SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere 6 Manuals ( CA08871-405 )

REST APIs to download jobs and generate reports

To generate reports and download logs for VMware vSphere client jobs using the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere REST APIs, you must use the REST API calls for VMware vSphere.

For each REST API, add https://<server>:<port> at the front of the REST API to form a complete endpoint.

Use the following REST APIs in the Jobs section to get detailed information on jobs:

REST API Comments


Get all jobs gets the job details for multiple jobs. You can narrow the scope of the request by specifying a job type, such as backup, mountBackup, or restore.


Get job details gets detailed information for the specified job.

Use the following REST API in the Jobs section to download job logs:

REST API Comments


getJobLogsById downloads the logs for the specified job.

Use the following REST APIs in the Reports section to generate reports:

REST API Comments


Get Protected VM List gets a list of the protected VMs during the last seven days.


Get Unprotected VM List gets a list of the unprotected VMs during the last seven days.

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