ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 9.12
Overview of ONTAP tools datastore and vVols reports
You can use the ONTAP tools console Reports menu to view pre-defined reports for all the datastores managed by a selected VSC instance in a particular vCenter Server. You can perform operations such as sorting and exporting reports.
Reports display detailed information about datastores and virtual machines, that enables you to review and identify potential issues with datastores and virtual machines in your vCenter Server
You can view, sort, and export reports.
Virtual Storage Console (VSC) provides the following pre-defined reports:
Datastore Report
Virtual Machine Report
vVols Datastore Report
vVols Virtual Machine Report
Log Integrity Report
Datastore Reports
The datastore reports provide detailed information about datastores and the virtual machines that are created on these datastores.
The traditional dashboard enables you to review and identify potential issues with the datastores and virtual machines in your vCenter Server. You can view, sort, and export reports. The data for the datastores and virtual machines report is provided by the vCenter Server. But due to the introduction of FlexGroup backed datastore support, some metrics such as latency, throughput, and IOPS are obtained from ONTAP.
File monitoring is not supported for FlexGroup datastores configured on direct storage virtual machines (SVMs). |
The datastore provides the following pre-defined reports:
Datastore Report
Virtual Machine Report
Datastore Report
The Datastore Report menu provides information on the following parameters for datastores:
Name of the datastore
Type of datastore: NFS and VMFS
Volume style
The volume style can either be a FlexVol volume or a FlexGroup volume.
Free space
Used space
Total space
Percentage of space utilized
Percentage of space available
The report displays the IOPS for the datastore.
The report displays the latency information for the datastore.
You can also verify the time at which the report was generated. The Datastore Report menu enables you to organize the report as per your requirement, and then export the organized report using the Export to CSV button. The datastore names in the report are links that navigate to the Monitor tab of the selected datastore, where you can view the datastore performance metrics.
Virtual Machine Report
The Virtual Machine Report menu provides the performance metrics for all the virtual machines that use datastores provisioned by VSC for a selected vCenter Server. The virtual machine metrics displayed in the Virtual Machine Reports is historical data that is collected every 30 minutes for virtual machines on datastores. The "Last refresh time" and "Next refresh time" are added to the table to provide details on when the data was collected and when will be the next data collection.
Name of the virtual machine
Datastore name
Volume style
The volume style can be either a FlexVol volume or a FlexGroup volume.
The source to gather details for the virtual machine can be either ONTAP or vCenter Server.
The report displays the latency for virtual machines across all datastores associated with the virtual machines.
Committed capacity
The report displays the value for the committed capacity for a virtual machine.
The report displays the host systems on which the virtual machine is available.
The report displays the time for which the virtual machine is powered on and is available on an ESXi host.
Power state
The report displays whether the virtual machine is powered on or powered off.
Each virtual machine name in the report is a link to the Monitor tab of the selected virtual machine. You can sort the virtual machine report as per your requirement and export the report in a .CSV file, and save the report on your local system. The timestamp of the report is also appended to the saved report.
For virtual machines that are backed by FlexGroup volumes, when new virtual machine is powered on, files are registered for monitoring on ONTAP. The historical metrics for Latency, Throughput and IOPS are obtained when VM reports are accessed from ONTAP.
vVols reports
vVols reports display detailed information about VMware Virtual Volumes (vVols) datastores and the virtual machines that are created on these datastores. The vVols dashboard enables you to review and identify potential issues with the vVols datastores and virtual machines in your vCenter Server.
You can view, organize, and export reports. The data for the vVols datastores and virtual machines report is provided by ONTAP.
vVols provides the following pre-canned reports:
vVols Datastore Report
vVols VM Report
vVols Datastore Report
The vVols Datastore Report menu provides information about the following parameters for datastores:
vVols datastore name
Free space
Used space
Total space
Percentage of space utilized
Percentage of space available
Latency Performance metrics are available for NFS based vVols datastores on ONTAP 9.8 and later. You can also verify the time at which the report was generated. The vVols Datastore Report menu enables you to organize the report as per your requirement, and then export the organized report by using the Export to CSV button. Each SAN vVols datastore name in the report is a link that navigates to the Monitor tab of the selected SAN vVols datastore, which you can use to view the performance metrics.
vVols Virtual Machine Report
The vVols Virtual Machine Summary Report menu provides the performance metrics for all of the virtual machines that use the SAN vVols datastores that are provisioned by VASA Provider for ONTAP for a selected vCenter Server. The virtual machine metrics displayed in VM reports is historical data that is collected every 10 minutes for virtual machines on vVols datastores. "Last refresh time" and "Next refresh time" are added to the table to provide information on when data was collected and when will be the next data collection.
Name of the virtual machine
Committed capacity
The report displays whether the virtual machine is powered on or powered off.
Logical space
Power state
The report displays the latency for virtual machines across all of the vVols datastores that are associated with the virtual machines.
Each virtual machine name in the report is a link to the Monitor tab of the selected virtual machine. You can organize the virtual machine report according to your requirement, export the report in .CSV
format, and then save the report on your local system. The timestamp of the report is appended to the saved report.
Log Integrity Report
The Log Integrity Report shows the file integrity status. Log integrity is checked at scheduled intervals and the report is displayed in the Log Integrity Report tab. It also provides the status of the different audit files that are being rolled over.
The available log file status are:
ACTIVE: Indicates the current active file to which the logs are written.
NORMAL: Indicates that the archive file was not tampered or deleted.
TAMPERED: Indicates that the file was modified after archival
ROLLOVER_DELETE: Indicates that the file was deleted as part of log4j retention policy.
UNEXPECTED_DELETE: Indicates that the file was deleted manually.
The ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere generates Audit logging for following:
VSC service
Audit log location for vscservice: /opt/netapp/vscservice/vsc-audit.log. You can change the following parameters of the log integrity report in /opt/netapp/vscserver/etc/log4j2.properties file:
Max log size for roll over.
Retention policy, the default value of this parameter is 10 files.
File size, the default value of this parameter is 10MB before the files are archived. You need to restart the services for the new values to come into effect.
VP service
Audit log location for VP service: /opt/netapp/vpservice/vp-audit.log The VP audit logs can be modified in the file /opt/netapp/vpserver/conf/log4j2.properties. You need to restart the services for the new values to come into effect.
Maint commands
Audit log location for maintenance services: /opt/netapp/vscservice/maint-audit.log Maint log files can be modified in the /opt/netapp/vscserver/etc/maint_logger.properties file. When you change the default values, restart the server for the new values to come into effect.
The scheduler can be set up to check the audit logs on regular bases. The default value for the scheduler is one day. You can alter the value in /opt/netapp/vscserver/etc/maint_logger.properties file.