Expand Thin Provisioning Volume


This function expands the capacity of Thin Provisioning Volumes (TPVs).

Requirements for Expanding a TPV

  • TPVs that are to be expanded must be one of the following volumes:
    • TPVs for SAN

    • ODX Buffer volumes (TPV)

    • NAS user volumes

    • Deduplication/Compression Volumes

    • Data Container Volume

  • The capacity does not exceed the following maximum values
    • For ODX Buffer volumes, the capacity must not be more than 1 TB

    • For TPVs for SAN or Deduplication/Compression Volumes, the capacity must not be more than 128 TB

    • For NAS user volumes, the capacity must not be more than the maximum volume capacity of each "NAS FS Block Size" (*1)

    • For Data Container Volumes, the capacity must not be more than the following maximum values (*2)

      • ETERNUS DX200 S5: 384 TB (6 PB)

      • ETERNUS DX500 S5: 1 PB (16 PB)

      • ETERNUS DX600 S5: 1.5 PB (24 PB)

      • ETERNUS DX900 S5: 8 PB (48 PB)

      • ETERNUS DX8900 S4: 8 PB (48 PB)

      • ETERNUS AF250 S3: 384 TB (6 PB)

      • ETERNUS AF650 S3: 1.5 PB (24 PB)

  • Volumes that are not Veeam Snapshot Volumes

  • There are no Advanced Copy sessions for which the copy range is "Totally" (*3)

  • Balancing is not being performed in the target TPV

  • RAID Migration is not being performed in the target TPV

  • A Storage Migration path is not created in the target volume

  • Not used for the Storage Cluster function

  • Copy sessions are not set for NAS user volumes

  • Snapshots are not set for NAS user volumes

  • For the Data Container Volumes, the status of the relevant Data Container Volume is other than "Readying", "Not Available", "Not Ready", "Broken", or "Data Lost"

  • For the Deduplication/Compression Volumes, the status of the Data Container Volume in the TPP to which the Deduplication/Compression Volumes belong is other than "Readying", "Not Available", "Not Ready", "Broken", or "Data Lost"

    *1  :  The following table shows the maximum NAS user volume capacity and the maximum file size of each "NAS FS Block Size".

    NAS FS Version (*4) NAS FS Block Size
    8 KB 32 KB 256 KB
    Maximum NAS user volume capacity 5 32 TB 128 TB 128 TB
    Maximum file size (*5) 5 1 TB 4 TB 32 TB
    *2  :  Values in parentheses indicate the maximum capacity when the chunk size is "336 MB".
    *3  :  "Totally" is specified for the copy range in the following conditions:
    • When performing a LUN to LUN copy session with the ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Copy Control Module (CCM)

    • When performing a copy session with ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Adapter for VMware Site Recovery Manager

    • When performing a copy session with ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider

    • When performing a SnapOPC+ session that is specified with Web GUI or CLI

    *4  :  The version of the NAS file system (NAS user volume). Refer to "NAS FS Version" for details.
    *5  :  The "file size" indicates the size of the user data that is created in the shared folder.
  • This function cannot be performed when there is no TPV in the storage system.

  • If TPPs with different chunk sizes exist in the storage system, the entire maximum pool capacity that is specified in "Set Thin Provisioning" might not be usable to expand TPVs. Refer to the [Set Thin Provisioning] function for details.

  • The total capacity of TPVs in a TPP must be smaller than the total capacity that can be used to expand the TPP. The value of "total capacity that can be used to expand the TPP" is displayed in the "Total Capacity after expand" field of the [Expand Thin Provisioning Pool] screen. Refer to the [Expand Thin Provisioning Pool] function for details.

  • This function cannot be performed when there is no free space for expansion in the storage system.

  • Expanded TPV capacity must be recognized by the server.

  • When the file system format for the NAS user volume does not support a capacity expansion, a message appears. Convert the file system format and perform this function again. Refer to the [Reconfigure NAS Volume] function for details.

  • If the NAS user volume capacity is expanded while an automatic meta cache redistribution is being performed, the process may be delayed for a maximum of five minutes. If the automatic meta cache redistribution is not complete within five minutes, an error occurs for this function.

  • If the total logical capacity of the Deduplication/Compression Volumes that are to be created in the same TPP exceeds the capacity of the Data Container Volume, the logical capacity of the Data Container Volume must be expanded.

  • To expand Data Container Volumes, stop or suspend the Advanced Copy session for all the Deduplication/Compression Volumes in the TPP to which the target Data Container Volume belongs.

  • The maximum total capacity of the TPVs that can be created in the storage system depends on the maximum pool capacity specified with the [Set Thin Provisioning] function. To check the maximum pool capacity, use the [Settings (Thin Provisioning)] function. Note that the total logical capacity of TPVs does not include the Deduplication/Compression Volume capacity.

  • The allocation method for the TPV can be checked in the [Volume] screen. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

  • The "NAS FS Block Size" and the "NAS FS Version" for the NAS user volume can be checked in the [Volume Detail] screen. Refer to the [Volume (Basic Information)] function for details.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


In this screen, input a TPV capacity after expansion.

Target Thin Provisioning Volume

Item Description


The volume number is displayed.


The volume name is displayed.

For Data Container Volumes:

$DATA_CNTNRx (x: TPP number)

For the other volumes:

Volume name


The volume type is displayed.

TPV (fixed)

Volume Capacity

The current TPV capacity is displayed.

For Data Container Volumes:

32 TB - 48 PB

For ODX Buffer volumes:

1 GB - 1 TB

For the other volumes:

24 MB - 128 TB

Volume Setting

Item Description Setting values

Volume Capacity after expand

Input the TPV capacity after expansion and select the units of capacity.

Up to a 15-digit number including the "." (decimal point) can be input. Note that when "MB" is selected, the specified value is rounded down to the nearest whole number. When "GB" or "TB" is selected, the specified value is converted to "MB" and rounded down to the nearest whole number.

For Data Container Volumes:

33554433 MB - 48 PB

For ODX Buffer volumes:

1025 MB - 1 TB

For NAS user volumes:

• 409601 MB - 128 TB

(When the NAS FS block size is "256 KB" or "32 KB")

• 409601 MB - 32 TB

(When the NAS FS block size is "8 KB")

For the other volumes:

25 MB - 128 TB


Current TPV capacity < TPV capacity after expansion

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the TPV to be expanded and click [Expand TPV] in [Action].

    • If NAS system volumes or NAS backup volumes are selected, [Expand TPV] cannot be clicked.

  2. Input the TPV capacity after expansion, and click the [Expand] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Expansion of a TPV starts.

    • When expanding the TPV where the allocation method is "Thick" and the free space in the TPP is insufficient, an error screen appears.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.

    • If the "Provisioned Capacity" (or the total logical capacity) of the volumes that exist within the TPP exceeds the total capacity of the TPP (or if the "Provisioned Rate" (or the capacity rate) exceeds "100 %") after the volume capacity expansion, a warning message appears in the result screen. Check the TPP used state and add drives to expand the TPP capacity as required. Check the [Thin Provisioning Pool Detail] screen for "Provisioned Rate". Refer to the [Thin Provisioning Pool (Basic Information)] function for details.