ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 9.12

Enable VASA Provider for configuring virtual datastores

The ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere has the VASA Provider capability enabled by default. You can configure VMware Virtual Volumes (vVols) datastores with required storage capability profiles for each vVols datastore.

What you will need

  • You must have set up your vCenter Server instance and configured ESXi.

  • You must have deployed ONTAP tools .

About this task

If the VASA Provider capability is disabled before upgrading to the 9.7.1 release of ONTAP tools , the VASA Provider capability remains disabled after the upgrade. This release allows you to enable vVols replication feature for vVols datastores.


  1. Log in to the web user interface of VMware vSphere.

  2. From the vSphere Client, click Menu > ONTAP tools Console.

  3. Click Settings.

  4. Click Manage Capabilities in the Administrative Settings tab.

  5. In the Manage Capabilities dialog box, select the VASA Provider extension to enable.

  6. If you want to use replication capability for vVols datastores, then use the Enable vVols replication toggle button.

  7. Enter the IP address of ONTAP tools and the administrator password, and then click Apply.

    If VASA Provider status displays as “Offline” even after enabling the VASA Provider extension, then check the `/var/log/vmware/vmware-sps/sps.log file for any connection errors with VASA Provider or restart the “vmware-sps” service.

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