SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere 6 Manuals ( CA08871-405 )

Customize your configuration

To improve operational efficiency, you can modify the scbr.override configuration file to change default values. These values control settings such as the number of VMware snapshots that are created or deleted during a backup or the amount of time before a backup script stops running.

The scbr.override configuration file is used by the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere environments that support SnapCenter application-based data protection operations. If this file does not exist, then you must create it from the template file.

Create the scbr.override configuration file

  1. Go to /opt/netapp/scvservice/standalone_aegis/etc/scbr/scbr.override-template.

  2. Copy the scbr.override-template file to a new file called scbr.override in the \opt\netapp\scvservice\standalone_aegis\etc\scbr directory.

Properties you can override

  • By default, the template uses hash symbol to comment the configuration properties. To use a property to modify a configuration value, you must remove the # characters.

  • You must restart the service on the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere host for the changes to take effect.

You can use the following properties that are listed in the scbr.override configuration file to change default values.

  • dashboard.protected.vm.count.interval=7

    Specifies the number of days for which the dashboard displays VM protection status.

    The default value is "7".

  • guestFileRestore.guest.operation.interval=5

    Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere monitors for completion of guest operations on the guest (Online Disk and Restore Files). The total wait time is set by and uestFileRestore.restore.files.timeout.

    The default value is "5".

  • guestFileRestore.monitorInterval=30

    Specifies the time interval, in minutes, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere monitors for expired guest file restore sessions. Any session that is running beyond the configured session time is disconnected.

    The default value is "30".


    Specifies the time, in seconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits for an online disk operation on a guest VM to complete. Note that there is an additional 30-second wait time before the plug-in polls for completion of the online disk operation.

    The default value is "100".

  • guestFileRestore.restore.files.timeout=3600

    Specifies the time, in seconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits for a restore files operation on a guest VM to complete. If the time is exceeded, the process is ended and the job is marked as failed.

    The default value is "3600" (1 hour).

  • /W:0 /ZB /CopyAll /EFSRAW /A-:SH /e /NJH /NDL /NP

    Specifies the extra robocopy flags to use when copying directories during guest file restore operations.

    Do not remove /NJH or add /NJS because this will break the parsing of the restore output.

    Do not allow unlimited retries (by removing the /R flag) because this might cause endless retries for failed copies.

    The default values are "/R:0 /W:0 /ZB /CopyAll /EFSRAW /A-:SH /e /NJH /NDL /NP" .

  • guestFileRestore.robocopy.file.flags=/R:0 /W:0 /ZB /CopyAll /EFSRAW /A-:SH /NJH /NDL /NP

    Specifies the extra robocopy flags to use when copying individual files during guest file restore operations.

    Do not remove /NJH or add /NJS because this will break the parsing of the restore output.

    Do not allow unlimited retries (by removing the /R flag) because this might cause endless retries for failed copies.

    The default values are "/R:0 /W:0 /ZB /CopyAll /EFSRAW /A-:SH /NJH /NDL /NP".

  • guestFileRestore.sessionTime=1440

    Specifies the time, in minutes, that SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere keeps a guest file restore session active.

    The default value is "1440" (24 hours).


    Specifies whether to use a custom script for onlining disks and retrieving drive letters when creating guest file restore sessions. The script must be located at [Install Path] \etc\guestFileRestore_onlineDisk.ps1. A default script is provided with the installation. The values [Disk_Serial_Number], [Online_Disk_Output], and [Drive_Output] are replaced in the script during the attach process.

    The default value is "false".


    Specifies that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere should include iSCSI and FCP initiator IDs from all the ESXi hosts in the cluster in the application over VMDK workflows.

    The default value is "false".


    Specifies the maximum number of concurrent calls that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere can make to the SnapCenter Server to discover the storage footprint for the datastores. The plug-in makes these calls when you restart the Linux service on the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere VM host.

  • nfs.datastore.mount.retry.count=3

    Specifies the maximum number of times the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere tries to mount a volume as a NFS Datastore in vCenter.

    The default value is "3".

  • nfs.datastore.mount.retry.delay=60000

    Specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits between attempts to mount a volume as a NFS Datastore in vCenter.

    The default value is "60000" (60 seconds).


    Specifies the environmental variable name that contains the virtual machine count. You must define the variable before you execute any user-defined scripts during a backup job.

    For example, VIRTUAL_MACHINES=2 means that two virtual machines are being backed up.


    Provides the name of the environmental variable that contains information about the nth virtual machine in the backup. You must set this variable before executing any user defined scripts during a backup.

    For example, the environmental variable VIRTUAL_MACHINE.2 provides information about the second virtual machine in the backup.

  • %s|%s|%s|%s|%s

    Provides information about the virtual machine. The format for this information, which is set in the environment variable, is the following: VM name|VM UUID| VM power state (on|off)|VM snapshot taken (true|false)|IP address(es)

    The following is an example of the information you might provide:

    VIRTUAL_MACHINE.2=VM 1|564d6769-f07d-6e3b-68b1f3c29ba03a9a|POWERED_ON||true|

  • storage.connection.timeout=600000

    Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the SnapCenter Server waits for a response from the storage system.

    The default value is "600000" (10 minutes).


    There is no default value. You use this value to map the ESXi IP address to the VMkernel IP address. By default, the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere uses the management VMkernel adapter IP address of the ESXi host. If you want the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere to use a different VMkernel adapter IP address, you must provide an override value.

    In the following example, the management VMkernel adapter IP address is; however, the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere uses the specified address of and And if the management VMkernel adapter IP address is, the plug-in uses the address,;

  • vmware.max.concurrent.snapshots=30

    Specifies the maximum number of concurrent VMware snapshots that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere performs on the server.

    This number is checked on a per datastore basis and is checked only if the policy has "VM consistent" selected. If you are performing crash-consistent backups, this setting does not apply.

    The default value is "30".

  • vmware.max.concurrent.snapshots.delete=30

    Specifies the maximum number of concurrent VMware snapshot delete operations, per datastore, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere performs on the server.

    This number is checked on a per datastore basis.

    The default value is "30".

  • vmware.query.unresolved.retry.count=10

    Specifies the maximum number of times the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere retries sending a query about unresolved volumes because of "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors.

    The default value is "10".

  • vmware.quiesce.retry.count=0

    Specifies the maximum number of times the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere retries sending a query about VMware snapshots because of "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors during a backup.

    The default value is "0".

  • vmware.quiesce.retry.interval=5

    Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits between sending the queries regarding VMware snapshot "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors during a backup.

    The default value is "5".

  • vmware.query.unresolved.retry.delay= 60000

    Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits between sending the queries regarding unresolved volumes because of "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors. This error occurs when cloning a VMFS datastore.

    The default value is "60000" (60 seconds).

  • vmware.reconfig.vm.retry.count=10

    Specifies the maximum number of times the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere retries sending a query about reconfiguring a VM because of "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors.

    The default value is "10".

  • vmware.reconfig.vm.retry.delay=30000

    Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits between sending queries regarding reconfiguring a VM because of "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors.

    The default value is "30000" (30 seconds).

  • vmware.rescan.hba.retry.count=3

    Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere waits between sending the queries regarding rescanning the host bus adapter because of "…​time limit for holding off I/O…​" errors.

    The default value is "3".

  • vmware.rescan.hba.retry.delay=30000

    Specifies the maximum number of times the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere retries requests to rescan the host bus adapter.

    The default value is "30000".

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