Change Data Reduction Processing CM


This function changes the Data Reduction Processing CM that is allocated to the Deduplication/Compression Volume.

"Data Reduction Processing CM" is a CM that controls the data reduction process during a deduplication/compression. This function is used to perform a memory balancing and load distribution of the CMs during a data reduction process.

This function is displayed only when the Deduplication/Compression function is enabled.

  • The ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5 and the ETERNUS AF150 do not support this function.

  • This function cannot change the Data Reduction Processing CMs for Data Container Volumes. Use CLI to change the setting. Note that the "Maintenance Operation" policy is required for this operation.

  • This function cannot be used under the following conditions:
    • A CE or a BBU that is not in the "Normal" state exists

    • A CM that is in a state other than "Normal" and "Warning" exists when "Automatic" is selected for "New Data Reduction Processing CM"

    • A CM that is not in the "Normal" state exists if an option other than "Automatic" is selected for "New Data Reduction Processing CM"

User Privileges

Availability of Executions in the Default Role

Default role Availability of executions

Refer to "User Roles and Policies" for details on the policies and roles.


Select the new Data Reduction Processing CM.

Data Reduction Processing CM Settings

Item Description Setting values

New Data Reduction Processing CM

Select the new Data Reduction Processing CM.

"Automatic" and the normal CM number ("CE#x CM#y" or "CM#y") that is installed are displayed as options.

If "Automatic" is selected, the controlling CM is assigned to balance the load of the data reduction process in the normal CMs.


For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number

Display Contents

Detailed information of the selected Deduplication/Compression Volume is displayed.

Target Thin Provisioning Volume

Item Description


The volume number is displayed.


The volume name is displayed.


The volume type is displayed.



The usage of the volume is displayed.

  • Block/Dedupe&Comp

    The volumes that have both the Deduplication and Compression functions enabled.

  • Block/Dedupe

    The volumes that have the Deduplication function enabled.

  • Block/Comp

    The volumes that have the Compression function enabled.


The volume status is displayed.

Refer to "Volume Status" for details.

Current Data Reduction Processing CM

The Data Reduction Processing CM that is currently allocated to the volume is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX900 S5 or the ETERNUS DX8900 S4

CE#x CM#y

For the other models


x: CE number

y: CM number

Operating Procedures

  1. Select the Deduplication/Compression Volume to change the Data Reduction Processing CM (multiple selections can be made) and click [Change Data Reduction Processing CM] in [Action].

    • [Change Data Reduction Processing CM] cannot be clicked if a volume other than the Deduplication/Compression Volume is selected.

  2. Select a new Data Reduction Processing CM, and click the [Change] button.

    → A confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    → Changing Data Reduction Processing CM starts.

  4. Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.