ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 9.12

Set timeout values for Windows guest operating systems

The guest operating system (OS) timeout scripts set the SCSI I/O timeout settings for Windows guest operating systems. You can specify either a 60-second timeout or a 190-second timeout. You must reboot the Windows guest OS for the settings to take effect.

What you will need

You must have mounted the ISO image containing the Windows script.


  1. Access the console of the Windows virtual machine, and log in to an account with Administrator privileges.

  2. If the script does not automatically start, open the CD drive, and then run the windows_gos_timeout.reg script.

    The Registry Editor dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Yes to continue.

    The following message is displayed:

    The keys and values contained in 'D:\windows_gos_timeout.reg' have been successfully added to the registry.

  4. Reboot the Windows guest OS.

  5. Unmount the ISO image.

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