Volume (Basic Information)


This function displays the basic information of volumes.

  • When attempting to display the list of volumes while a meta cache redistribution is being performed for NAS volumes (NAS user volumes or NAS backup volumes), the process may be delayed for a maximum of two minutes.

  • In this manual, "volumes" include "External Volumes" if differentiation is not specifically required.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

In this screen, the basic information of volumes is displayed in a list.

Volume List

Item Description


The volume number is displayed.

The volume number can be automatically selected or manually specified when creating a volume. When using an automatically selected volume number, the volume number is allocated in ascending order.

Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The volume name is displayed.

Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab).


The volume status is displayed.

When the volume status is normal, "Available" is displayed.

Refer to "Volume Status" for details.


The volume type is displayed.









The usage of the volume is displayed.

  • Block

    The volumes that are used for the SAN.

  • Block/Dedupe&Comp

    The volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions enabled.

  • Block/Dedupe

    The volumes that have the Deduplication function enabled.

  • Block/Comp

    The volumes that have the Compression function enabled.

  • File

    The volumes that are used for the NAS.

  • System

    The system volumes described below. Refer to "Usage Details" in the [Volume Detail] screen ([Basic] tab) for details.

  • Migration

    An External Volume that is used for data migrations.

  • Veeam

    The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions disabled.

  • Dedupe&Comp/Veeam

    The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions enabled.

  • Dedupe/Veeam

    The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have the Deduplication function enabled.

  • Comp/Veeam

    The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have the Compression function enabled.


The volume capacity is displayed.

When the volume type is "SDV", the virtual capacity is displayed.


The following number is displayed:

  • For "WSV" type volumes

    The RAID group number to which the representative volume belongs is displayed.

  • For "TPV" type volumes

    The TPP number to which the volume belongs is displayed.

  • For "FTV" type volumes

    The FTRP number to which the volume belongs is displayed.

  • For "Standard" type volumes whose "Usage" is "Migration"

    The External RAID Group number to which the External Volume belongs is displayed.

  • If the type is not one of the types listed above,

    the RAID group number to which the volume belongs is displayed.


The following name is displayed:

  • For "WSV" type volumes

    The RAID group name to which the representative volume belongs is displayed.

  • For "TPV" type volumes

    The TPP name to which the volume belongs is displayed.

  • For "FTV" type volumes

    The FTRP name to which the volume belongs is displayed.

  • For "Standard" type volumes whose "Usage" is "Migration"

    The External RAID Group name to which the External Volume belongs is displayed.

  • If the type is not one of the types listed above,

    the RAID group name to which the volume belongs is displayed.


The encryption status is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

  • CM

    A volume that is encrypted by CM.

  • "-" (hyphen)

    A volume that is not encrypted (plain text volume).

  • SED

    A volume that is encrypted by SED.


The Universal Identifier (UID) is displayed.

The UID is an identifier (storage system name) to specify a volume from the open system server. The UID status is displayed in the "UID Mode" field.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Data Container Volume.

32-digit capital letters and numeric characters (hexadecimal)

  • For External Volumes that inherit the External LU Information, the UID of the External Volumes is displayed. For External Volumes that do not inherit the External LU Information, the UID that is assigned by the storage system (local storage system) is displayed.

  • If the External LU Information is deleted, the UID that is assigned by the storage system is displayed. Refer to the [Delete External LU Information] function for details.

UID Mode

The UID status is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Data Container Volume.

  • Default

    This status is displayed for the following volumes.

    • Volumes that are created with the storage system

    • Volumes that do not inherit the External LU Information (*1)

  • Custom

    This status is displayed for one of the following volumes.

    • Volumes where the UIDs that are changed with the "set volume" CLI command are applied

    • Volumes that are used for the Storage Cluster function

  • External

    This status is displayed for volumes that inherit the External LU Information (*1).

*1  :  This status is displayed for volumes before, during, and after a data migration of the Non-disruptive Storage Migration.
  • If the External LU Information is deleted, this item is changed from "External" to "Default". Refer to the [Delete External LU Information] function for details.


A process that is being performed for the volume is displayed. If multiple processes are currently being performed, the processes are separated with a ":" (colon) and displayed in the "xx:yy:zz" format. "Encrypting", "Formatting", "Migrating", or "Balancing" is displayed as "xx". "Optimizing Capacity", "Reserved Optimizing Capacity", "Automatic Stop", or "Manual Stop" is displayed as "yy". "Optimizing Capacity" or "Reserved Optimizing Capacity" is displayed as "zz".

Note that "Automatic Stop" and "Manual Stop" are displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Encrypting

    Encryption is being performed.

  • Formatting

    Formatting is being performed.

  • Migrating

    RAID migration is being performed.

  • Balancing

    TPV balancing or FTRP balancing is being performed.

  • Optimizing Capacity

    Capacity optimization is being performed in a TPV or an FTV.

  • Reserved Optimizing Capacity

    Capacity optimization is being reserved (*1) for a TPV or an FTV.

  • Automatic Stop

    The data synchronization between the migration source volume and the migration destination volume is automatically stopped.

  • Manual Stop

    The data synchronization between the migration source volume and the migration destination volume is manually stopped.

*1  :  If "Start Optimizing TPV/FTV Capacity after migration" is enabled for the RAID migration function, the migration source volume is reserved for capacity optimization.
  • If "Automatic Stop" or "Manual Stop" is selected for "Data Sync after Migration" when starting a data migration for Non-disruptive Storage Migration using the [Start RAID Migration] function, "Migrating : Automatic Stop" or "Migrating : Manual Stop" is displayed for "Process" of the migration source volume.

    If "Manual Stop" is selected, "Migrating : Manual Stop" is displayed for "Process" of the migration source volume during a data synchronization between the migration source volume and the migration destination volume even if the migration has been completed.

Forbid Advanced Copy

The protection status of the volume or the volume attribute (such as mirroring reservation) is displayed.

"No" is displayed for Data Container Volumes.

  • Yes

    The volume is protected. The volume cannot be used as a copy destination volume.

  • No

    The volume is not protected. The volume can be used as a copy destination volume.

  • DLM (Dynamic LUN Mirroring)

    An attribute that is to be set to a volume being created as the REC copy destination by the Dynamic LUN Mirroring function regardless of whether the volume is protected. If this attribute is displayed, the volume might be the one that is left in the storage system due to unsuccessful creation.

  • ODX (Offloaded Data Transfer)

    An ODX Buffer volume. The ODX Buffer volume cannot be protected.

Storage Cluster

When the volume is being used by the Storage Cluster function, "Enable" is displayed. When no volumes are used for the Storage Cluster function, "Disable" is displayed.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Storage Cluster function.

Virtual Volume

When the volume is being used by the Virtual Volume function, "Enable" is displayed. When no volumes are used for the Virtual Volume function, "Disable" is displayed. For $VVOL_META, "Disable" is displayed even if the relevant volume is being used for the Virtual Volume function. "$VVOL_META" is a system volume that is used for storing the management information (metadata) of the Virtual Volume function.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Virtual Volume function.


The allocation method for the volume is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the volume type is other than "TPV" or "FTV".

  • Thin

    Physical area is allocated to the target area of the volume when a write I/O is received.

  • Thick

    Physical area is allocated to the whole area of the volume when volumes are created.

Used Capacity

The used capacity (physically allocated capacity) of volume is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

*1  :  To check the used capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes, see the used capacity of the Data Container Volume in the TPP to which the Deduplication/Compression Volumes belong. The used capacity of the Data Container Volume is equivalent to the total used capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes in the relevant TPP.

Original Data Size

The pre-compression capacity (logically allocated capacity) of the data written to a volume is displayed.

For volumes other than the Deduplication/Compression Volumes, the same value as "Used Capacity" is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • The volume type is not "TPV" or "FTV"

  • The volume type is "TPV" and the usage is "System"

  • The volume type is "FTV" and the usage is "System"

  • The pre-compression data capacity cannot be obtained

This item is displayed only when the Deduplication/Compression function is enabled.

Used Rate

The volume utilization (0 to 100 %) is displayed.

  • For Deduplication/Compression Volumes, the ratio of the pre-compression data capacity to the volume capacity is displayed.

    Used Rate = Original Data Size ÷ Capacity

  • For other volumes, the ratio of the physically allocated capacity to the volume capacity is displayed.

    Used Rate = Used Capacity ÷ Capacity

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the volume type is other than "TPV" and "FTV".


The threshold for monitoring the volume utilization (0 to 100 %) is displayed.

If the "Used Rate" value exceeds the "Threshold", a Host Sense Key Code Qualifier is notified.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • The volume type is not "TPV" or "FTV"

  • Data Container Volumes

  • To change the threshold of TPVs and Deduplication/Compression Volumes, use the [Modify Thin Provisioning Volume Threshold] function.

  • The threshold for TPPs can be checked in the [Threshold] screen. Refer to the [Threshold (Thin Provisioning Pool)] function for details.

  • The threshold for FTRPs can be checked in the [Flexible Tier Pool] screen. Refer to the [Flexible Tier Pool (Basic Information)] function for details.

Data Reduction Processing CM

For Deduplication/Compression Volumes and Data Container Volumes, a CM that controls data deduplication/compression is displayed.

For the other volumes, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the Deduplication/Compression function is enabled.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number

  • The Data Reduction Processing CM for Deduplication/Compression Volumes can be changed from Web GUI. Refer to the [Change Data Reduction Processing CM] function for details.

  • The Data Reduction Processing CM for Data Container Volumes cannot be changed from Web GUI. Use CLI to change the setting.

External LU Information

Whether the volume inherits the External LU Information is displayed.

This item displays "Inherited" for External Volumes that inherit the External LU Information while "Usage" is "Migration" (if a data migration has not been performed or if a data migration is being performed).

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the following volumes.

  • Volumes (of which "Usage" is "Block") that have inherited the External LU Information if a data migration has already been performed

  • External Volumes that do not inherit the External LU Information

  • Volumes of which the External LU Information is deleted

  • Volumes (internal volumes)

This item is displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

Snapshot Name

For volumes that can be operated from Veeam Backup & Replication (hereinafter referred to as "Veeam B&R"), the following names are displayed.

  • If the volume is a copy destination of the Veeam session (or if the volume is a Veeam Snapshot Volume), the snapshot name is displayed. This is the name that is displayed on the operation screen of Veeam B&R.

  • If the volume is a copy destination of the SnapOPC+ session, the volume name is displayed. This is the same as the "Name" that is displayed in the volume list.

For the other volumes, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

This item is displayed when the Veeam Storage Integration License has been registered in a storage system other than the ETERNUS DX8100 S4.

When the selected volume is a WSV or a volume that is concatenated by the [LUN Concatenation] function, the [Used RAID Group] tab is displayed. For display items, refer to the [Volume Detail] Screen ([Used RAID Group] Tab).

[Volume Detail] Screen ([Basic] Tab)

Volume Information

The volume number, volume name, type, and usage are displayed.

Item Description


The volume status is displayed.

When the volume status is normal, "Available" is displayed.

Refer to "Volume Status" for details.

Used Status

The used status of the Data Container Volume is displayed.

  • Normal

    The Data Container Volume usage is less than 80 %.

    Or both Deduplication and Compression are disabled.

  • Attention

    The Data Container Volume usage is 80 % or larger, or there is no free space in the Data Container Volume.

  • Unknown

    A status other than the ones listed above

This item is displayed when the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".


The volume capacity is displayed with a unit that is determined according to the actual volume size.

Capacity on RAID Group

The volume capacity is displayed with a unit that is determined according to the volume size secured in the RAID group or External RAID Group.

While the capacity that is specified by the user when creating the volume is displayed in the "Capacity" field described above, the volume capacity that is actually secured in units of the basic volume size in the RAID group is displayed in this field.

This item is displayed when the volume type is "Standard", "WSV", "SDV", "SDPV", or "Temporary".

Used Capacity

The used capacity (physically allocated capacity) of volume is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Deduplication/Compression Volume.

This item is displayed when the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".

Original Data Size

The pre-compression capacity (logically allocated capacity) of the data written to a volume is displayed.

For volumes other than the Deduplication/Compression Volumes, the same value as "Used Capacity" is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed in the following conditions:

  • The volume type is "TPV" and the usage is "System"

  • The volume type is "FTV" and the usage is "System"

  • The pre-compression data capacity cannot be obtained

This item is displayed when the Deduplication/Compression function is enabled and the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".

Used Rate

The volume utilization (0 to 100 %) is displayed.

  • For Deduplication/Compression Volumes, the ratio of the pre-compression data capacity to the volume capacity is displayed.

    Used Rate = Original Data Size ÷ Capacity

  • For other volumes, the ratio of the physically allocated capacity to the volume capacity is displayed.

    Used Rate = Used Capacity ÷ Capacity

This item is displayed when the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".


The threshold for monitoring the volume utilization (0 to 100 %) is displayed.

If the "Used Rate" value exceeds the "Threshold", a Host Sense Key Code Qualifier is notified.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Data Container Volume.

This item is displayed when the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".

8 KB

32 KB

256 KB

NAS FS Block Size

The block size of the NAS file system (NAS user volume) is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the usage details of the volume is "NAS Data".

The maximum NAS user volume capacity and the maximum file size vary depending on the block size of the NAS file system. For details, refer to the following table.

Maximum NAS User Volume Capacity and the Maximum File Size of Each "NAS FS Block Size"

NAS FS Version (*1) NAS FS Block Size
8 KB 32 KB 256 KB
Maximum NAS user volume capacity 5 32 TB 128 TB 128 TB
Maximum file size (*2) 5 1 TB 4 TB 32 TB
*1  :  The version of the NAS file system (NAS user volume). Refer to "NAS FS Version" for details.
*2  :  The "file size" indicates the size of the user data that is created in the shared folder.
NAS FS Version

The NAS file system (NAS user volume) version is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the usage details of the volume is "NAS Data". For the maximum NAS user volume capacity for each "NAS FS Version", refer to "Maximum NAS User Volume Capacity and the Maximum File Size of Each "NAS FS Block Size"".
NAS FS Version Expand Volume Description
5 Available (*1)

"NAS FS Block Size" is "8 KB", "32 KB", or "256 KB".

When the version is "5" or later, the quota information can be configured for each shared folder.

*1  :  Refer to the [Reconfigure NAS Volume] function and the [Expand Thin Provisioning Volume] function for details.

RAID Group No.

The RAID group number or External RAID Group number to which the volume belongs is displayed.

If the type is "WSV", the RAID group number to which the representative volume belongs is displayed.

This item is not displayed when the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".

RAID group name

The RAID group name or External RAID Group name to which the volume belongs is displayed.

If the type is "WSV", the RAID group name to which the representative volume belongs is displayed.

This item is not displayed when the volume type is "TPV" or "FTV".

Thin Provisioning Pool No.

The TPP number to which the volume belongs is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the volume type is "TPV".

Thin Provisioning Pool Name

The TPP name to which the volume belongs is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the volume type is "TPV".


The FTRP number to which the volume belongs is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the volume type is "FTV".

FTRP name

The FTRP name to which the volume belongs is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the volume type is "FTV".


The encryption status of the volume is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.


"-" (hyphen)


Data Integrity

The volume protection method is displayed.

  • Default

    Data is protected within the storage system.

  • T10-DIF

    Data is protected with a T10-DIF (Data Integrity Field) compatible method in the storage system and the host paths. This method is available only when the host interface is FC.

Wide Stripe Size

The Wide Stripe Size is displayed.

"Wide Stripe Size" is the size of the WSV Unit that is allocated to each RAID group in series. A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the volume type is other than "WSV".

  • Normal

    An integral multiple of the basic size for each RAID level (*1). The maximum size is 16 MB or smaller.

  • Small

    An integral multiple of the basic size for each RAID level (*1). The maximum size is 2 MB or smaller. Note that when the basic size for a RAID group is larger than 2 MB, the basic size is specified.

*1  :  The basic size (stripe size) when creating a volume. Refer to "Basic Size for each RAID Level" for details.

Reserved Deletion

The "Reserved Deletion" state of the SDPV is displayed.

If an SDPV is currently being used and the SDPV is deleted by using the [Delete Snap Data Pool Volume] function, the target SDPV status changes to "Reserved Deletion". A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the volume type is other than "SDPV".

  • Yes

    SDPVs are in the "Reserved Deletion" state.

  • No

    SDPVs are not in the "Reserved Deletion" state.


The UID is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Data Container Volume.

32-digit capital letters and numeric characters (hexadecimal)

  • For External Volumes that inherit the External LU Information, the UID of the External Volumes is displayed. For External Volumes that do not inherit the External LU Information, the UID that is assigned by the storage system (local storage system) is displayed.

  • If the External LU Information is deleted, the UID that is assigned by the storage system is displayed. Refer to the [Delete External LU Information] function for details.

UID Mode

The UID status is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the Data Container Volume.




  • If the External LU Information is deleted, this item is changed from "External" to "Default". Refer to the [Delete External LU Information] function for details.

Storage Cluster

When the volume is being used by the Storage Cluster function, "Enable" is displayed. When no volumes are used for the Storage Cluster function, "Disable" is displayed.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Storage Cluster function.

Virtual Volume

When the volume is being used by the Virtual Volume function, "Enable" is displayed. When no volumes are used for the Virtual Volume function, "Disable" is displayed. For $VVOL_META, "Disable" is displayed even if the relevant volume is being used for the Virtual Volume function.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Virtual Volume function.


The allocation method for the volume is displayed.

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed when the volume type is other than "TPV" or "FTV".



Usage Details

The detailed usage of the volume is displayed.

Usage Usage Details Description



The volumes that are used for the SAN.


Block Deduplication and Compression Enabled

The Deduplication/Compression Volumes.

The volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions enabled.


Block Deduplication Enabled

The Deduplication/Compression Volumes.

The volumes that have the Deduplication function enabled.


Block Compression Enabled

The Deduplication/Compression Volumes.

The volumes that have the Compression function enabled.


NAS Data

The user volumes that are used for the NAS.

The NAS Data type volumes are created by Web GUI.

NAS Backup

The backup volumes that are used for the NAS.

The NAS Backup type volumes are created by CLI or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.

NAS Snapshot

The snapshot destination SDVs that are used for NAS.

NAS Snapshots are automatically created when performing the [Set Snapshot] function.


NAS CM#0 System (*1)

The system volumes that are used for CM#0 in the NAS system.

NAS CM#1 System (*1)

The system volumes that are used for CM#1 in the NAS system.

NAS FS Management (*1)

The system volumes that are used for NAS system file management.

NAS CM#0 EX System (*2)

The NAS expanded system volume that is used to store NAS monitoring logs for CM#0 in the NAS system.

NAS CM#1 EX System (*2)

The NAS expanded system volume that is used to store NAS monitoring logs for CM#1 in the NAS system.

VVOL Metadata

The system volumes that are used for storing the management information (metadata) of the Virtual Volume function.

This volume is automatically created when the Virtual Volume function is set to "Enable" and when VVOL is created from ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser for the first time.

Data Container (*3)

The Data Container Volumes.

The container volumes that are used for the Deduplication/Compression function.



An External Volume that is used for data migrations.



The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions disabled.



The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions enabled.



The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have the Deduplication function enabled.



The Veeam Snapshot Volumes that have the Compression function enabled.

*1  :  The volume is created automatically when NAS Data volumes are created.
*2  :  The volume is created by executing the "create volume" CLI command. Web GUI cannot be used to create this volume. NAS volumes of which "Usage" is "System" are collectively referred to as "NAS system volumes" in this manual.
*3  :  The volume is created automatically when Deduplication/Compression (or the Deduplication/Compression function) for TPP is enabled.

Data Reduction Processing CM

For Deduplication/Compression Volumes and Data Container Volumes, a CM that controls data deduplication/compression is displayed.

For the other volumes, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the Deduplication/Compression function is enabled.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number


A process that is being performed for the volume is displayed.

If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

If multiple processes are currently being performed, the processes are separated with a ":" (colon) and displayed in the "xx:yy:zz" format. "Encrypting", "Formatting", "Migrating", or "Balancing" is displayed as "xx". "Optimizing Capacity", "Reserved Optimizing Capacity", "Automatic Stop", or "Manual Stop" is displayed as "yy". "Optimizing Capacity" or "Reserved Optimizing Capacity" is displayed as "zz".

Note that "Automatic Stop" and "Manual Stop" are displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

  • If "Automatic Stop" or "Manual Stop" is selected for "Data Sync after Migration" when starting a data migration for Non-disruptive Storage Migration using the [Start RAID Migration] function, "Migrating : Automatic Stop" or "Migrating : Manual Stop" is displayed for "Process" of the migration source volume.

    The following items are displayed if "Manual Stop" is selected and data synchronization is being performed between the migration source volumes and migration destination volumes even if the migration has been completed.

    Item Migration source volume Migration destination volume
    Usage Details Migration Block
    Process Migrating: Manual Stop Migrating
    Migration Status Active Active
    Progress 100 % 100 %

Migration Status

The RAID migration status is displayed.

This item is not displayed when the process is other than "Migrating".

  • Reserved

    The RAID migration is in a reserved state.

  • Active

    The RAID migration is operating normally.

  • Error

    The RAID migration has been suspended due to an error.

  • "-" (hyphen)

    A status other than the ones listed above.


The progress of a process that is being performed is displayed with a bar and a rate (0 to 100 %). To display the latest progress, refresh the screen. If no process is being performed, or if the migration status is "Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Estimated Time Left

The estimated remaining time before formatting is complete is displayed. To display the latest estimated remaining time, refresh the screen. This item is not displayed when the process is other than "Formatting".

  • Calculating

    The storage system is calculating the estimated remaining time.

  • 30 days or more

    The estimated remaining time is 30 days or more.

  • x days y h z min.

    The estimated remaining time is more than one minute and less than 30 days. When the estimated remaining time is less than one day, the "days" value is omitted. When the estimated remaining time is less than one hour, the "days" and "h" values are omitted.

  • Less than 1 min.

    The estimated remaining time is less than one minute.

  • The estimated time that is left may increase or decrease depending on the I/O load when this parameter is used.

Remaining Size

The remaining size of the unformatted volume is displayed. To display the latest size, refresh the screen. This item is not displayed when the process is other than "Formatting".

Optimizing Capacity Progress

The progress of capacity optimization processes that are being performed is displayed with a bar and a rate (0 to 100 %). To display the latest progress for the capacity optimization, refresh the screen. When capacity optimization is not being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

When the storage system status is "Not Ready", the field is blank.

Total Device Space

The total space of the file system is displayed.

The "Total Device Space" indicates the NAS user volume capacity that is available for the user.

This item is displayed only when the usage details of the volume is "NAS Data".

Used Device Space

The used space in the file system is displayed.

The "Used Device Space" indicates the NAS user volume capacity that has already been used by the user.

This item is displayed only when the usage details of the volume is "NAS Data".

Free Device Space

The free space in the file system is displayed.

The "Free Device Space" indicates the NAS user volume capacity that will be available for the user.

This item is displayed only when the usage details of the volume is "NAS Data".

File System Information

The mount state of the file system is displayed.

This item is displayed only when the usage details of the volume is "NAS Data".

External LU Information

Whether the volume inherits the External LU Information is displayed.

This item displays "Inherited" for External Volumes that inherit the External LU Information while "Usage" is "Migration" (if a data migration has not been performed or if a data migration is being performed).

A "-" (hyphen) is displayed for the following volumes.

  • Volumes (of which "Usage" is "Block") that have inherited the External LU Information if a data migration has already been performed

  • External Volumes that do not inherit the External LU Information

  • Volumes of which the External LU Information is deleted

  • Volumes (internal volumes)

This item is displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

Snapshot Name

For volumes that can be operated from Veeam B&R, the following names are displayed.

  • If the volume is a copy destination of the Veeam session (or if the volume is a Veeam Snapshot Volume), the snapshot name is displayed. This is the name that is displayed on the operation screen of Veeam B&R.

  • If the volume is a copy destination of the SnapOPC+ session, the volume name is displayed. This is the same as the "Name" that is displayed in the volume list.

For the other volumes, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

This item is displayed when the Veeam Storage Integration License has been registered in a storage system other than the ETERNUS DX8100 S4.

[Volume Detail] Screen ([Used RAID Group] Tab)

The [Used RAID Group] tab is not displayed when the volume type is "TPV" and "FTV".

Used RAID Group Information

The information for a RAID group that is being used is displayed in the following order. Note that sorting of the display contents is not available.

  • When the volume type is "Standard", volumes are displayed in concatenation order with the LUN Concatenation function

  • When the volume type is "WSV", volumes are displayed according to the concatenation number of the WSV Unit (the order of allocating the WSV unit to the RAID group)

Item Description

RAID Group No.

The RAID group number to which the concatenated volume or WSV Unit belongs is displayed.

RAID Group Name

The RAID group name to which the concatenated volume or WSV Unit belongs is displayed.


The capacity of the concatenated volume or the WSV Unit is displayed. The capacity is displayed with a unit that is determined according to the actual size.

Capacity on RAID Group

The capacity that is secured in the RAID group by the concatenated volume or the WSV Unit is displayed. The capacity is displayed with a unit that is determined according to the secured size.

[Volume Detail] Screen ([Snapshot] Tab)

The [Snapshot] tab is displayed only for NAS user volumes (volumes of which the "Usage Details" is "NAS Data").

Volume Information

The volume number, volume name, type, and usage ("File") are displayed.

Item Description


The NAS user volume status is displayed.

Refer to "Volume Status" for details.


The NAS user volume capacity is displayed.

Usage Details

The usage details of the NAS user volume are displayed.

NAS Data



The collection mode for the snapshot is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Automatic

    The snapshot is set from Web GUI, CLI, or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.

  • Manual

    The snapshot is set from VMware vSphere Web Client.

    Refer to "ETERNUS vCenter Plug-in User's Guide" for details.


Status of the scheduled operation for snapshot is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set or if the collection mode (or the "Mode" setting) for snapshot is set to "Manual", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.



Session Status

The session status for the snapshot is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Normal

    Snapshot performs normally.

  • Error

    Some snapshots cannot be referenced due to an error.

    If the session status of even one generation is error in the "Snapshot Information" field, "Error" is displayed for this item.

Schedule Day

The snapshot acquisition schedule (set day) is displayed.

If the snapshot schedule is specified for all the days of the week, "Every Day" is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set or if the collection mode (or the "Mode" setting) for snapshot is set to "Manual", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Schedule Time

The snapshot acquisition schedule (set time) is displayed.

If the snapshot schedule is specified for all hours, "Every Hour" is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set or if the collection mode (or the "Mode" setting) for snapshot is set to "Manual", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Number of Generations

The number of generations for the snapshot is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.


1 - 64


1 - 128


1 - 128


1 - 128

RAID Group No.

The RAID group number that the snapshot destination SDV belongs to is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

RAID Group Name

The RAID group name that the snapshot destination SDV belongs to is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Snapshot Information

Item Description

Snapshot Date

The date and time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) of when the snapshot was acquired is displayed in descending order.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Session Status

The session status for the snapshot is displayed.

If the snapshot is not set, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • Normal

    Snapshot performs normally.

  • Error

    The snapshot is stopped due to an error.

Volume No.

The volume number for the snapshot destination SDV is displayed.

Volume Name

The volume name for the snapshot destination SDV is displayed.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the volumes meeting all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Input the volume name that is to be displayed.

When not using the volume name for filtering, leave this item blank.

Volume name



Select the volume status that is to be displayed.


Refer to "Volume Status".


Select the volume type that is to be displayed.

"TPV" and "FTV" are displayed as options only when the Thin Provisioning function is enabled.










Select the usage of the volume that is to be displayed.

"Block/Dedupe&Comp", "Block/Dedupe", and "Block/Comp" are displayed as options only if the Deduplication/Compression function is enabled.

"Migration" is displayed as an option only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

"Veeam", "Dedupe&Comp/Veeam", "Dedupe/Veeam", and "Comp/Veeam" are displayed as options only if the Veeam Storage Integration License has been registered.














Select the encryption status of the volume that is to be displayed.



"-" (hyphen)


UID Mode

Select the UID status of the volume that is to be displayed.





"-" (hyphen)


Select the current process of the volume that is to be displayed.

"Automatic Stop" and "Manual Stop" are displayed as options only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.






Optimizing Capacity

Reserved Optimizing Capacity

Automatic Stop

Manual Stop

"-" (hyphen)

Storage Cluster

Select the Storage Cluster function usage status for the volume that is to be displayed.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Storage Cluster function.




Virtual Volume

Select the Virtual Volume function usage status for the volume that is to be displayed.

This item is only displayed when "Enable" is selected for the Virtual Volume function.





Select the allocation method of the volume that is to be displayed.


