SANtricity 11.8 Solutions
Web services proxy
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Install and configure
Remote volume mirroring
Storage plugin for vCenter
Get started
Manage certificates
Manage arrays
Import settings
Manage array groups
Upgrade OS software
Provision storage
Change controller ownership of a volume
Change cache settings for a volume
Configure hosts
Configure pools and volume groups
Pools and volume group overview
Add capacity to a pool or volume group
Change configuration settings for a pool
Change configuration settings for a volume group
Why do I not see all of my storage arrays?
Why are these volumes not associated with a workload?
How does my selected workload impact volume creation?
Why do I not see all my volumes, hosts, or host clusters?
Why can I not delete the selected workload?
How do application-specific workloads help me manage my storage array?
What do I need to do to recognize the expanded capacity?
When would I want to use the assign host later selection?
What do I need to know about host block size requirements?
Why would I need to create a host cluster?
How do I know which host operating system type is correct?
How do I match the host ports to a host?
What is preservation capacity?
What RAID level is best for my application?
Why are some drives not showing up?
Why can I not increase my preservation capacity?
What is secure-capable (Drive Security)?
How do I view and interpret all SSD Cache statistics?
What is shelf loss protection and drawer loss protection?
How do I maintain shelf and drawer loss protection?
What is optimization capacity for pools?
What is optimization capacity for volume groups?
What is resource provisioning capable?
What do I need to know about the resource-provisioned volumes feature?
What is the difference between internal security key and external security key management?
Create storage system group
You create storage groups, and then add storage systems to the groups. The storage group defines which drives provide the storage that makes up the volume.
From the Manage page, select Manage Groups > Create storage system group.
In the Name field, type a name for the new group.
Select the storage systems that you want to add to the new group.
Click Create.