Delete Volume


This function deletes volumes.

Standard type volumes, WSVs, TPVs, SDVs, and Temporary type volumes can be deleted.

  • When a volume is deleted, access to data in the target volume is not allowed.

  • When NAS user volumes are deleted, Quota information is also deleted.

  • If NAS volumes (NAS user volumes or NAS backup volumes) are deleted while a meta cache redistribution is being performed, the process may be delayed for a maximum of two minutes.

  • The following volumes cannot be deleted:
    • Volumes that are registered in a LUN group

    • Volumes that are mapped with applications other than Web GUI

    • Volumes (migration source volumes or migration destination volumes) undergoing RAID migration

    • A copy source or destination volume (*1) of the Advanced Copy that is being executed

      *1  :  If the data merge process has not been performed, Veeam Snapshot Volumes can be deleted even if the Advanced Copy is being executed.
    • Volumes undergoing TPV balancing (work volumes and target TPVs for balancing)

    • Volumes undergoing FTRP balancing (work volumes)

    • Volumes with Storage Migration paths

    • ODX Buffer volumes undergoing ODX

    • NAS user volumes that contain shared folders

    • NAS user volumes with snapshot settings

    • Snapshot destination SDV

    • Volumes that are used for the Storage Cluster function

    • Deduplication/Compression Volumes when the status of the Data Container Volume that is created in the TPP to which the relevant volumes belong is "Readying", "Not Ready", "Broken", or "Data Lost"

  • By repeating creation and deletion of volumes, free space may be dispersed in the RAID group.

  • Up to 128 volumes can be deleted at once.

  • Multiple volumes whose "Usage" is "Veeam", "Dedupe&Comp/Veeam", "Dedupe/Veeam", or "Comp/Veeam" cannot be selected with a single operation. In this case, delete one "Veeam", "Dedupe&Comp/Veeam", "Dedupe/Veeam", or "Comp/Veeam" volume at a time.

  • When deleting SDPVs, refer to the [Delete Snap Data Pool Volume] function or the [Force Delete Snap Data Pool Volume] function.

  • This function can be used to delete an ODX Buffer volume.

  • This function can be used to delete an External Volume that is created in the External RAID Group. If External Volumes are deleted, the External LU Information that is inherited from the external storage system is also deleted.

  • If External Volumes are deleted, delete the following items. Refer to the [Delete External RAID Group] function and the [Delete External Drive] function for details.
    • External RAID Group that was used to create the External Volume

    • External Drive that was used to create the External RAID Group

  • This function can delete NAS user volumes, NAS backup volumes, and snapshot destination SDVs. The NAS system volumes must be deleted by CLI.

  • When the Deduplication/Compression function for the TPP is disabled, Data Container Volumes in the relevant TPP are automatically deleted. Refer to the [Set Deduplication/Compression] function for details.

  • Use the [Volume] screen to check whether the volume is used for the Storage Cluster function. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

  • When volumes are registered in LUN groups, or a message "The specified volumes have already been mapped. They cannot be deleted." is displayed, use the following procedure to delete the volumes from LUN groups.
    1. Check all the LUN groups in which volumes are registered in the [LUN Group] screen under the [Volume] navigation.

    2. Select a LUN group in which the volume is registered in the [LUN Group] screen under the [Connectivity] navigation, and then click [Modify LUN Group] in [Action].

    3. Delete "allocation information of host LUN and volume number" in the [Modify LUN Group] screen.

    4. When a volume is registered in multiple LUN groups, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

      (LUN groups in which a volume is registered can be checked with the [LUN Group] field in the [Modify LUN Group] screen in Step 3.)

    5. If the location information of the port ("CE#x CM#y CA#z Port#w" or "CM#y CA#z Port#w") is displayed in the [LUN Group] field in Step 1 or Step 3, the volume is mapped with applications other than Web GUI. Use the relevant application to delete the volume from the port mapping information.

    6. Confirm that "LUN Group Count" is "0" in the [LUN Group] field under the [Volume] navigation.

    7. Use this function to delete volumes.

    It is not necessary to delete a host affinity when deleting volumes with the host affinity setting from a LUN group. If all of the volumes in a LUN group are not needed, delete the host affinity, and then click the [Delete LUN Group] button to delete the LUN group with volumes in Step 2.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the volume that is to be deleted (multiple selections can be made) and click [Delete] in [Action].

    → A confirmation screen appears.

    • [Delete] cannot be clicked under the following conditions:
      • The type of the selected volume is "FTV"

      • NAS system volumes are selected

      • Data Container Volumes are selected

  2. Click the [OK] button.

    → Deletion of a volume starts.

    • When a TPV is deleted, the physical allocating capacity of the relevant TPV is formatted. The physical allocating capacity is released after formatting is complete.

  3. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.