Balancing Thin Provisioning Volume


This function displays the information of balancing Thin Provisioning Volumes (TPVs).

  • When using the Thin Provisioning function, "Enable" the Thin Provisioning. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.


User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

A list of TPV balancing status is displayed.

TPV List

Item Description


The volume number is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Balancing TPV] Tab).


The volume name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Balancing TPV] Tab).


The volume status is displayed.

Refer to "Volume Status" for details.


The volume type is displayed.

TPV (fixed)


The usage of the volume is displayed.

  • Block

    The volumes that are used for the SAN.

  • File

    The volumes that are used for the NAS.

  • System

    The system volumes described below. Refer to "Usage Details" in the [Volume Detail] screen ([Basic] tab) for details.

    • System volumes for the NAS system

    • System volumes for the Virtual Volume function

  • Veeam

    The volumes that are used for Veeam Storage Integration.


The volume capacity is displayed.

The volume capacity is displayed with "MB", "GB", or "TB". The unit of measurement for the capacity is determined according to the actual volume size. Even if "MB" is selected to create a volume, the capacity is displayed with GB when the volume capacity is larger than 1023.99 MB. When the volume capacity is larger than 1023.99 GB, the capacity is displayed with TB.

Balancing Level

The balancing level of the volume is displayed.

  • When the volume is balanced, "High" is displayed

  • When the volume is almost balanced, "Middle" is displayed

  • When the volume is not balancing well, "Low" is displayed

  • When the storage system is abnormal, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed


A process that is being performed for the volume is displayed. If multiple processes are currently being performed, the processes are separated with a ":" (colon) and displayed in the "xx:yy" format. "Balancing", "Formatting", or "Migrating" is displayed as "xx". "Optimizing Capacity" or "Reserved Optimizing Capacity" is displayed as "yy". If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Balancing

    TPV balancing is being performed.

  • Formatting

    Formatting is being performed.

  • Migrating

    RAID migration is being performed.

  • Optimizing Capacity

    Capacity optimization is being performed in a TPV or an FTV.

  • Reserved Optimizing Capacity

    Capacity optimization is being reserved (*1) for a TPV or an FTV.

*1  :  If "Start Optimizing TPV/FTV Capacity after migration" is enabled for the RAID migration function, the migration source volume is reserved for capacity optimization.

Balancing Process


The status of the TPV balancing is displayed.

When the process is not "Balancing", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • When the process is operating normally, "Active" is displayed

  • When the process is stopped due to an error, "Error" is displayed


The progress (0 to 100 %) of TPV balancing is displayed.

When the process is not "Balancing", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Work Vol.No.

The volume number undergoing TPV balancing is displayed.

When the process is not "Balancing", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Work Vol.Name

The volume name undergoing TPV balancing is displayed.

When the process is not "Balancing", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Error code

The error code (hexadecimal) of TPV balancing is displayed when an error occurs.

When the process is not "Balancing", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time of TPV balancing is displayed. The displayed time is the elapsed time at the point when this screen is displayed.

When the process is not "Balancing", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

X h Y min. Z sec. -

X: 1 -

Y: 0 to 59

Z: 0 to 59

[Volume Detail] Screen ([Balancing TPV] Tab)

[Balancing TPV] Screen

The volume number, volume name, type, and usage are displayed.

Item Description


The RAID group number that configures the TPP to which the target TPV belongs is displayed.

RAID Group

The name of the RAID group that configures the TPP to which the target TPV belongs is displayed.

Used Capacity

The capacity of each RAID group that is currently allocated to the target TPV is displayed.

Note that it is not the capacity after re-allocating the physical capacity in the relevant TPV to the RAID groups in the TPP.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the volumes meeting all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Input the volume name that is to be displayed.

When not using the volume name for filtering, leave this item blank.

Volume name



Select the volume status that is to be displayed.


Refer to "Volume Status".


Select the usage of the volume that is to be displayed.

"Migration" is displayed as an option only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

"Veeam" is displayed as an option only if the Veeam Storage Integration License has been registered.







Balancing Level

Select the balancing level of the volume that is to be displayed.





"-" (hyphen)


Select the process of the volume that is to be displayed.

"Automatic Stop" and "Manual Stop" are displayed as options only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.






Optimizing Capacity

Reserved Optimizing Capacity

Automatic Stop

Manual Stop

"-" (hyphen)