Create Volume


This function creates new volumes.

The following types of volumes can be created.

  • Standard

    The most commonly used volumes. Volumes are created in RAID groups or External RAID Groups.

  • Wide Striping Volume (WSV)

    Volumes that are configured by multiple RAID group areas that are concatenated with striping to improve performance.

  • Thin Provisioning Volume (TPV)

    Volumes that are created in TPPs. TPVs can also be used as the copy destination for SnapOPC or SnapOPC+.

  • Snap Data Volume (SDV)

    Copy destination volumes for SnapOPC or SnapOPC+ that are created in the RAID group.

  • Snap Data Pool Volume (SDPV)

    Volumes used as expansion areas for SDV that are created in the RAID group.

  • NAS Volume

    Volumes used for NAS system operation (hereinafter referred to as "NAS user volume") in the Unified Storage environment that are created in TPPs.

  • Deduplication/Compression Volume

    Volumes that have Deduplication, Compression, or both Deduplication and Compression enabled. The volumes are created in TPPs that have the Deduplication/Compression function enabled.

  • The ETERNUS DX60 S5 does not support the encryption function.

  • Volumes are formatted automatically when they are created in RAID groups or TPPs. If the error message "An internal resource is insufficient." appears after volumes are created, a format of volumes may have failed. Check the "Status" of the created volumes in the [Volume] screen. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details. Volumes in the "Readying" state have not been formatted. Wait until the currently running format processes are complete and reformat the relevant volumes. Refer to the [Format Volume] function for details.

  • The maximum number of volumes that can be created is reduced in the following conditions:
    • When TPPs exist in the storage system

    • When concatenated volumes exist in the storage system

    • When REC Disk Buffers exist in the storage system

    • When Extreme Cache exists in the storage system

    • When Extreme Cache Pools exist in the storage system

    • When volumes undergoing RAID migration exist

    • When volumes undergoing Balancing TPV exist

    • When the Automated Storage Tiering feature is enabled

    • When Deduplication, Compression, or both Deduplication and Compression are enabled for the TPP

    • When the Veeam Storage Integration License is registered

  • Volumes are formatted automatically when they are created in RAID groups or TPPs. Standard, WSV, TPV, and SDV can be accessed from the host when host affinity is set after volume creation. NAS user volumes can be accessed from the host when NAS interface is set and shared folder is created after volume creation.

  • External Volumes are not formatted after a volume creation. They inherit the External LU Information of the External RAID Group (or the External Drive).

  • When a volume is created manually (*1), the volume number can be specified. Note that volumes have to be created one at a time. Multiple volumes cannot be created when specifying the volume number for a new volume.

    *1  :  Volumes can be created manually for WSVs or when drives are selected manually for Standard type volumes, SDVs, SDPVs, TPVs, NAS volumes, or Deduplication/Compression Volumes.
  • When "Automatic" is selected to create a volume or when "Manual" is selected but a volume number is not specified, the volume number is allocated when a volume is created from the smallest unused decimal number in ascending order.

  • When "Manual" is selected, create the specified number of volumes by using the maximum free space that is available in the RAID group. Specifying a "Capacity" value is not required. "Standard", "WSV", and "SDPV" type volumes are created by using the maximum free space.

  • This function cannot be used to create an ODX Buffer volume. Refer to the [Create ODX Buffer Volume] function for details.

  • The Extreme Cache mode (enabled or disabled) of the storage system and the set states of the Extreme Cache mode for each volume are not linked. Regardless of the mode of the Extreme Cache for the storage system, the default state of Extreme Cache for each volume is "Enable". Note that External Volumes do not use Extreme Cache. Refer to the [Setup Extreme Cache] function in the [System] navigation for details about the Extreme Cache mode of the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5 and the ETERNUS DX8900 S4.

  • The Extreme Cache Pool mode (enabled or disabled) of the storage system and the set states of Extreme Cache Pool for each volume are not linked. Regardless of the mode of the Extreme Cache Pool for the storage system, the default state of Extreme Cache Pool for each volume is "Enable". Note that External Volumes do not use Extreme Cache Pool. Refer to the [Setup Extreme Cache Pool] function in the [System] navigation for details about the Extreme Cache Pool mode of the ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5.

  • Enabling or disabling Extreme Cache for each volume can be performed with Web GUI, CLI, or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser. Use the [Modify Cache Parameters] function to change the setting from Web GUI (for the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5 and the ETERNUS DX8900 S4).

  • Enabling or disabling Extreme Cache Pool for each volume can be performed with Web GUI or CLI. Use the [Modify Cache Parameters] function to change the setting from Web GUI (for the ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5).

  • In this manual, "volumes" include "External Volumes" if differentiation is not specifically required.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


In this screen, specify the details of the volumes that are to be created.

When creating Standard type volumes, SDVs, or SDPVs
  • Creating volumes in a RAID group
    • There are two methods to select a RAID group; "Automatic" and "Manual".

    • Up to 128 volumes can be created in a RAID group. Note that [The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model] is applied to the total number of volumes in RAID groups, External RAID Groups, and Pools (TPPs and FTRPs).

    • For "RAID6-FR" type RAID groups, only "Standard" volumes can be created.

    • To create an SDV or SDPV, the Advanced Copy license is required.

    • The following list shows the conditions for creating SDPVs.
      • The volume capacity must be 2 TB or less

      • The volume capacity must be a multiple of SDPE capacity (1 GB/2 GB/4 GB) (*1)

        *1  :  To check the current SDPE capacity, refer to the [Snap Data Pool] screen in the [Advanced Copy] navigation.
    • Creating SDPVs in RAID groups with the same RAID level, drive type, number of drives is recommended.

  • Creating External Volumes in an External RAID Group
    • Select the "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field.

    • The only available selection method for External RAID Groups is "Manual".

    • For External RAID Groups, only "Standard" volumes can be created. For the created External Volumes, "Usage" and "Usage Details" are "Migration".

    • The number of volumes cannot be specified when creating External Volumes in the External RAID Group. One External Volume is created in one External RAID Group.

  • For details on the setting items according to each volume type, refer to "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Automatic"" or "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Manual"".

When creating TPVs

  • Volumes are created in TPPs.

  • There are two methods to select a TPP; "Automatic" and "Manual".

  • When a TPP is created, a control volume is created for each RAID group that configures a TPP. Therefore, the maximum number of volumes that can be created in a TPP is calculated by using the following formula.

    Number of volumes that can be created in a TPP = Maximum number of volumes - Number of RAID groups that configure the relevant TPP
    Note that [The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model] is applied to the total number of volumes in RAID groups, External RAID Groups, and Pools (TPPs and FTRPs).
  • When creating TPVs, "Enable" the Thin Provisioning function. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

  • The maximum total logical capacity of the TPVs that can be created in the storage system depends on the maximum pool capacity specified with the [Set Thin Provisioning] function. To check the maximum pool capacity, use the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function.

  • The total logical capacity of the TPVs that can be created at a time is 2 PB.

  • The total logical capacity of the TPVs that can be created in a single TPP is 48 PB.

  • For details on the setting items, refer to "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Automatic"" or "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Manual"".

When creating WSVs

  • The only available selection method for RAID groups is "Manual".

  • The conditions for RAID groups to configure WSVs are as follows:
    • The RAID level (RAID1+0/RAID5/RAID6/RAID5+0/RAID1/RAID0) must be the same

    • The number of member drives in the RAID group must be the same

    • The Stripe Depth value must be the same

    • The drive type (Online/Nearline/SSD/Online SED/Nearline SED/SSD SED) must be the same

      (Since the access performance of WSVs is reduced, selecting the same drive type for the "Drive Type" in the "Select RAID Group Information" field is recommended. Selecting "Online/Nearline" and "Online SED/Nearline SED" is not recommended.)

    • The SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L/SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) must be the same

      (Since the access performance of WSVs is reduced, use the same SSD type. The SSD type that configures a RAID group can be checked in the [RAID Group Detail] screen ([Drive] tab).)

    • The drive speed must be the same

      (RAID groups configured with different speed drives can be selected. Note that this reduces the access performance for WSVs. It is recommended to select the same speed drives. The speed of the drives that configure a RAID group can be checked in the [RAID Group Detail] screen ([Drive] tab).)

    • The sector format (Advanced Format (AF) compliant/non-AF-compliant) must be the same

      (Selecting RAID groups that are configured with drives of the same sector format is recommended.)

    • The key group set state must be the same

      (If the drive type is "Online SED", "Nearline SED", "SSD SED", or "Online SED/Nearline SED", RAID groups can be selected regardless of the key group setting (enabled or disabled). However, selecting the same key group set state is recommended. The key group set state can be checked with the "Encryption" field in the [Select RAID Groups] screen.)

    • The sequential unused area must be the same size or bigger than the capacity of the volumes that are to be concatenated

  • The number of concatenated RAID groups is from 2 to 64.

  • The WSV capacity is from 24 MB to 128 TB.

  • To expand the WSV capacity, use the RAID migration function instead of the LUN Concatenation function. Refer to the [Start RAID Migration] function for details.

  • RAID group capacity expansion for RAID groups which configure WSVs is not available (LDE cannot be performed). Refer to the [Expand RAID Group] function for details.

  • For details on the setting items, refer to "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Manual"".

When creating NAS user volumes
  • NAS user volumes can only be created in a Unified Storage environment using the ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5.

  • Volumes are created in TPPs.

  • There are two methods to select a TPP; "Automatic" and "Manual".

  • The NAS user volumes (TPVs for the NAS environment) and TPVs for the SAN environment can be created in the same TPP.

  • There are two types of NAS volumes; NAS user volumes and NAS backup volumes. The NAS backup volume cannot be created with Web GUI. To create a NAS backup volume, use CLI or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser. The number of NAS backup volumes that can be created for each model is the same as NAS user volumes.

  • The maximum number and the capacity of NAS user volumes for each model are described below. The total capacity of NAS user volumes (TPVs for NAS), NAS backup volumes, and NAS system volumes (25 GB) must not exceed the maximum pool capacity specified with the [Set Thin Provisioning] function. Refer to the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function for details.
    Model Maximum number of NAS user volumes NAS user volume capacity (*1)

    ETERNUS DX100 S5


    400 GB - 128 TB (*2)

    The smallest volume capacity that is available for the user is 100 GB.

    When the first volume is created, an additional "25 GB" is used for the system volume.

    ETERNUS DX200 S5


    ETERNUS DX500 S5


    ETERNUS DX600 S5

    *1  :  300 GB of the created volume is used as the system area. The capacity that can be used is "specified capacity - 300 GB".
    *2  :  The maximum NAS user volume capacity and the maximum file size vary depending on the specified "NAS FS Block Size" when creating volumes. The new volume capacity must not be more than the maximum NAS user volume capacity.
    Maximum NAS User Volume Capacity and the Maximum File Size of Each "NAS FS Block Size"

    NAS FS Block Size
    8 KB 32 KB 256 KB
    Maximum NAS user volume capacity 32 TB 128 TB 128 TB
    Maximum file size (*3) 1 TB 4 TB 32 TB
    *3  :  The "file size" indicates the size of the user data that is created in the shared folder.
  • When the NAS user volume is created, three system volumes are automatically created per storage system in the same TPP.

    The following NAS system volumes are created:

    Volume name Usage Usage details Capacity
    $SYSVOL1 System NAS FS Management 1 GB
    $SYSVOL2 NAS CM#0 System 12 GB
    $SYSVOL3 NAS CM#1 System 12 GB
  • Only one NAS user volume can be created at a time.

  • NAS volumes are displayed as "TPV" in the volume list screen. TPVs for SAN and the NAS volumes (TPVs for NAS) can be identified by "Usage" and "Usage Details". Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

  • The NAS expanded system volumes for storing the NAS monitoring logs cannot be created from Web GUI. Execute the "create volume" CLI command. NAS expanded system volumes can be checked in "Usage" and "Usage Details". Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

  • For details on the setting items according to each volume type, refer to "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Automatic"" or "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Manual"".

  • Procedures for when the NAS user volume creation is not completed successfully
    1. Confirm that the general status (detail) of the storage system and the status of the NAS Engine are both "Normal". If the status is not "Normal", the storage system requires maintenance.

      The storage system general status (detail) can be checked in the [Storage] screen. Refer to the [Storage] function for details.

      The NAS Engine status can be checked in the [Internal Parts] tab of the [Controller Module Detail] screen. Refer to the [Controller Module] function for details.

    2. If the NAS user volume was created, delete the relevant volume. If the NAS user volume cannot be deleted, the storage system requires maintenance.

      For the NAS user volume, "File" is displayed as the usage in the volume list screen ("NAS Data" is displayed as the usage details of the volume detailed information screen). Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

    3. Create the NAS user volume again. Confirm that the volume creation was successfully completed.

When creating Deduplication/Compression Volumes

  • Deduplication/Compression Volumes can be created if all of the following conditions are satisfied.
    • The ETERNUS DX200 S5, the ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5, the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, or the ETERNUS AF250 S3/AF650 S3 is used

    • The Thin Provisioning function is enabled

    • The Thin Provisioning Pool capacity is not in a depleted state

    • Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled

    • The Deduplication, Compression, or both Deduplication and Compression setting (hereinafter referred to as "Deduplication/Compression setting of the TPP" in this manual) is enabled for the TPP where the Deduplication/Compression Volumes are to be created

    • The status of the Data Container Volume in the TPP where the Deduplication/Compression Volumes are to be created is not "Readying", "Not Ready", "Broken", or "Data Lost"

  • Deduplication/Compression Volumes are TPVs for SAN that have Deduplication, Compression, or both Deduplication and Compression enabled. Note that only "Compression" is available for the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4. The volumes are created in TPPs that have the same Deduplication/Compression setting.

  • There are two methods to select a TPP; "Automatic" and "Manual".

  • Deduplication, Compression, or both Deduplication and Compression for data are performed synchronously with the host I/O.

  • For the Deduplication/Compression Volume, a physical capacity as large as the chunk size is used for each volume regardless of the host I/O when the volume is created. Make sure to check the free space in the TPP before creating the volume.

  • The total logical capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes that can be created at a time is 2 PB.

  • The total logical capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes that can actually be created in a single TPP by the customer is limited to the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume in the relevant TPP.
    • If the efficiency of the Deduplication/Compression function cannot be estimated, setting the total logical capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes smaller than the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume is recommended.

    • If the efficiency of the Deduplication/Compression function can be estimated, the total logical capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes must be less than or equal to ten times the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume.

  • If the Deduplication/Compression setting for the TPP is enabled, Deduplication/Compression target volumes (volumes that have Deduplication/Compression enabled) and non-Deduplication/Compression target volumes (TPVs that have Deduplication/Compression disabled) can be created in the same TPP. If both volumes exist, the performance of the non-Deduplication/Compression target volumes (TPVs) may be degraded. To reduce performance degradation of non-Deduplication/Compression target volumes (TPVs), do not create these volumes in the same TPP.

  • If Deduplication/Compression Volumes larger than the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume are deleted or formatted repeatedly, creation of the Deduplication/Compression Volume may fail due to a temporary capacity shortage. If this error occurs, wait a few minutes before starting this function.

  • Non-Deduplication/Compression target volumes (TPVs) can be changed to Deduplication/Compression target volumes. Also, Compression target volumes (Compression Volumes) can be changed to non-Compression target volumes. Refer to the [Start RAID Migration] function for details.

  • "Provisioned Capacity" for TPVs that are created in the storage system does not include the Deduplication/Compression Volume capacity. Refer to the [Thin Provisioning Pool (Basic Information)] function for details.

  • The following information for Deduplication/Compression Volumes can be checked. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.
    • Pre-compression data capacity (Original Data Size) that is written to the relevant TPV.

    • Usage rate that uses the pre-compression data capacity as the used capacity.

  • The following performance information for Deduplication/Compression Volumes can be checked. Refer to the [Performance (Host I/O)] function for details.
    • The compression rate of the data that is written to the Deduplication/Compression Volume from the host.

    • The percentage of data that is not suited for the basic data size of the compression process (Unaligned I/O Rate).

  • For details on the setting items according to each volume type, refer to "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Automatic"" or "Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Manual"".

Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Automatic" (Required settings: )

Setting items Standard







New Volume Name
Capacity of source volume only SDV - - - -
Deduplication -

- -
Compression -

- -
Allocation -
- - -
NAS FS Block Size - -
- - -
RAID Group / TPP Selection Automatic
Data Integrity
- - - - -
Automatic Setting Drive Type
RAID Level
Key Group
- - -
Number of Volumes
"1" (fixed)
Start of Suffix
Digits of Suffix
Encryption by CM

Setting Items for Each Volume Type When Selecting "Manual" (Required settings: )

Setting items Setting items for normal use










New Volume Name
Capacity of source volume only SDV - - - - -
- -
Use External Drive

- - - - - -
Deduplication - -

- - -
Compression - -

- - -
Allocation - -
- - - -
NAS FS Block Size - - -
- - - -
RAID Group / TPP Selection Manual - Manual -
Data Integrity
- - - - - - -
Setting items Setting items when "Volume No." is specified Setting items when "Use all Largest Free Space" is specified










SDV SDPV WSV (*2) Standard SDPV WSV (*2)
New Volume Name
- - -
Capacity of source volume only SDV - - - - -
- - - - -
Use External Drive

- - - - - -

- -
Deduplication - -

- - - - - -
Compression - -

- - - - - -
Allocation - -
- - - - - - -
NAS FS Block Size - - -
- - - - - - -
RAID Group / TPP Selection Manual - Manual - Manual -
Data Integrity
- - - - - - -
- -
Setting items Setting items for normal use











Manual Setting


Manual Setting

(Volume Information)

Use all Largest Free Space


Volume No.

Start of Suffix
Digits of Suffix
Encryption by CM
- - - -

Number of Volumes

(RAID group)

- - - -

Number of Volumes


- -
- - -

Number of Volumes


- - - - - - -
Checkbox to select External RAID Groups -
- - - - - -

Manual Setting

(Select RAID Group Information)

Drive Type - - - - - - -
RAID Level - - - - - - -
Number of Member Drives - - - - - - -
Setting items Setting items when "Volume No." is specified Setting items when "Use all Largest Free Space" is specified










SDV SDPV WSV (*2) Standard SDPV WSV (*2)

Manual Setting


Manual Setting

(Volume Information)

Use all Largest Free Space


Volume No.

Start of Suffix - - - - - - - -
Digits of Suffix - - - - - - - -
Encryption by CM
- - - -

Number of Volumes

(RAID group)

"1" (fixed) - - - - "1" (fixed) "1" (fixed) -

Number of Volumes


- - "1" (fixed) - "1" (fixed) - - - - - -

Number of Volumes


- - - - - - - "1" (fixed) - -
Checkbox to select External RAID Groups - Select one checkbox. - - - - - - - - -

Manual Setting

(Select RAID Group Information)

Drive Type - - - - - - -
- -
RAID Level - - - - - - -
- -
Number of Member Drives - - - - - - -
- -
*1  :  External Volumes that are created in the External RAID Groups. It is referred to as "External-Standard" in this manual.
*2  :  The following items are advanced settings. It is not necessary to change the default value for normal use.
  • "Wide Stripe Size" and "Concatenation Order" under the "Manual Setting (Volume Information)" field.

  • "Stripe Depth" under the "Manual Setting (Select RAID Group Information)" field.

New Volume

Item Description Setting values


Specify the volume name.

An existing volume name cannot be specified. Volume names starting with "$SYSVOL", "$VVOL_META", or "$DATA_CNTNR" cannot be used.

When creating multiple volumes at the same time, the new volumes are named automatically. Refer to "Naming Conventions for Creating Volumes" for details.

Up to 32 alphanumeric characters,

symbols (except "," (comma) and "?"),

and spaces


Specify the volume capacity and select the unit of capacity.

Up to a 15-digit number including the "." (decimal point) can be input. Note that when "MB" is selected, the specified value is rounded down to the nearest whole number. When "GB" or "TB" is selected, the specified value is converted to "MB" and rounded down to the nearest whole number.

  • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
    • Free space in the RAID group is insufficient

    • The total capacity of TPVs or Deduplication/Compression Volumes that can be created in a single operation exceeds 2 PB.
      • For Automatic Setting

        Total capacity = Capacity × Number of volumes

      • For Manual Setting

        Total capacity = Capacity × Total number of volumes for each TPP

  • If "Use all Largest Free Space" is selected when creating volumes manually, inputting the capacity is not required. The specified value and unit are not used.

  • If the same capacity is entered in the same format (digits and units (GB/TB)) as the "Largest Free Space", all of the largest free space is used. To add the capacity without adjustments, input the capacity in units of MB.

  • Create any of the following types of volumes in advance when using SnapOPC or SnapOPC+.
    • SDV and SDPV (the SDV is created with the minimum necessary capacity)

    • TPV

  • The NAS user volume uses 300 GB of the specified capacity as the system area. Take the system area in consideration and specify the capacity.

  • When a NAS user volume is created, three system volumes ($SYSVOL1 - 3) are automatically created in the same TPP for each storage system. If free space for $SYSVOL 1 - 3 (25 GB) is not available in the TPP, a NAS user volume cannot be created. If $SYSVOL1 - 3 have already been created in the storage system, free space for creating new $SYSVOL1 - 3 is not required.

  • The maximum NAS user volume capacity varies depending on the selected "NAS FS Block Size".

  • The maximum logical capacity of Deduplication/Compression Volumes (or the total logical capacity of Deduplication/Compression Volumes in a TPP) varies depending on the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume in the relevant TPP. If the efficiency of the Deduplication/Compression function cannot be estimated, setting the maximum logical capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes smaller than the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume is recommended.

  • When creating multiple volumes in a RAID group, the maximum number of volumes that can be created for the user capacity may be reduced. To use the entire user capacity, the volume size must be an exact multiple of the basic size (stripe size). Refer to "Basic Size for each RAID Level" for details.

  • If all of the following conditions are satisfied, the capacity cannot be entered.
    • "Standard" is selected for "Type"

    • The "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected

  • To create a volume that is larger than the largest free space, concatenate the free spaces in the RAID group to the existing volume. These volumes cannot be created by only using this function. Refer to the [Expand Volume] function for details.

  • When creating an SDV, 24 (MB) + "Capacity of source volume only SDV" × 0.1 [%] is automatically secured in the storage system. This setting is not required. "24 (MB)" is the smallest volume capacity. "Capacity of source volume only SDV" × 0.1 [%] is the capacity that is used for the controlling information area in the SDV.

  • The same input condition as the TPVs for SAN is applied for the Deduplication/Compression Volume capacity.

  • The number of entered characters includes the "." (decimal point) and the "0" before the decimal point.

    (Example) 0.1234567890123 (15 characters)

When creating Standard volumes, WSVs, or TPVs:

24 MB - 128 TB (numeric characters)

When creating SDPVs:

1 GB - 2 TB (numeric characters)

When creating NAS volumes:

400 GB - 128 TB (numeric characters)

(When the NAS FS block size is "256 KB" or "32 KB")

400 GB - 32 TB (numeric characters)

(When the NAS FS block size is "8 KB")

1 GB - 2 TB (numeric characters)

Unit: MB/GB/TB


Specify the volume type.

When the [Create Volume] function is executed from the RAID group list, "Standard", "Snap Data Volume", or "Snap Data Pool Volume" is displayed. If the selected RAID group type is "RAID6-FR", only "Standard" volumes are displayed.

When the [Create Volume] function is executed from the Thin Provisioning Pool list, only "Thin Provisioning Volume" is displayed.

When the Advanced Copy function license has been registered, "Snap Data Volume" is displayed.

When the Advanced Copy function license has been registered or when the storage system is being used in the Unified Storage environment, "Snap Data Pool Volume" is displayed.

"NAS Volume" is displayed only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The storage system is used in the Unified Storage environment.

  • The logged in (current) user has the "NAS Management" policy.

  • The maximum number of NAS user volumes has not been created in the storage system.

    Note that a NAS user volume can be created only when the NAS backup volume exists in the storage system.

  • To create a volume in the External RAID Group, select "Standard".


Wide Striping Volume

Thin Provisioning Volume

Snap Data Volume

Snap Data Pool Volume

NAS Volume

Capacity of source volume only SDV

Specify the copy source volume capacity and select the unit of capacity.

This item can only be specified when "Snap Data Volume" is selected for "Type".

24 MB - 128 TB (numeric characters)

Unit: TB/GB/MB

Use External Drive

To create a volume using an External Drive, select the "Enable" checkbox.

This checkbox can be selected or cleared only when "Standard" is specified for "Type".

If the "Enable" checkbox is selected, the External RAID Group List is displayed.

This item is displayed only if the Non-disruptive Storage Migration License has been registered.

  • One External RAID Group consists of one External Drive. Refer to the [Create External RAID Group] function for details.

  • One External Volume is created in one External RAID Group. If multiple External RAID Groups are selected to create volumes, the number of External Volumes that are created is equal to the number of External RAID Groups.

"Enable" checkbox




Select whether to use the volume as a Deduplication or Compression target volume.

This item is only displayed when the Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled. This item can only be specified when "Thin Provisioning Volume" is selected for "Type".

Volumes are created in the TPP according to the selected items.

Refer to "Volumes That Are Created in the TPP According to the Selected Items" for details.





Select the allocation method of the volume.

  • Thin

    Physical area is allocated to the target area of the volume when a write I/O is received.

  • Thick

    Physical area is allocated to the whole area of the volume when volumes are created.

This item can only be specified when meeting all the following conditions.

  • "Type" is "Thin Provisioning Volume" or "NAS Volume"

  • Both "Deduplication" and "Compression" are "Disable"



NAS FS Block Size

Select the block size of the NAS file system (NAS user volume).

By selecting an appropriate "NAS FS Block Size" for the user data size (file size) to be created, the storage efficiency of the NAS user volume improves.

This item is displayed only when "NAS Volume" can be selected as the volume type.

  • The maximum NAS user volume capacity varies depending on the selected "NAS FS Block Size". Refer to Maximum NAS User Volume Capacity and the Maximum File Size of Each "NAS FS Block Size" for details.

  • If backing up the NAS user volumes, the NAS backup volumes are set with the same "NAS FS Block Size" as the NAS user volumes.

  • If restoring the NAS backup volumes, the NAS user volumes are set with the same "NAS FS Block Size" as the NAS backup volumes.

  • "NAS FS Block Size" cannot be changed after the NAS user volume is created. To change "NAS FS Block Size", delete the NAS user volume and create it again.

  • Multiple NAS user volumes with different "NAS FS Block Size" settings can exist in the same TPP.

256 KB

32 KB

8 KB

RAID Group / TPP Selection

Specify the selection method for the RAID group or the Thin Provisioning Pool.

  • Automatic

    The RAID group or Thin Provisioning Pool in which the volume is to be created is selected automatically.

  • Manual

    The RAID group or Thin Provisioning Pool in which the volume is to be created is selected manually.

When the [Create Volume] function is executed from the RAID group list or the Thin Provisioning Pool list, only "Manual" is displayed.

  • For the conditions described below, "Manual" is automatically selected for this item. Note that "Automatic" cannot be selected.
    • "Wide Striping Volume" is selected for "Type"

    • "Standard" is selected for "Type" and the "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected



Data Integrity

Specify the volume protection method.

  • Default

    Data is protected within the storage system.

  • T10-DIF

    Data is protected with a T10-DIF (Data Integrity Field) compatible method in the storage system and the host paths. This method is available only when the host interface is FC.

This item can only be specified when meeting all the following conditions.

  • "Standard" is selected for "Type"

  • The "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is cleared

  • The data protection method cannot be changed after the volume is created.

  • "T10-DIF" is supported in Oracle Linux 6 and later.



Volumes That Are Created in the TPP According to the Selected Items (Available: , N/A: -)

Condition Volumes that are to be created Deduplication/Compression setting for the destination TPP
Deduplication Compression

Only Deduplication is enabled

Only Compression is enabled

Both Deduplication and Compression are enabled

Both Deduplication and Compression are disabled

Enable Enable Deduplication/Compression Volumes where both Deduplication and Compression are enabled - -
Enable Disable Deduplication/Compression Volumes where only Deduplication is enabled
- - -
Disable Enable Deduplication/Compression Volumes where only Compression is enabled -
- -
Disable Disable TPVs for SAN where both Deduplication and Compression are disabled

Automatic Setting

Item Description Setting values

Drive Type

Specify the drive type.

The installed drive determines the selectable drive types that are displayed as options.

If "Enable" is selected for "Deduplication" or "Compression", the drive types of the TPPs that have the Deduplication/Compression setting enabled are displayed.

If "Disable" is selected for "Deduplication" and "Compression", the drive types of all the TPPs that are registered in the storage system are displayed.

  • When "Online" is selected, volumes are created in a RAID group that is configured with only "Online" type drives, or in a RAID group that is configured with both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives.

  • When "Online SED" is selected, volumes are created in a RAID group that is configured with only "Online SED" type drives, or in a RAID group that is configured with both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives.

  • When "SSD" is selected, volumes are created in a RAID group that is configured with a single SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) or configured with multiple SSD types (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L).

  • When "SSD SED" is selected, volumes are created in a RAID group that is configured with a single SSD type (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) or configured with multiple SSD types (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED).




Online SED

Nearline SED


RAID Level

Select the RAID level.

The specified volume type and drive type determine the selectable RAID levels that are displayed as options.

If "Enable" is selected for "Deduplication" or "Compression", the RAID levels of the TPPs that have the Deduplication/Compression setting enabled are displayed.

If "Disable" is selected for "Deduplication" and "Compression", the RAID levels of all TPPs that are registered in the storage system are displayed.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Reliability (RAID5+0)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Key Group

When creating volumes in the RAID group that configures the key group (*1), select "Enable". When creating volumes in a RAID group that is not registered in the key group, select "Disable".

This setting is only available if the volume type is "Standard", "SDV", or "SDPV", and if the drive type is "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED". Only the available setting (Enable or Disable) is displayed as an option. For other drive types, the field is blank.

*1  :  The key group combines all of the RAID groups that use the same SED authentication key.




Number of Volumes

Specify the number of volumes to be created.

[The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model]
  • ETERNUS DX60 S5: 1024

  • ETERNUS DX100 S5: 4096

  • ETERNUS DX200 S5: 8192

  • ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5: 16384

  • ETERNUS DX900 S5: 65535

  • ETERNUS DX8100 S4: 16384

  • ETERNUS DX8900 S4: 65535

  • ETERNUS AF150 S3: 4096

  • ETERNUS AF250 S3: 8192

  • ETERNUS AF650 S3: 16384

  • For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, up to 1024 volumes can be created at a time. Note that this limitation does not apply to other models.

  • Only one NAS user volume can be created at a time.

For volumes other than "NAS Volume"


1 (Default) - 1024


1 (Default) - 4096


1 (Default) - 8192

ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5:

1 (Default) - 16384


1 (Default) - 1024


1 (Default) - 16384


1 (Default) - 1024


1 (Default) - 4096


1 (Default) - 8192


1 (Default) - 16384

For "NAS Volume"

1 (fixed)

Start of Suffix

Select the suffix starting number to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "0" is changed.

If "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes", "Start of Suffix" cannot be selected.

This item is not displayed when "NAS Volume" is selected for "Type".

0 (Default) - 99999

Digits of Suffix

Select the number of digits to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "1" is changed.

If "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes", "Digits of Suffix" cannot be selected.

This item is not displayed when "NAS Volume" is selected for "Type".

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3:

1 - 4

For the other models:

1 (Default) - 5

Encryption by CM

Select whether to encrypt (On) or not encrypt (Off) the new volumes.

"On" cannot be selected in the following conditions.

  • The encryption mode is disabled

  • "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED" is selected for "Drive Type"

The combination of this setting and the drive type setting defines the RAID group or Thin Provisioning Pool in which the volumes are created.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

  • When the drive type is "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED":

    Volumes are created in the RAID group or the TPP configured by relevant SED type.

  • If other drive types are selected:
    • When "On" is specified

      Volumes that are encrypted by CM are created. When creating a TPV, the volume is created in the TPP that is encrypted by CM.

    • When "Off" is specified

      Volumes that are not encrypted are created. When creating a TPV, the volume is created in the TPP that is not encrypted.



Manual Setting (When Creating Standard Type Volumes, SDVs, or SDPVs)

Item Description Setting values

Use all Largest Free Space

Select the "Enable" checkbox to create the specified number of volumes with the largest available free space in the RAID group.

This checkbox can be selected or cleared only when "Type" is "Standard" or "SDPV".

If the "Enable" checkbox is selected, the specified number of volumes in the "Number of Volumes" field are created in the free space that is displayed as "Largest Free Space" for each RAID group.

  • When the "Enable" checkbox is selected, the input capacity and the selected unit for "New Volume" become unavailable.

  • The capacity for volumes that are to be created is not displayed. Use the [Volume] screen to check the volume capacity after volume creation is complete.

  • If all of the following conditions are satisfied, this item cannot be set.
    • "Standard" is selected for "Type"

    • The "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected

"Enable" checkbox



Start of Suffix

Select the suffix starting number to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "0" is changed.

"Start of Suffix" cannot be selected in the following conditions.

  • "0" or "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes"

  • "Number of Volumes" is fixed to "1" (number of volumes cannot be specified)

  • The number of selected checkboxes for the External RAID Group is "0" or "1"

0 (Default) - 99999

Digits of Suffix

Select the number of digits to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "1" is changed.

"Digits of Suffix" cannot be selected in the following conditions.

  • "0" or "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes"

  • "Number of Volumes" is fixed to "1" (number of volumes cannot be specified)

  • The number of selected checkboxes for the External RAID Group is "0" or "1"

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and the ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3:

1 - 4

For the other models:

1 (Default) - 5

Volume No.

When specifying the volume number for a new volume, select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the volume number.

  • An existing volume number cannot be specified.

"Set Value" checkbox



Volume No.

Numeric characters (decimal)

The following volume numbers can be used for each model:


0 (Default) - 1023


0 (Default) - 4095


0 (Default) - 8191

ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5:

0 (Default) - 16383


0 (Default) - 65534


0 (Default) - 16383


0 (Default) - 65534


0 (Default) - 4095


0 (Default) - 8191


0 (Default) - 16383

Encryption by CM

Select whether to encrypt (On) or not encrypt (Off) the new volumes.

When the encryption mode is disabled, "On" cannot be selected.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

  • When creating volumes (specifying a number greater than or equal to 1 for "Number of Volumes") for a RAID group with "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED" as the drive type, select "Off" for this item.

  • If all of the following conditions are satisfied, this item cannot be selected.
    • "Standard" is selected for "Type"

    • The "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected



RAID Group List

Item Description Setting values

RAID Group Name

The RAID group name is displayed.

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the RAID group is displayed.

If multiple drive types are used in the RAID group, the drive type is displayed as described below.

  • If only "Online" type drives are used or if both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives are used, "Online" is displayed.

  • If only "Online SED" type drives are used or if both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives are used, "Online SED" is displayed.

  • If a single SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) is used or if multiple SSD types (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) are used, "SSD" is displayed.

  • If a single SSD type (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) is used or if multiple SSD types (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) are used, "SSD SED" is displayed.

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

Only RAID groups with a RAID level that can create the specified volume type are displayed on the list.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Reliability (RAID5+0)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Number of Drives

The number of drives is displayed.

Number of Volumes

Specify the number of volumes to be created in each RAID group.

Click the [Recalculation of Max Count] button to display the maximum number of volumes that can be created in each RAID group with the specified capacity. When the volume capacity is not specified (including when "Use all Largest Free Space" is selected), the maximum number of volumes that can be created for each RAID group is displayed.

When "Encryption by CM" is "On", volumes cannot be created in a RAID group with "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED" for the drive type. For details on the maximum number of volumes for each model, refer to [The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model].

  • When "Volume No." is specified, only one volume can be created at a time. Input "1" for "Number of Volumes".

  • For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, the total number of the volumes that can be created at a time is 1024. Note that this limitation does not apply to other models.

1 - 128

0 (Default)

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

Total Free Space

The total capacity of free space in the RAID group is displayed.

"Free space" means an area in the RAID group where no volume is created, and dispersed areas which became free by creating and deleting a volume.

Largest Free Space

The maximum capacity of free space in the RAID group is displayed.


If "Online SED", "Nearline SED", or "SSD SED" is selected for the drive type, the encryption status (the set state of the key group) is displayed.

If other drive types are selected, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

  • SED (Enabled Key Group)

    The RAID groups that are configured by SEDs are registered in the key group

  • SED (Disabled Key Group)

    The RAID groups that are configured by SEDs are not registered in the key group

External RAID Group List

The External RAID Group list is displayed only when all of the conditions described below are satisfied.

  • The Non-disruptive Storage Migration License is registered

  • The "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected

Item Description

Checkbox to select External RAID Groups

Select the checkbox for the External RAID Group to create volumes.

One External Volume is created in one External RAID Group. If multiple External RAID Groups are selected to create volumes, the number of External Volumes that are created is equal to the number of External RAID Groups. Select the checkbox to the left of "RAID Group Name" to select all External RAID Groups.

[The maximum number of External Volumes that can be created for each model]

  • ETERNUS DX60 S5: 512

  • ETERNUS DX100 S5: 2048

  • ETERNUS DX200 S5: 4096

  • ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5: 8192

  • ETERNUS DX900 S5: 16384

  • ETERNUS DX8900 S4: 16384

  • ETERNUS AF150 S3: 2048

  • ETERNUS AF250 S3: 4096

  • ETERNUS AF650 S3: 8192

  • The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model includes the External Volumes. For details on the maximum number of volumes for each model, refer to [The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model].

  • External RAID Groups in which an External Volume has already been created are not displayed in the External RAID Group list.

RAID Group Name

The External RAID Group name is displayed.


The usage of the External RAID Group is displayed.

  • Migration

    An External RAID Group that is used for data migrations.

External LU Information

Whether the External RAID Group inherits the External LU Information is displayed.

For External RAID Groups that are created from External Drives that inherit the External LU Information, "Inherited" is displayed.

For External RAID Groups that are created from External Drives that do not inherit the External LU Information, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the External RAID Groups is displayed.

Manual Setting (When Creating TPVs, NAS User Volumes, or Deduplication/Compression Volumes)

Item Description Setting values

Start of Suffix

Select the suffix starting number to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "0" is changed.

If "0" or "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes", "Start of Suffix" cannot be selected.

This item is not displayed when "NAS Volume" is selected for "Type".

0 (Default) - 99999

Digits of Suffix

Select the number of digits to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "1" is changed.

If "0" or "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes", "Digits of Suffix" cannot be selected.

This item is not displayed when "NAS Volume" is selected for "Type".

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3:

1 (Default) - 4

For the other models:

1 (Default) - 5

Volume No.

When specifying the volume number for a new volume, select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the volume number.

  • An existing volume number cannot be specified.

"Set Value" checkbox



Volume No.

Numeric characters (decimal)

The following volume numbers can be used for each model:


0 (Default) - 1023


0 (Default) - 4095


0 (Default) - 8191

ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5:

0 (Default) - 16383


0 (Default) - 65534


0 (Default) - 16383


0 (Default) - 65534


0 (Default) - 4095


0 (Default) - 8191


0 (Default) - 16383

TPP List

Item Description Setting values

Thin Provisioning Pool Name

The TPP name is displayed.

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the TPP is displayed.

If multiple drive types are used in the TPP, the drive type is displayed as described below.

  • If only "Online" type drives are used or if both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives are used, "Online" is displayed.

  • If only "Online SED" type drives are used or if both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives are used, "Online SED" is displayed.

  • If a single SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) is used or if multiple SSD types (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) are used, "SSD" is displayed.

  • If a single SSD type (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) is used or if multiple SSD types (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) are used, "SSD SED" is displayed.

RAID Level

The RAID level is displayed.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

High Reliability (RAID6-FR)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)

Number of Volumes

Specify the number of volumes to be created in each TPP.

If "Enable" is selected for "Deduplication" or "Compression", the number of volumes can be specified only for TPPs that have the Deduplication/Compression setting enabled.

For details on the maximum number of volumes for each model, refer to [The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model].

  • When "Volume No." is specified, only one volume can be created at a time. Input "1" for "Number of Volumes".

  • This item is not displayed when "NAS Volume" is selected for "Type". Only one NAS user volume can be created at a time.

  • For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4, the total number of the volumes that can be created at a time is 1024. Note that this limitation does not apply to other models.


1 - 1024


1 - 4096


1 - 8192

ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5:

1 - 16384


1 - 1024


1 - 16384


1 - 1024


1 - 4096


1 - 8192


1 - 16384

0 (Default)

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the TPP is displayed.

Total Free Space

The total capacity of free space in the TPP is displayed.

"Free space" means an area in the TPP where no volume is allocated, and dispersed areas which became free by creating and deleting a volume.


The TPP encryption status is displayed.

  • CM

    Encryption by CM

  • "-" (hyphen)

    The TPP is not encrypted.

  • SED

    Encryption by SED


The Deduplication status (whether the setting is enabled and the state of the Deduplication) for the TPP is displayed.

  • Enable

    Deduplication for the TPP is enabled and Deduplication is in the normal state.

  • Disable

    Deduplication for the TPP is disabled.

  • Error

    Deduplication for the TPP is enabled and Deduplication is in the error state.

  • "-" (hyphen)

    Deduplication for the TPP is enabled and the information cannot be obtained.

This item is displayed only when Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled. This item is not displayed when NAS user volumes are created.


The Compression status (whether the setting is enabled and the state of the Compression) for the TPP is displayed.

  • Enable

    Compression for the TPP is enabled and Compression is in the normal state.

  • Disable

    Compression for the TPP is disabled.

  • Error

    Compression for the TPP is enabled and Compression is in the error state.

  • "-" (hyphen)

    Compression for the TPP is enabled and the information cannot be obtained.

This item is displayed only when Deduplication/Compression for the storage system is enabled. This item is not displayed when NAS user volumes are created.

Manual Setting (When Creating WSVs)

WSVs are created by concatenating volumes that are the same size in multiple RAID groups. Input the volume information for WSVs and the selection information for RAID groups, and specify the RAID groups that are to be concatenated.

  • RAID group capacity expansion for RAID groups which configure WSVs is not available (LDE cannot be performed).

Volume Information

In this screen, select the basic information for WSVs.

Item Description Setting values

Use all Largest Free Space

Select the "Enable" checkbox to create the specified number of WSVs with the largest available free space in the selected RAID group.

WSVs are created by concatenating spaces with the same capacity in multiple RAID groups. If the "Enable" checkbox is selected, the specified number of WSVs in the "Number of Volumes" field are created using the smallest "Largest Free Space" value in the concatenated RAID groups.

  • When the "Enable" checkbox is selected, the input capacity and the selected unit for "New Volume" become unavailable.

  • The capacity for volumes that are to be created is not displayed. Use the [Volume] screen to check the volume capacity after volume creation is complete.

"Enable" checkbox



Number of Volumes

Specify the number of volumes to be created. Note that "1" is displayed when "Manual" is selected for "Concatenation Order". In this case, the number of volumes cannot be specified. For details on the maximum number of volumes for each model, refer to [The maximum number of volumes that can be created for each model].

  • When "Volume No." is specified, only one volume can be created at a time. Input "1" for "Number of Volumes".

1 - 128

0 (Default)

Start of Suffix

Select the suffix starting number to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "0" is changed.

If "0" or "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes", "Start of Suffix" cannot be selected.

This item is displayed when "Automatic" is selected for "Concatenation Order".

0 (Default) - 99999

Digits of Suffix

Select the number of digits to be added to the name of volumes that are to be created. This item must be set if the default value "1" is changed.

If "0" or "1" is specified for "Number of Volumes", "Digits of Suffix" cannot be selected.

This item is displayed when "Automatic" is selected for "Concatenation Order".

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3:

1 (Default) - 4

For the other models:

1 (Default) - 5

Volume No.

When specifying the volume number for a new volume, select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the volume number.

  • An existing volume number cannot be specified.

"Set Value" checkbox



Volume No.

Numeric characters (decimal)

The following volume numbers can be used for each model:


0 (Default) - 1023


0 (Default) - 4095


0 (Default) - 8191

ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5:

0 (Default) - 16383


0 (Default) - 65534


0 (Default) - 16383


0 (Default) - 65534


0 (Default) - 4095


0 (Default) - 8191


0 (Default) - 16383

Wide Stripe Size

Select the Wide Stripe Size ("Normal" or "Small") for the volumes.

"Wide Stripe Size" is the size of the WSV Unit that is allocated to each RAID group in series. It is not necessary to change the default value (Normal) for normal use.

  • Normal

    An integral multiple of the basic size for each RAID level (*1). The maximum size is 16 MB or smaller.

    The actual size varies according to the RAID group type, the number of member drives, and Stripe Depth.

    Select "Normal" to improve random write access performance.

  • Small

    An integral multiple of the basic size for each RAID level. The maximum size is 2 MB or smaller.

    The actual size varies according to the RAID group type, the number of member drives, and Stripe Depth.

    Note that because the segment size of the volume is small and many host accesses among multiple RAID groups occur, the performance may be reduced according to the amount of host I/O.

*1  :  The basic size (stripe size) when creating a volume. Refer to "Basic Size for each RAID Level" for details.
  • If the basic size of the RAID group is 2 MB or more, the basic size is specified for Wide Stripe Size even when "Small" is selected.

  • This function cannot be used to change the "Wide Stripe Size" setting after WSVs are created. To change the "Wide Stripe Size" value, use [Start RAID Migration].

Normal (Default)


Concatenation Order

Select the concatenation order of RAID groups from "Automatic" or "Manual". It is not necessary to change the default value (Automatic) for normal use.

  • Automatic

    The concatenation order of RAID groups is specified automatically.

    If multiple WSVs are already registered, the next available RAID group that enables the Controlling CM allocation to be distributed evenly is selected as [1] for the concatenation order. If multiple RAID groups satisfy this condition, the RAID group with the smallest RAID group number is selected as [1] in the concatenation order. RAID groups are concatenated starting from [1] (first) in ascending order. The last RAID group is concatenated to the first RAID group.

    Volumes that belong to the RAID group that is first in the concatenation order are called "representative volumes".

  • Manual

    The concatenation order of the RAID groups is specified manually.

Automatic (Default)


Encryption by CM

Select whether to encrypt (On) or not encrypt (Off) the new volumes.

When the encryption mode is disabled, "On" cannot be selected.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S5, this item is not displayed.

  • When specifying "Online SED", "Nearline SED", "SSD SED", or "Online SED/Nearline SED" for the drive type, select "Off" for this item.



Select RAID Group Information

Input the selection information for RAID groups that are to be concatenated. WSVs are created by concatenating free areas that are the same size in multiple RAID groups with the same conditions.

Item Description Setting values

Drive Type

Select the type of drive that configures a RAID group.

The installed drive determines the selectable drive types that are displayed.

If there are no RAID groups in which volumes can be created, the field is blank.

  • When "Online" is selected, a RAID group that is configured with only "Online" type drives, or a RAID group that is configured with both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives is specified.

  • When "Online SED" is selected, a RAID group that is configured with only "Online SED" type drives, or a RAID group that is configured with both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives is specified.

  • When "SSD" is selected, RAID groups that are configured with a single SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) or configured with multiple SSD types (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) are specified.

  • When "SSD SED" is selected, RAID groups that are configured with a single SSD type (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) or configured with multiple SSD types (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) are specified.

  • When "Online/Nearline" is selected, a RAID group that is configured with only "Online" type drives, a RAID group that is configured with only "Nearline" type drives, or a RAID group that is configured with both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives is specified.

  • When "Online SED/Nearline SED" is selected, a RAID group that is configured with only "Online SED" type drives, a RAID group that is configured with only "Nearline SED" type drives, or a RAID group that is configured with both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives is specified.





Online SED

Nearline SED


Online SED/Nearline SED


RAID Level

Select the RAID level.

If there are no RAID groups in which volumes can be created, the field is blank.

High Performance (RAID1+0)

High Capacity (RAID5)

High Reliability (RAID6)

Reliability (RAID5+0)

Mirroring (RAID1)

Striping (RAID0)


Number of Member Drives

Select the number of member drives in the RAID group.

The selectable number of member drives, which is determined by the specified RAID level, is displayed.

If there are no RAID groups in which volumes can be created, the field is blank.

High Performance (RAID1+0):

4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32

High Capacity (RAID5):

3 - 16

High Reliability (RAID6):

5 - 16

Reliability (RAID5+0):

6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32

Mirroring (RAID1):


Striping (RAID0):

2 - 16

Stripe Depth

Select the Stripe Depth of the RAID group.

The selectable Stripe Depth varies depending on the specified RAID level. Refer to "Available Stripe Depth Value" for details.

If "Mirroring (RAID1)" is selected as the RAID level, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.

If there are no RAID groups in which volumes can be created, the field is blank.

64 KB (Default)

128 KB

256 KB

512 KB

1024 KB

"-" (hyphen)


Number of Concatenation RAID Groups

The number of RAID groups that are to be concatenated is displayed.

Click the [Select RAID Groups] button to add or delete RAID groups. The "Number of Concatenation RAID Groups" value is changed.

This field is blank when no RAID groups are selected.

Function Button

Button Description

[Select RAID Groups]

Click this item to display the [Select RAID Groups] Screen. Select the RAID groups that are to be concatenated in the [Select RAID Groups] screen.

Function Link

Item Description

Setting Concatenation Order

Click this item to display the [Setting Concatenation Order] Screen. Change the concatenation order of the RAID groups in the [Setting Concatenation Order] screen.

This link is not displayed when "Concatenation Order" is "Automatic".

Select the RAID groups in the [Select RAID Groups] screen to change the concatenation order.

Display Contents

Selected RAID Group List

A list of RAID groups that configure the WSV is displayed. When no RAID groups are selected, only the item name is displayed.

The RAID group list is displayed in concatenation order. Note that displayed items cannot be sorted by clicking the item name.

Item Description


The RAID group number is displayed.

RAID Group Name

The RAID group name is displayed.

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the RAID group is displayed.




Online SED

Nearline SED


Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

Total Free Space

The total capacity of free space in the RAID group is displayed.

"Free space" means an area in the RAID group where no volume is created, and dispersed areas which became free by creating and deleting a volume.

Largest Free Space

The maximum capacity of free space in the RAID group is displayed.


The encryption status (the set state of the key group) of the RAID group is displayed.

This item is displayed only when "Online SED", "Nearline SED", "SSD SED", or "Online SED/Nearline SED" is selected for the "Select RAID Group Information" field.

SED (Enabled Key Group)

SED (Disabled Key Group)

[Select RAID Groups] Screen

In this screen, select RAID groups that are to be concatenated. In the [Select RAID Groups] screen, a list of the RAID groups that satisfy the conditions (drive type, RAID level, number of member drives, and Stripe Depth) specified in the "Select RAID Group Information" field is displayed. Note that RAID groups in the following conditions are not displayed on the list:

  • RAID groups that belong to TPPs

  • RAID groups that belong to FTRPs

  • RAID groups that are registered as REC Disk Buffers

  • RAID groups that are registered as Extreme Cache Pools

  • RAID groups in which volumes other than Standard, WSV, SDV, or SDPV types are registered

  • RAID group which "Usage" is "Temporary"

  • When the drive type is "Online SED", "Nearline SED", "SSD SED", or "Online SED/Nearline SED", setting the same "Encryption" settings (the set state of the key group) is recommended for all of the RAID groups that configure the WSV.

Item Description

Checkbox to select RAID groups

Select the checkbox for the RAID group to be selected.


The RAID group number is displayed.

RAID Group Name

The RAID group name is displayed.

Drive Type

The type of drive that configures the RAID group is displayed.

If multiple drive types are used in the RAID group, the drive type is displayed as described below.

  • If only "Online" type drives are used or if both "Online" and "Nearline" type drives are used, "Online" is displayed.

  • If only "Online SED" type drives are used or if both "Online SED" and "Nearline SED" type drives are used, "Online SED" is displayed.

  • If a single SSD type (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) is used or if multiple SSD types (SSD-H/SSD-M/SSD-L) are used, "SSD" is displayed.

  • If a single SSD type (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) is used or if multiple SSD types (SSD-H SED/SSD-M SED/SSD-L SED) are used, "SSD SED" is displayed.

Total Capacity

The total capacity of the RAID groups is displayed.

Total Free Space

The total capacity of free space in the RAID group is displayed.

"Free space" means an area in the RAID group where no volume is created, and dispersed areas which became free by creating and deleting a volume.

Largest Free Space

The maximum capacity of free space in the RAID group is displayed.

  • WSVs are created by concatenating free areas that are the same size in multiple RAID groups. This means that sequential free areas that are larger than the concatenation capacity are required in the RAID groups.


The encryption status (the set state of the key group) of the RAID group is displayed.

This item is displayed only when "Online SED", "Nearline SED", "SSD SED", or "Online SED/Nearline SED" is selected for the "Select RAID Group Information" field.

  • SED (Enabled Key Group)

    The RAID groups that are configured by SEDs are registered in the key group

  • SED (Disabled Key Group)

    The RAID groups that are configured by SEDs are not registered in the key group

[Setting Concatenation Order] Screen

In this screen, change the concatenation order of the RAID groups. For details on RAID group information, refer to the [Select RAID Groups] Screen.

Item Description

Radio buttons to select a RAID group

Select the RAID group to change (raise or drop) the concatenation order for.

Function Button

Button Description


Raises the concatenation order up by one for the RAID group that is selected with the radio button.

If the RAID group is already on top of the list, the order cannot be changed.


Drops the concatenation order down by one for the RAID group that is selected with the radio button.

If the RAID group is already at the bottom of the list, the order cannot be changed.

Naming Conventions for Creating Volumes

  • When creating multiple volumes at the same time, the volume name is automatically applied to the volumes according to the specified "Name", selected "Start of Suffix", and selected "Digits of Suffix".

    (Example) When the specified volume name is "Volume" (six characters), "Start of Suffix" is "90", "Digits of Suffix" is "2", and the number of volumes is "11": the volume names "Volume90" to "Volume100" are applied to the volumes.

  • If the automatically applied volume name exceeds 32 characters due to the "Start of Suffix" and "Digits of Suffix" settings, the excess characters are deleted from the specified "Name", and replaced with a "~".

    (Example) When the specified volume name is "ETERNUS_DXAF_Standard-XX_VolumeX" (32 characters), "Start of Suffix" is "90", "Digits of Suffix" is "2", and the number of volumes is "11": the volume names "ETERNUS_DXAF_Standard-XX_Volu~90" to "ETERNUS_DXAF_Standard-XX_Vol~100" are applied to the volumes.

  • When a volume name including the suffix number already exists, the suffix number is increased by one (+1). The suffix number is increased by one (+1) until no volume names overlap.

  • If "Start of Suffix" starts with "0" and it exceeds "Digits of Suffix", the zeros are deleted from "Start of Suffix" and then applied to the volume name.

    (Example 1) When the specified volume name is "Volume", "Start of Suffix" is "000", and "Digits of Suffix" is "1": The volume name "Volume0" is applied to the volume.

    (Example 2) When the specified volume name is "Volume", "Start of Suffix" is "00005", and "Digits of Suffix" is "2": The volume name "Volume05" is applied to the volume.

Operating Procedures

Creating Standard Type Volumes, SDVs, or SDPVs

   Automatically Selecting Destinations to Create Standard Type Volumes, SDVs, or SDPVs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Standard", "Snap Data Volume", or "Snap Data Pool Volume" for "Type".

  3. Select "Automatic" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the volume detailed information, and click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:

      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" is not entered

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The SDPV capacity that is specified for "Capacity" is not a multiple of the SDPE capacity (1 GB/2 GB/4 GB)

      • The number of volumes that is specified for "Number of Volumes" exceeds the maximum number of volumes that can be created

      • Free space in the RAID group is insufficient

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

   Manually Selecting Destinations to Create Standard Type Volumes, SDVs, or SDPVs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Standard", "Snap Data Volume", or "Snap Data Pool Volume" for "Type".

  3. Select "Manual" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

    • If "Standard" is selected for "Type" and the "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected, "Manual" is automatically selected for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the detailed information of new volumes and select the RAID group or External RAID Group in which the volumes are to be created. Click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • When specifying the "Volume No.", select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the number.

    • When using the maximum free space in the RAID group to create volumes without specifying the capacity, select the "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space", and then input the number of volumes. This setting is available for "Standard" and "SDPV" type volumes.

    • The External RAID Group list is displayed only when all of the conditions described below are satisfied. Select External RAID Groups to create the volume.
      • "Standard" is selected for "Type"

      • The "Enable" checkbox in the "Use External Drive" field is selected

    • Select the checkbox to the left of "RAID Group Name" to select all External RAID Groups.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The SDPV capacity that is specified for "Capacity" is not a multiple of the SDPE capacity (1 GB/2 GB/4 GB)

      • The "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space" is cleared and "Capacity" is not entered

      • The "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space" is selected and the capacity of the created volume is 23 MB or less

      • The "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space" is selected and the capacity of the created volume is larger than the maximum capacity

      • The "Set Value" checkbox is selected and "Volume No." is not entered

      • The input value of "Volume No." exceeds the settable range

      • The specified "Volume No." is already used

      • "Volume No." is specified and total number of values that are specified for "Number of Volumes" is not "1"

      • The number of volumes that is specified for "Number of Volumes" exceeds the maximum number of volumes that can be created

      • Free space in the RAID group is insufficient

      • LDE is being performed in the RAID group to which the target volume belongs

      • The RAID group or the External RAID Group is blocked

      • The status of the RAID group is "Broken"

      • The status of the External RAID Group is other than "Available"

      • No External RAID Groups are selected (when "Use External Drive" is enabled)

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

Creating TPVs

  • If TPPs with different chunk sizes exist in the storage system, the entire maximum pool capacity that is specified in "Set Thin Provisioning" might not be usable to create TPVs. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

  • If the "Provisioned Capacity" (or the total logical capacity) of the created volumes in the TPP exceeds the total capacity of the creation destination TPP (or if the "Provisioned Rate" (or the capacity rate) exceeds "100 %"), a warning message appears in the result screen. Check the TPP used state and add drives to expand the TPP capacity as required. Check the [Thin Provisioning Pool Detail] screen for "Provisioned Rate". Refer to the [Thin Provisioning Pool (Basic Information)] function for details.

   Automatically Selecting Destinations to Create TPVs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Thin Provisioning Volume" for "Type".

  3. Select "Automatic" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the volume detailed information, and click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:

      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" is not entered

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The number of volumes that is specified for "Number of Volumes" exceeds the maximum number of volumes that can be created

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

   Manually Selecting Destinations to Create TPVs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Thin Provisioning Volume" for "Type".

  3. Select "Manual" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the detailed information of new volumes and select the TPP in which the volumes are to be created. Click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • When specifying the "Volume No.", select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the number.

    • The "Encryption by CM" setting cannot be changed.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Set Value" checkbox is selected and "Volume No." is not entered

      • The input value of "Volume No." exceeds the settable range

      • The specified "Volume No." is already used

      • "Volume No." is specified and total number of values that are specified for "Number of Volumes" is not "1"

      • The number of volumes that is specified for "Number of Volumes" exceeds the maximum number of volumes that can be created

      • RAID groups that configure a TPP are blocked

      • The status of RAID groups that configure a TPP is "Broken"

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

Creating WSVs

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Wide Striping Volume" for "Type".

  3. Input the detailed information of the volumes that are to be created, specify the selection information of the RAID group, and then click the [Select RAID Groups] button.

    → The [Select RAID Groups] Screen appears.

    • When specifying the "Volume No.", select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the number.

    • When using the maximum free space in the selected RAID groups to create WSVs without specifying the capacity, select the "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space", and then input the number of WSVs.

  4. Select the RAID group that is to be concatenated (multiple selections can be made) and click the [OK] button.

    → The display returns to the initial screen.

  5. After selecting RAID groups is complete, click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space" is cleared and "Capacity" is not entered

      • The "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space" is selected and the capacity of the created WSV is 23 MB or less

      • The "Enable" checkbox for "Use all Largest Free Space" is selected and the capacity of the created WSV is larger than the maximum capacity

      • The "Set Value" checkbox is selected and "Volume No." is not entered

      • The input value of "Volume No." exceeds the settable range

      • "Volume No." is specified and "Number of Volumes" is not "1"

      • The "Number of Concatenation RAID Groups" field is left blank, "1" is specified, or a value that is "65" or more is specified

      • The maximum free space in the selected RAID group is smaller than the volume size that is to be concatenated

      • LDE is being performed in the RAID group to which the target volume belongs

      • The RAID group is blocked

      • The status of the RAID group is "Broken"

    • To change the concatenation order of the RAID groups, select "Manual" for "Concatenation Order" in the Volume Information field. Click the [Concatenation Order] link to display the [Setting Concatenation Order] Screen. The concatenation order of the RAID groups can be changed in the [Setting Concatenation Order] screen.

  6. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  7. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

Creating NAS User Volumes

  • If the "Provisioned Capacity" (or the total logical capacity) of the created volumes in the TPP exceeds the total capacity of the creation destination TPP (or if the "Provisioned Rate" (or the capacity rate) exceeds "100 %"), a warning message appears in the result screen. Check the TPP used state and add drives to expand the TPP capacity as required. Check the [Thin Provisioning Pool Detail] screen for "Provisioned Rate". Refer to the [Thin Provisioning Pool (Basic Information)] function for details.

Automatically Selecting Destinations to Create NAS User Volumes

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "NAS Volume" for "Type".

  3. Select "Automatic" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the volume detailed information, and click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" is not entered

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.


Manually Selecting Destinations to Create NAS User Volumes

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "NAS Volume" for "Type".

  3. Select "Manual" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the detailed information of new volumes and select the TPP in which the volumes are to be created. Click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • When specifying the "Volume No.", select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the number.

    • The "Encryption by CM" setting cannot be changed.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Set Value" checkbox is selected and "Volume No." is not entered

      • The input value of "Volume No." exceeds the settable range

      • The specified "Volume No." is already used

      • RAID groups that configure a TPP are blocked

      • The status of RAID groups that configure a TPP is "Broken"

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.


Creating Deduplication/Compression Volumes

   Automatically Selecting Destinations to Create Deduplication/Compression Volumes

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Thin Provisioning Volume" for "Type" and set "Enable" for "Deduplication", "Compression", or both "Deduplication" and "Compression".

  3. Select "Automatic" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the volume detailed information, and click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" is not entered

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The number of volumes that is specified for "Number of Volumes" exceeds the maximum number of volumes that can be created

      • The Deduplication status of the TPP where volumes are to be created is "Disable", "Error", or a "-" (hyphen)

      • The Compression status of the TPP where volumes are to be created is "Disable", "Error", or a "-" (hyphen)

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

   Manually Selecting Destinations to Create Deduplication/Compression Volumes

  1. Click [Create] in [Action].

  2. Select "Thin Provisioning Volume" for "Type" and set "Enable" for "Deduplication", "Compression", or both "Deduplication" and "Compression".

  3. Select "Manual" for "RAID Group / TPP Selection".

  4. Specify the detailed information of new volumes and select the TPP in which the volumes are to be created. Click the [Create] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • When specifying the "Volume No.", select the "Set Value" checkbox and input the number.

    • The "Encryption by CM" setting cannot be changed.

    • An error screen appears in the following conditions:
      • The "Name" is not entered

      • The "Name" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Capacity" does not satisfy the input conditions

      • The "Set Value" checkbox is selected and "Volume No." is not entered

      • The input value of "Volume No." exceeds the settable range

      • The specified "Volume No." is already used

      • "Volume No." is specified and total number of values that are specified for "Number of Volumes" is not "1"

      • The number of volumes that is specified for "Number of Volumes" exceeds the maximum number of volumes that can be created

      • The Deduplication status of the selected TPP is "Disable", "Error", or a "-" (hyphen)

      • The Compression status of the selected TPP is "Disable", "Error", or a "-" (hyphen)

      • RAID groups that configure a TPP are blocked

      • The status of RAID groups that configure a TPP is "Broken"

  5. Click the [OK] button.

    → Volume creation starts.

  6. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.