Port Error Statistics


This function displays the total number of errors for CM expander and DE IOM ports.

An increasing number of error occurrences in the information is used to indicate early replacement of warning status components, and for analysis information when performance degradation occurs.

  • Errors that occur in the SAS transmission line are detected in CM and recovered by retries. Note that detecting an error is not an immediate cause of data failure.

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.

Display Contents

In this screen, error information of CM expander and DE IOM ports is displayed.

Item Description


Enclosures (Controller Enclosure, Drive Enclosure) that have ports are displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4



For the other models



x: CE number

yy: DE number


The chip installation location that is targeted by the port error detection is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y IOC#z

CE#x CM#y Expander

For the ETERNUS DX600 S5, the ETERNUS DX8100 S4, and the ETERNUS AF650 S3

CM#y IOC#z

CM#y Expander

For the other models


CM#y Expander

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: IOC number

<For all models>

For high density DEs

DE#xx FEM#y EXP#z

xx: DE number

y: Fan Expander Module number

z: Expander number

For other DEs

DE#xx IOM#y

xx: DE number

y: IOM number

Port No.

The port number that is targeted by the port error detection is displayed.


x: Port number

Phy No.

The Phy number of the port that is targeted by the port error detection is displayed.


x: Phy number


The Phy status is displayed.

Link Up

Link Down


Invalid Dword

The number of Invalid Dword occurrences (0 to 4294967295) is displayed.

"Invalid Dword" indicates an error in the SAS transmission line. The SAS interface encodes 8-bit to 10-bit to improve the transmission error ratio. This error is detected when the SAS interface fails encoding.

Disparity Error

The number of Disparity Error occurrences (0 to 4294967295) is displayed.

"Disparity Error" indicates an error in the SAS transmission line. The SAS interface encodes 8-bit to 10-bit to improve the transmission error ratio. This error is detected when the SAS interface fails encoding.

Loss of Dword Synchronization

The number of Loss of Dword Synchronization occurrences (0 to 4294967295) is displayed.

"Loss of Dword Synchronization" indicates that the SAS interface failed encoding and the SAS link synchronization is broken.

Phy Reset Problem

The number of Phy Reset Problem occurrences (0 to 4294967295) is displayed.

"Phy Reset Problem" is detected when resetting and recovering the port in which an error occurred.

Filter Setting

Function Description

Filter setting is a function used to display a list of only the chips satisfying all the specified conditions.

No filtering is set by default. The following table shows conditions that can be specified.

Item Description Setting values


Select the installation location of the chip that is to be displayed.

The installation location of the chip that is currently displayed is shown as an option.


For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y IOC#z

CE#x CM#y Expander

For the ETERNUS DX600 S5, the ETERNUS DX8100 S4, and the ETERNUS AF650 S3

CM#y IOC#z

CM#y Expander

For the other models


CM#y Expander

x: CE number

y: CM number

z: IOC number

<For all models>

For high density DEs

DE#xx FEM#y EXP#z

xx: DE number

y: Fan Expander Module number

z: Expander number

For other DEs

DE#xx IOM#y

xx: DE number

y: IOM number