always on

    The Eco-mode is disabled and the drive is always on.

Motor Status

The drive motor status is displayed.

  • Active

    The drive motors are activated.

  • In the Boot Process

    The drive motors are starting up.

  • Idle

    The drive motors are stopped.

  • In the Stop Process

    The drive motors are being stopped.

  • Power Off

    The drive power is being turned off.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the TPPs satisfying all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Input the TPP name that is to be displayed.

TPPs matching or partially matching the entered name are displayed.

When not using the TPP name for filtering, leave this item blank.

TPP name


Drive Type

Select the drive type of the TPP that is to be displayed.

When not using the drive type for filtering, select "All".





Online SED

Nearline SED


RAID Level

Select the RAID level of the TPP that is to be displayed.

When not using the RAID level for filtering, select "All".


High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Eco-mode Schedule

Input the Eco-mode schedule name of the TPP that is to be displayed.

The TPPs with an Eco-mode schedule that matching or partially matching the entered name are displayed.

When not using the Eco-mode schedule for filtering, leave this item blank.

Eco-mode schedule name



Eco-mode Action

Select the Eco-mode action of the TPP that is to be displayed.

  • When not using the Eco-mode action for filtering, select "All".

  • To display TPPs that will have the power cut to the drives during Eco-mode operation, select "Drive power off".

  • To display TPPs that will have the drive motors stopped during Eco-mode operation, select "Drive motor off".

  • To display TPPs that are always active by disabling Eco-mode, select "Drive always on".

  • To display TPPs without Eco-mode schedules, select "-" (hyphen).


Drive power off

Drive motor off

Drive always on

"-" (hyphen)